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Access Plan Guidance Page

Faculty Guidance

Students with academic accommodations disclose their eligibility to faculty through their CLIQ Access Plan via Dickinson's Gateway. For each of their classes, students eligible for an intending to use accommodations will indicate their intended use on an Access Plan card, submit it directly to the faculty's home page in CLIQ, and then request a meeting to finalize their Access Plan for the class.

NOTE: Before being able to see the first student's disclosed Access Plan each semester, you will need to confirm your understanding of the accommodations process from your home page in CLIQ. You can access your home page by clicking the "house" icon on the CLIQ toolbar, or by going to your landing page (), and selecting "Academic" then "Student Listings (NEW)."

Here is the Access Plans 101: Summary of Responsibilities for Facilitating Academic Accommodations.

After completing this step, watch this video to learn how to access each student's accommodations and how to, at the conclusion of your meeting, acknowledge the student's Access Plan. 

          Note: For students with a note-taking accommodation who request supplemental notes, they will NOT have access to the notes unless you acknowledge this accommodation. 

To remind you of the major steps in the process, here is a written summary of instructions.

If you have any questions or feedback please let us know! We're eager to know what faculty think of our Access Plan process.