Denise Mousouris

Denise Mousouris from Virginia Beach, Va.
Enthralled by a passion for foreign affairs, I knew that whichever institution I chose to spend the next four years had to be one which whole-heartedly embraced the notion of a global education. During my college search I had apprehension about where I would find my perfect match. Upon visiting Dickinson, I was immediately welcomed by a beautiful campus saturated by an engaged and involved student body. In pursuit for my ideal college with a diverse yet tight knit community, I stumbled on another aspect I wished to surround myself with: a sense of history. Deeply rooted in a sense of purpose and belonging, Dickinson has a great deal of tradition and unique culture.
Connecting to Character and Philosophy
After sitting in on classes, going to an athletic event and hearing about the arts on campus, I started to gather a better understanding of Dickinson’s character. Each person I met was enthused and dedicated to the school. Each teacher genuinely cares about the well-being of the students in and outside the classroom. I came to realize that the resources, opportunities and support you gain once becoming a Dickinsonian is invaluable. Connecting with a school’s philosophy and character was very important to me during my application process. After visiting for the second time for an interview, my decision became clear. I instantly knew that Dickinson was the only community I wished to become a member of.