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Carson Research Award

Carson Research Award in History

Carson Research Award Competition Announcement - Application Deadline Extended to Monday, Oct. 28, 2024

Research Award

The Department of History invites junior and senior history majors to offer proposals for the AY 2024-25 James W Carson Student Research Award. This award offers up to $500* to support original research in history and can be used for travel, access to archives, books, copying, software, and equipment needed to complete a research project. Students may use this award to support independent studies or honors theses (including research to be done over winter break or over the summer, if related to an independent study or honors thesis).

*Note:  the monetary award (up to $500 total) will be disbursed for documented expenses related to one research project, either by (a) direct payment of expenses up front (e.g., the history department purchases books, train tickets, etc. on behalf of the award recipient); (b) reimbursement to the recipient after the expense is incurred (e.g. a check issued to cover car mileage used for travel related to the research project); or (c) a combination of a and b. 

Eligibility To receive the Award you must be

  • A junior or senior history major
  • Have a GPA of at least 3.4
  • Have identified and contacted a history faculty advisor for the project

Proposals should consist of three paragraphs answering the questions below—emailed to Professor Karl Qualls at quallsk@dickinson.edu

  1. What is your question and why are you interested?
  2. What preparation have you already done for this project?
  3. What would you use the money for?  Here a short, estimated budget would be appropriate.


  • Achievement in the major as a whole
  • Strength of question
  • Level of initial preparation
  • Feasibility of the plan

Deadline to apply for AY 2024-25 award has been extended!  The new deadline is Monday, October 28, 2024