First Year Mentor video image
Video by Joe O'Neill
“What I’m doing matters,” says Brooke Serra ’15, reflecting on her time as a mentor in Dickinson’s First-Year Mentor program. “I have a purpose here.”
The First-Year Mentor program was recently put in place as part of the college's enhanced effort to provide layered support—through fellow students, staff and alumni—to first-year students, and Serra’s mentee in the program has been Estiven Rodriguez ’18.
“Brooke is always there when I need her,” says Rodriguez, who notes that a true friendship has developed between the two. “She always wants me to become a better person, to be a better student.”
Bringing everything full circle, Serra will head off to New York in July to help a new wave of students when she begins her teaching assistant position at Blue Engine, the organization that helped Rodriguez find his way to Dickinson.
Published February 4, 2015