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Alumni Networks

A student for four years—A Dickinsonian forever

Creating meaningful community is even more important after you walk down the old stone steps.

Engaged alumni contribute to the enduring Dickinson experience in vital ways—promoting lifelong friendships, fostering continued sense of belonging, sharing their expertise, paying it forward and building networks that open doors across the globe. Staying involved through a member-driven Dickinson alumni network is one easy way to strengthen your ties to the college, to the clubs or organizations in which you were involved, and to alumni who share your interests, profession or aspects of your identity.

The Office of Alumni Relations staff is happy to support the efforts of our alumni networks. We can help:

  • reach out, engage, and communicate with network members
  • plan on-campus events and milestone reunions
  • recognize and celebrate accomplishments
  •  and connect with on-campus partners, students, faculty and administrators.

To get involved or to inquire about starting a new network, contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at 717-245-1373 or alumni@dickinson.edu.

Currently Active Networks