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Students as Scholars

Students as Scholars

At Dickinson, students have the opportunity to work with their professors on research, to conduct research on their own and to engage in senior projects and other independent opportunities to conduct research. The Students as Scholars pages collect and communicate these scholarly endeavors, whether in the form of presentations, artistic performances or publications.   

Research is a vital component of Dickinson's curriculum. We offer students opportunities for research and artistic performance in virtually all fields.  

Student/Faculty Research, Student Presentations, and Student Publications can be submitted

"It was an opportunity for me to work with and learn from highly skilled psychology researchers, [and] after interning for 10 weeks, I learned to recognize that conducting research requires passion, creativity, adaptability, patience and motivation. It has made me appreciate all of the knowledge that we have of the world around us—the knowledge, which is the result of painstaking years of study and research, that we take for granted most of the time.”

—Mihir Nath Pyakuryal ’19,
on his summer internship at the Social Minds Lab at the University of Michigan

This site contains links to several activities where students have the opportunity to showcase their research activity and its outcomes. The work presented represents activity from all academic departments. See public Research Presentations and Research Publications for details about conferences, symposia, journal articles and books where student research has appeared.

The Funded Research link shows details of individual student projects. Each entry describes the project, the outcomes, and a statement from the student about the research experience.

Students can get a list of their projects by going to CLIQ in the Gateway.  Under the CLIQ menu, go to Profiles and then My ePortfolio.    If you are an alum and would like a copy of your projects, please submit a research project request form.

Contact Info

Kris Betts




Mailing Address