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Student Conduct FAQs

Below are questions we regularly receive from students engaged in the conduct process.  If you have additional questions please contact our office and we’ll be happy to answer those.  We strongly encourage that you also read the Community Standards thoroughly if you are participating in the conduct process or have questions. 

What is my outcome going to be?
Each case is handled based on the circumstances of the incident so every outcome is case-specific.  There are many factors that impact the outcome.  For more information on outcomes please see sanctions and the Community Standards.

What’s the standard outcome for a first time alcohol violation?
The most common outcome for alcohol volations are available in the Community Standards.  However, the impact and severity of a first time alcohol violation would have an impact on the outcome. 

Will this be part of my permanent record?
Outcomes of informal resolutions, alone, do not appear on a student or organization’s conduct record; however, these outcomes can be taken into consideration if addition violations occur.

Once a student has been found responsible for violating the Community Standards by formal resolution proceedings, all records of matters addressed by informal resolution shall be transferred to and become a part of a student’s conduct record.

Affirmative findings of responsibility in matters resolved by formal resolution proceedings are part of a student’s conduct record.
Disciplinary sanctions are not noted on a student’s transcript. The conduct files of students who withdrew with pending disciplinary action or have been suspended or expelled from the College are maintained in the Vice President and Dean of Student Life Office indefinitely.  Conduct files of students who have not been suspended or expelled are destroyed seven years following their graduation.  Students who withdraw prior to graduation and who have not been suspended or expelled are destroyed seven years following their departure.

Records of disciplinary action involving organizations (other than stayed suspension, suspension or expulsion) are maintained in the Vice President and Dean of Student Life Office indefinitely.

Further questions should be directed to the Director of Student Conduct.

How do I change this decision?
If your incident was handled via formal resolution you have the right to appeal your outcome.  If it was handled via informal resolution, and you are not comfortable with the outcome, you can request that your incident be reviewed via the formal resolution process.

What are the chances my appeal will go through?
There is no clear answer to this.  All appeals are reviewed thoroughly, and if they meet the standards for appeal, are heard by an appellate officer or panel. 

Can an attorney represent me at my campus hearing?
The college does not allow you to be represented by an attorney at hearings for violations of Community Standards, as educational institutions do not adhere to courtroom principles in adjudicating misconduct. You are encouraged to have a member of the Dickinson Community serve as your advisor through the process. 

Why am I being asked to attend a hearing? I wasn’t even there when it happened?
Occasionally incidents are documented without your knowledge or the report indicates your involvement.  If this has occurred, students are encouraged to contact the Student Conduct staff in the Vice President and Dean of Student Life Office to discuss the incident further.  Not being present at an incident does not fully exempt an individual from responsibility in all situations, as all residents of a room, suite or apartment, are responsible to make sure policies are not violated in their assigned space.

I’ve been accused of violating “complicity”.  What does that mean?
The Community Standards defines complicity as "assisting or facilitating the commission of a violation of the Community Standards." Students who anticipate or observe a violation of college policy are expected to remove themselves from the situation and/or notify the Department of Public Safety.

What else can happen to me based on my conduct?
Students should also understand that, in addition to the sanctions that may be imposed for violations of the Community Standards, there may be other consequences that arise from their behavior.  For example, a student’s immigration status may be adversely affected, his or her financial aid may be impacted, he or she may not be eligible for other campus opportunities, including but not limited to, membership or participation in certain organizations, certain honors, awards and scholarships, leadership positions, club sports or varsity athletics.