Hail to the Chief!

Dickinson Science Magazine party

Editor-in-Chief Gloria Hwang '16 (center) and Executive Layout Editor Michaela Shaw '16 share a laugh with Associate Professor of Biology David Kushner during the launch party for "Dickinson Science Magazine." Photo by Kathryn Davison '16.

New student science magazine makes triumphant launch

by MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson

Dickinson’s newest student publication launched with great fanfare last Friday as hundreds of campus-community members gathered in the Rector Science Complex Atrium to snap up the first copies of . And as Editor-in-Chief Gloria Hwang ’16 took the podium, the room erupted in applause.

A biochemistry & molecular biology major and former Dickinsonian editor, Hwang got the idea to create the full-color, glossy publication after taking a science-writing class with Assistant Professor of Biology Mary "Missy" Niblock, who now serves as faculty advisor for the magazine. Friends Michaela Shaw ’16 and Lydia Marks ’14 quickly came on board as executive layout editor and managing editor, and the publication was formally approved by Dickinson’s Media Advisory Board last fall.

Since then, the staff has grown to include 32 students and two faculty advisors—and counting, as campus buzz builds.

President Nancy Roseman, a biology professor, was an early fan. “I took one look at it and was absolutely stunned by the professionalism and inclusivity this magazine represents,” said Roseman, noting that the magazine includes news from all natural- and social-science disciplines, the College Farm, the Dr. Inge P. Stafford Greenhouse for Teaching and Research, and the Center for Sustainability Education, as well as science-related features by students representing a wide array of majors. “It’s just so much about this community, and it sets a very high bar.”

Speaking to the audience, Hwang thanked the faculty and staff members who offered inspiration, guidance and articles for the first issue, which centers on coverage of the Joseph Priestley Award. Other highlights include faculty- and student-research updates, coverage of science events, summaries of recent global advancements, an opinion piece on the U.S. government’s ban of bisphenol-A, columns on health and wellness, career advice for science majors, reviews of science-themed movies and an analysis of the use of chemistry as a plot device in the hit TV show Breaking Bad.

“This is the result of many late-night sessions,” said Hwang, whose family drove in from Maryland to attend the launch party. “And we are so grateful to everyone who has inspired and helped us along the way.”

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Published April 24, 2014