Noreen Lape, Ph.D. 
Associate Provost of Teaching & Learning
Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship
Professor of Educational Studies
Phone: (717) 245-1904
Office: Waidner-Boyd Lee Spahr Library
As the inaugural director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Scholarship, I am collaborating with colleagues to build a mentoring program, a faculty fellows program, and a pedagogical partners program that builds on the successful writing and QR associates programs. From 2009-2023 I served as Director of the Writing Program/Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center, which offers writing tutoring in eleven languages. As Director, I developed a Writing Associates (Fellows) Program, transformed a well-established English writing center into a Multilingual Writing Center, administered two tiers of the three-tiered writing requirement, coordinated a writing-focused faculty development program, and organized the writing assessment project. In 2014, and in collaboration with faculty from across the disciplines, I developed the Quantitative Reasoning Center. My teaching experience includes first-year writing, research writing, writing & wellness, and American literature courses as well as tutor training and composition theory at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. My most recent publications have focused on training tutors in emotional intelligence, developing a multilingual writing center, and adapting writing pedagogy to mathematics courses. In 2020, I published Internationalizing the Writing Center: Developing a Multilingual Writing Center (Parlor Press), which offers a rationale, administrative plan, and tutor training strategy for a multilingual writing center.