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Houses and Apartments

Exterior of the townhouses

The Houses & Apartments area offers a variety of unique facilities for Dickinson students, typically in their senior year.  This ranges from row apartments and houses for three to eight students to larger apartment buildings with two, three, four, and five person apartments.

Floor Plans & Photos

We are floor plans so all students can access them to understand the spaces in this area better. The general floor plans for Goodyear, Factory, Denny, Townhouses, and other upper-class spaces can be found here

Students interested in living in houses or apartments can find the occupancy and room types with specific housing assignments here.

Also, we have been working to collect photos so students can see some of these unique spaces and how they are set up.  We are working to gather more photos, but you can find the ones we have

House & Apartment Addresses

Below is a list of houses & apartments students typically know by name rather than the address: 

  • “Denny Apartments” – 155, 159, 163, 165, and 169 West High Street.
  • “Factory Apartments” – 230 and 236 West North Street.
  • “Townhouses” – 373, 377, 379, 381, and 383 West Louther Street.
  • “Reed Street Houses” – 502, 504, 506, 508, 510, and 512 Reed Street.
  • “Cherry Street Houses” – 128, 130, 136, and 140 Cherry Street.
  • “White Elephant Apartments” – 141 West High Street.

Laundry Locations for Small Houses & Apartments

Location Closest Laundry Facility
100 South West Street In the building
133, 135, 139 North College Street HUB
141 West High Street (White Elephant) Denny Apt./171 West High Street
146, 150, 152, 233 West Louther Street Denny Apt./171 West High Street
154-156 West Louther Street In the building
155, 159, 163, 165, 169, 171 West High Street (Denny) Denny Apt./171 West High Street
170 West Louther Street (Pi Beta Phi) In the building
2 Conway Street High St. Residences
230 & 236 West North Street (Factory) In the building/230 W. North Street Side
25-27 West High Street In the building
34 South West Street (Kappa Alpha Theta) Reed
362 West North Street HUB
417 & 425 West Louther Street Cherry Street
49 & 51 South College Street (Music Society House) Todd
500 Block of West Louther Street Goodyear
532 West Louther Street (Treehouse) In the building
Cherry Street Houses Cherry Street
Goodyear Goodyear
Matthews (Outdoor Education House) In the building
Reed (Romance Language House) In the building
Reed Street Houses Cherry Street
Strayer (Human Cultures House) In the building
Stuart (Social Justice House) In the building
Todd  Todd
Townhouses HUB
Vincett (Kappa Kappa Gamma) HUB

Trash Locations for Small Houses & Apartments

Location Closest Trash Recepticles:
Reed Street, Cherry Street, 505, 507, 509, 515, 519, 521, 527, 529, 531 West Louther Street Dumpster located behind Reed Street houses in the parking lot
Townhouses  Dumpster located behind townhouses in the parking lot
25/27 West High Street Toters located behind properties.
141 West High Street (White Elephant) Dumpster located behind 165 West High Street
155, 159, 163, 165, 169, 171 West High Street (Denny) Dumpster located behind properties in the parking lot
146, 150, 152, 154-156 West Louther Street

Large blue dumpster behind building is for trash

Dumpster with yellow lid on other side if alley is for recycling

233 West Louther Street Trash and recycling  toter on the side of building
Goodyear Dumpser located behind the property in the parking lot
All other houses & apartments   Large “toter” containers located to the rear of their houses