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Living on Campus

Bookstore Information for New Students

Bookstore students on porch 700x467

The offers a variety of merchandise and services and is located on the lower level of the Holland Union Building. Its hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday, noon to 3 p.m. If you have questions, Contact 717-245-1330 or bookstor@dickinson.edu.

Bookstore Student Charging

All registered Dickinson students are provided with a . The charge option works like a credit card using your student ID. Your account is opened with a zero balance, and each purchase adds to the total. At the end of the billing cycle, charges are forwarded to the Office of Student Accounts and combined with the student's monthly statement.

The charge option is safe and convenient—there's no need to carry cash. Charging lets you purchase as little or as much as you'd like. With the charge option, students have a $1,000 limit per month. Accounts are considered current when paid within 30 days of receiving your bill. All accounts past due for more than 30 days will be charged 1.5%, and charging privileges will be turned off.

A benefit of charging is that all purchases are recorded on your account, and if you want to return an item and have lost your receipt, we can look up your account to verify the purchase.

Textbook Ordering Information

You can and select whether you want to receive them at home or pick them up when you arrive. 

Microfridge Rental Information

The original three-in-one refrigerator/freezer/microwave appliance designed for today’s self-reliant and budget-conscious student is the next best thing to living at home! .

Computers and Software

Students, faculty, and staff can at special educational pricing through Apple and Dell.