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Disability Syllabus Statements


Note: the information below is also available in this "Syllabus Statements from the OWLL" document.

It is important that faculty include in each syllabus the below statement articulating your facilitation of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and the protocols required for receiving them.

Reading the statement aloud is the ideal way for professors to make clear our collective commitment to equity and inclusivity, as well as to promote the timely disclosures of any accommodation needs.  Students have reported less trepidation about disclosing their disabilities to faculty who invite them to do so.

Accommodating Students with Disabilities (AY 2024-25)

Dickinson values diverse types of learners and is committed to ensuring that each student is afforded equitable access to participate in all learning experiences. If you have (or think you may have) a learning difference or a disability – including a mental health, medical, or physical condition – that would hinder your access to learning or demonstrating knowledge in this class, please contact Access and Disability Services (ADS). They will confidentially explain the accommodation request process and the type of documentation needed to determine your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. To learn more about available supports, go to www.dickinson.edu/ADS, email access@dickinson.edu, call (717)245-1734, or go to the ADS office in Room 005 of Old West, Lower Level (aka "the OWLL"). 

If you’ve already been granted accommodations at Dickinson, please follow the guidance at www.dickinson.edu/AccessPlan for disclosing the accommodations for which you are eligible and scheduling a meeting with me as soon as possible so that we can discuss your accommodations and finalize your Access Plan. If you will be using any test-taking accommodations in this class, be sure to enter all test dates into your Access Plan in advance of our meeting. ADS will be happy to provide any assistance you may need.

The following are useful statements to add to your syllabi that will be helpful if you have any students with an accommodation to record class, or if you restrict laptop use, as you may have one or more students with an accommodation to type their notes (and this would prevent "outing" them as having a disability).

  • This class may be recorded for accommodation purposes
  • Laptop use is by permission only

The following statments are necessary to include if your classroom or office is not located on the ground floor...


Please include in your syllabus and via email when first reaching out to students, a statement comparable to this:

Physical Access to Our Classroom
This class meets on the         floor of ______, which has an elevator, located _________ (e.g., “to the right of the main entrance”). If you require the use of an elevator to access the ___ floor, please let me know, and be sure that ADS (access@dickinson.edu) knows as well. If there is ever a malfunction with the elevator, we will be notified by email, and I will consult with ADS to identify our options for that day.

Physical Access to My Office
My office is located] on the        floor of ______, which has an elevator, located ________ (e.g., “to the right of the main entrance”). If you require the use of an elevator to access the ___ floor, please let me know, and be sure that ADS (access@dickinson.edu) knows as well.  If there is ever a malfunction with the elevator, I will gladly arrange to meet you at an alternative location, either in the building, nearby, or by video conference.


Please include in your syllabus and via email when first reaching out to students a statement comparable to this:

Physical Access to Our Classroom
This class meets on the ___ floor of ______, which does not have an elevator, and is only accessible by going [up/down] ___ steps. If you currently are, become, or anticipate being challenged by the use of stairs, please inform me and Access and Disability Services (ADS: access@dickinson.edu) right away, so that we can strategize accordingly.

Physical Access to My Office
My office is located on the ___ floor of  ______, which does not have an elevator, and is only accessible by going [up/down] ___steps. If coming to my office to meet would be problematic for you, please let me know and I will gladly arrange to meet you at an alternative location, either in the building, nearby, or by video conference.

If any students contact you with questions related to building accessibility, please share with them the link to this webpage:

Please email ADS Associate Director John Joyce at if you have any questions regarding the information provided here.

Thank you for facilitating equitable access for all Dickinson students!