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Test-Taking Accommodations

Test-taking accommodations apply to all in-class assessments—including quizzes, tests, exams, and timed in-class writing assignments. If you have test-taking accommodations, you will need to talk with your professors about how to best implement them. Often, arrangements for extended time and/or a distraction-reduced environment are best handled between you and your professor. This is especially true for lab exams, short quizzes, and assessments rich in music or video, as well as times when professors are able to meet students’ testing accommodation needs. If a professor is unable to meet your accommodation needs, you can arrange to take your exams via proctoring at the ADS Proctoring Center.


You should ask your professor whether there will be class quizzes (planned or pop), what they’ll be like (5 short-answer questions? 6-8 true/false? etc.), and how much time students will have to complete the quizzes. Many students determine that they won’t need extended time for quizzes. Others work out with professors ways that they’ll use extended time for quizzes, including arriving early, finishing an incomplete quiz after class, or even taking the quiz in the ADS Proctoring Center. If your professor(s) need some clever suggestions for managing accommodations for quizzes in the classroom, they should contact the ADS Assistant Director and Proctoring Manager, at proctoring@dickinson.edu.

How to Request Proctoring

For each exam that you will be taking in the ADS Proctoring Center, you will need to submit a proctoring request from your Access Plan in CLIQ, following these guidelines. You must submit your proctoring requests one week in advance of the test date.

Proctoring Center Policies

  1. All test proctoring requests must be submitted one full week in advance of the test date.
  2. Your Access Plan for classes requiring test proctoring must be disclosed to and acknowledged by your professor one full week in advance of the test date.
  3. Your exam begins at the start time of your proctoring appointment. Late arriving students will NOT be given additional time to account for their tardiness.
  4. Students should be prepared to demonstrate empty pockets, hats, etc. before the start of test-taking and before/after a restroom break.
  5. Students should be prepared to be accompanied by ADS staff to the restroom.
  6. Video surveillance cameras are in use in all testing rooms. 
  7. Cell phones must be silenced and given to ADS staff before a test begins.
  8. Smart watches are not permitted in testing rooms.  
  9. Students who attempt to access a cell phone, smart watch, or any other suspect materials during testing will be reported to the office of Student Conduct. ADS staff have no discretion in this regard.