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Waidner-Spahr Library

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Faculty Reserves Services

Reserve materials are those which supplement course curriculum. The library will place course materials on reserve for an entire semester. If you have a lengthy list of required readings, please consider a course-pack--consult the for assistance.

To request an item to be put on reserve, use the online . There is an estimated 3 day turn-around for currently owned material to be available on your course reserves list. Turn-around time may be longer if materials are checked out or on order. Requests for a film preference of streaming will require additional time and may ultimately not be available. Requests for streaming content will be subject to compliance with US copyright law.

To find films in our catalog or streaming films we have licensed, use the Film Search.

If we don't own the item you would like placed on reserve, please complete or .


Information on Reserves

Reserve items are kept behind the main circulation desk. The items are checked out for a shortened loan period to accommodate class assignments. The loan period is 4 hours for "in library use only".

"Overnight" loans may be requested to allow reserve materials to leave the library building two hours before closing and are due within the first hour the library reopens the next day. Course instructors can contact reserves@dickinson.edu.

For further information, e-mail reserves@dickinson.edu or call (717) 245-1397 and ask for the on-duty supervisor.