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2023 Report on Philanthropy

Student Quotes

Lucie Diatta“Without scholarship support, I would not be at Dickinson, preparing for a career in medicine. With your support, I strive toward academic excellence.”

LUCIE DIATTA '25, a women’s lacrosse player and biology major, who will be preparing for her future medical career by conducting cancer research next summer.

Billy Wilkerson“Dickinson has opened many opportunities for me, perhaps the most important of which is the chance to study data analytics and biochemistry.”

BILLY WILKERSON '24, who has earned the Goldwater Scholarship, one of the most prestigious awards for undergraduate students in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering.

Nora Stocovaz“Dickinson really encourages students to develop relationships with professors. Our professors make time for students.”

NORA STOCOVAZ '25, who has worked with Assistant Professor of Anthropology Amalia Pesantes Villa on a student-faculty research project on water and the wellbeing of Indigenous groups in the Amazon and Alaska.

Harry Do“At other schools, it could be hard to find 30 minutes within yourprofessor’s schedule, but at Dickinson, professors are happy to talk if you reach out to them.”

HARRY HUY DO '24 who worked with Dickinson’s Center for Civic Learning & Action to research and co-author the Dickinson Community Impact Assessment, which examined college-community collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Omar Ali“Your generosity has made a profound impact on my education and plans for the future, and I expect that I will see that its impact continues throughout my life.”

OMAR ALI '24 (neuroscience), who interned at the University Of Maryland-Baltimore Dental School, an opportunity he found by connecting with a Dickinson alum through the college’s Handshake system.

Juliana Gianni“Having the chance to speak with people who hold positions that i would someday like to work in is an amazing opportunity. their advice will be essential to my success.”

JULIANA GIANNI '24 (environmental science), who interned in NRG's sustainability and advisory-services department, helping to convert the company’s vehicle fleet to 100% electric vehicles.

“There is something to be said about putting a face to the art you’re experiencing and to the empathy that comes with it. Artists inspire each other, and as the next generation of artists, it’s important to start building those connections.”

THEA DUANE '26 on the residency of internationally acclaimed, Grammy Award-winning ensemble Third Coast Percussion, which included providing live music for a dance class and sitting in on rehearsals College Choir and College Orchestra rehearsals.

“African American Foodways with endowed faculty chair Lynn Johnson led me to think more in depth about culture and served as a reminder of our cyclical history. the texts and her lectures were incredibly engaging and prompted me to become more interested in how pop culture is shaped by history.”


Heidi Beardsley“Through your generosity, I’m earning a world-class education. I’ve met incredibly knowledgeable professors and gained many important skills.”

HEIDI BEARDSLEY '25 (data-analytics)


Kishan Mangru“In class, in the lab and through leadership-building activities, I’m already benefitting greatly from my Dickinson experience.”

KISHAN MANGRU '25 (biology)


Tony Trandafir“I improved my Italian language skills and took classes at the University of Bologna and Johns Hopkins SAIS. All my experiences in Bologna expanded my worldview in ways I did not think were possible. From Bologna, I explored my ethnic background and cultural heritage by visiting my family in Romania.”

TONY TRANDAFIR '24 (law & policy, political science, Italian studies)

Alexis Boseman“This scholarship is a godsend for my family and me, giving me the opportunity to continue to explore my passions while earning a world-class education.”

ALEXIS BOSEMAN '24 (educational-studies)