Policies and Procedures
Scope of Services
For comprehensive information on the services offered at the Wellness Center visit: Scope of Services
The staff of the Wellness Center are bound by legal and ethical guidelines regarding client confidentiality. For a full review of our privacy statement, please click here.
Individuals and offices outside the Wellness Center are not informed that a particular student has sought services unless (1) the student provides written consent to release such information; or (2) the student is judged to be an imminent danger to self or others, in which case steps are taken to insure the safety of both the student and others.
This confidentiality applies to students who have established a treatment relationship with the Wellness Center and to the information learned during that treatment. Confidentiality of third party information about a student cannot be guaranteed.
Appointment Attendance
The Wellness Center seeks to provide services to all Dickinson students and as such it is important that students keep all appointments scheduled at the Wellness Center or notify the office in a timely manner if they are unable to keep an appointment. Please see our no show policy here.
Failure to cancel appointments or other patterns of poor attendance may jeopardize a student’s access to Wellness Center services. Students will receive a warning prior to being denied access to services and referrals to community resources.
Leaves of Absence
Students may struggle with physical or mental health concerns that impair their functioning to the point that they need a higher level of care than the Wellness Center can offer and/or they can no longer manage both treatment and academic/social responsibilities on campus. In these cases, the college provides options for students to leave the college while protecting their student status.
Please refer to the academic bulletin section entitled "changes in student status" for more information about this policy. Students needing assistance deciding whether a leave of absence makes sense, or assessing alternative options, may wish to speak to either the Associate Dean of Students, who manages the leave process, and/or consult with the Wellness Center.
Patient Rights and Responsibility and Grievance Procedure
All services provided at the Wellness Center are on a voluntary basis. As a patient in the Wellness Center, you have the following rights and responsibilities: /download/downloads/id/14429/patient_rights_and_responsibilities.pdf
Students who do not feel that they received adequate care or service are encouraged to review the Wellness Center Grievance Procedure:/download/downloads/id/14430/complaint_and_grievance_form.pdf
Other Academic Policies
Class Absences
Please see our class absence policy here.
Students struggling to complete their work by the end of the semester due to illness or other serious emergency may request an incomplete in a course to allow an extension of time until Roll Call of the next semester to complete the work. Students must have the permission of the professor in the course and supporting documentation from a health care provider.
Additional information about incompletes can be found on the Registrar's webpage. For more information please contact the Office of the Registrar who administers the process for incompletes or the Academic Standards Committee who makes final determinations about getting them (asc@dickinson.edu). Students may also wish to be in contact with their treatment provider, professor, and class dean for additional support coordination.
Health Related Withdrawals
Students may wish to withdraw from a course due to physical or mental health problems experienced during the course of the semester that are interfering with their capacity to take a full course load and/or their capacity to take a particular course. If approved, this withdrawal does not count toward a student’s two withdrawals allowed by the college. For more information about this option and the procedure by which to petition the Academic Standards Committee, please refer to the petition guidelines.
Disability Services and Accommodations
Students with documented health or mental health concerns that impair daily life functioning may qualify for accommodations with the college. Students can apply for academic, housing, and/or dietary accommodations by submitting documentation to Access and Disability Services (ADS). For policies and procedures on how to apply, as well as copies of necessary forms for students and treatment providers, please visit the Access and Disability Services website or email access@dickinson.edu.