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Crime Information

Get Help: Report a Crime or Emergency

Emergency Hotline:

717-245-1111 (Ext. 1111 on campus)
Non-Emergency Number: 717-245-1349 (Ext. 1349 on campus)
For a SafeWalk escort, dial Ext. 1111

When to report a crime:

If you observe a crime or a suspicious incident, call immediately. Don’t assume someone else has made the call. Try to provide the dispatcher with accurate, detailed information about the problem. When reporting an emergency, try to remain calm as you explain your needs, and always STAY ON THE LINE until the dispatcher says it is OK to hang up.

Anonymous Tips:

If you would like to report a crime, but remain anonymous, you can use the Anonymous Tip Form to provide information anonymously. Do not send emergency or crisis information, or situations needing an immediate response to Public Safety through this form. While all information sent through the Anonymous Tips site is followed up on, messages sent through this site are not monitored 24 hours a day. You may use the form to report information regarding possible crimes, planned crimes, law/policy violations and/or crime information.

Procedure for Reporting a Crime

  1. Call the Department of Public Safety at ext. 1111 and report any and all details of the incident.
  2. Describe the suspect’s appearance, clothing, height, weight, coloring, scars or other noticeable features.
  3. Describe the location of the incident.
  4. Describe the suspect’s vehicle, license plate number and direction of travel.

Your Report Can Help! Crimes often occur in clusters. If you report a crime or a suspicious situation, you might prevent the next one from taking place. An activity which you feel is unusual may be a sign of a criminal act. It is crucial that you contact the Department of Public Safety immediately whenever you see or hear something suspicious. DPS will respond to all reports of suspicious activity, whether or not you choose to identify yourself. Your call could prevent a crime against a friend, a neighbor or yourself.

Potential Signs of Crime:

  • A scream or call for help
  • A strange car repeatedly driving by
  • A broken window
  • A stranger noticed entering your neighbor’s room or home or entering an office or lab with no apparent business to transact
  • A stranger loitering in a parking area or near your home, residence hall or work area
  • A stranger in possession of two bicycles - Someone trying to jimmy a car window

Public Safety officers respond to ALL reports of crimes and emergencies, and may complete an Incident Report for crimes occurring on or adjacent to college property. Crime reports can be made at any time.