Photo by Carl Socolow '77.
By MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson
You may have noticed three new sculptures dotting the Weiss Center for the Arts this semester—two outdoors, one inside. They were created by students in an Advanced Sculpture class and were installed between the winter and spring breaks.
Wes Gottesman ’16 (economics), Lucas Kang ’16 (art & art history) and Chrysanthe Maggidis ’16 (art & art history, archaeology) had each learned the basics before enrolling in Associate Professor of Studio Art Anthony Cervino’s advanced course last fall. They spent the semester honing all the skills they'd need to see a large-scale project through, from conception to completion—from drafting, including proposing and pitching a design, drawing up a creative schedule, gathering materials, welding, casting and mold-making, and installing the completed work. Kang, whose installation incorporates many Dickinson umbrellas, had the additional administrative tasks of securing and storing his bulky materials and coordinating their installation with facilities staff.
The sculptures will remain on display through most of April and will be taken down in advance of the senior studio-art majors’ exhibition (April 29 through May 3). There also are cardboard structures on view in the Kline Athletic Center, created by students in Cervino’s current Fundamentals of Sculpture class.
Published March 29, 2016