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Traditional Residence Halls

the exterior of morgan hall


You're able to find floor plans to most spaces in our traditional residence halls by looking here. To access these floor plans, you must use your Dickinson ID and password to sign in.  

By clicking on the residence hall names on the left hand side, you will be able to find more detailed information about each building, including photos, videos and 360-degree room tours.


Below is information about bathroom designations for community bathrooms. Students may select to live on any floor, regardless of the bathroom designation. 

Adams – Ground Floor (Two community baths:  one female, one male), First Floor (Two community baths:  one female, one male), Second Floor (Two community baths:  one female, one male), Third Floor (Two community baths:  one female, one male), Fourth Floor (Two single-user baths: two gender inclusive)

Armstrong– All Floors (Single User/Gender Inclusive),

Atwater– All Floors (Single User/Gender Inclusive),

Baird-McClintock– Second Floor (Two community baths: one male, one female), Third Floor (Two community baths: one male, one female),

Buchanan - Ground Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one female), First Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one male), Second Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one female)

Conway - Ground Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one female), First Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one female), Second Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one male)

Davidson-Wilson – First Floor (Four commmunity baths: two gender inclusive, one male, and one female), Second Floor (Four commmunity baths: two gender inclusive, one male, and one female), 

Drayer – All floors (Single User/Gender Inclusive),

High Street – All floors (Single User/Gender Inclusive),

Kisner-Woodward – In each tower, First Floor (One Community bath: male), Second Floor (One Community bath: gender inclusive), Third Floor A Tower (One Community bath:  Gender Inclusive), Third Floor B Tower (One Community bath: female),  

Longsdorff – Second Floor (One Community bath: female), Third Floor (One Community bath: male) 

Malcolm – Ground Floor (One Community bath: gender inclusive), First Floor (all baths gender inclusive), Second Floor (One Community bath: male), Third Floor (One Community bath: female)

Spradley-Young – First Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one female), Second Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one male)

Witwer  - First Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one female), Second Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one male), Third Floor (Two community baths: one gender inclusive, one female)