As a varsity runner and student researcher, Eryn Nelson ’19 is hitting stride. Below, she discusses why she loves the Division III athletics experience, her research on glucosiolates (natural compounds found in some vegetables), her upcoming internship and her dream to pursue a career in pharmacology.
York, Pennsylvania.
Clubs and organizations:
Varsity and Alpha Lambda Delta honor society.
Dean’s List, Outstanding Achievement in Organic Chemistry Award, Horace E. Rogers Scholarship, ACS Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry and CRC Freshman Chemistry Award.
Why/how I decided on my major:
After taking several chemistry classes that were offered at my high school, I came to Dickinson planning to major in chemistry. My classes and overall experience at Dickinson solidified my decision and have helped further my interest in the field.
Post-Dickinson plans:
I hope to attend graduate school and pursue a career in the pharmaceutical industry.
Why I decided to attend Dickinson:
I decided to attend Dickinson because I wanted the Division III experience. At Dickinson, I can focus on my studies while also participating in the sport I love, and most of the professors and coaches understand and recognize the commitments required for both schoolwork and sports.
Favorite place on campus:
Rector Science Complex.
Favorite Dining Hall food:
Boneless wing toss.
Favorite professor:
Professor [of Chemistry Amy] Witter. Since my first year, she has introduced me to so many opportunities that have allowed me to further my experience in the field of chemistry. I enjoy doing research with her, and she has played a large role in getting me to where I am today!
Biggest influence:
My parents are so supportive, and they both teach me to remain ambitious and never give up on reaching my goals.
About my internship:
This summer I will be interning at Merck in their Analytical R&D Department. I will be working on the development of a method to quantify residual-level proteins in batches of drug substance made via a biocatalytic process. I applied to this internship because I am interested in a career in the pharmaceutical industry, and I hope to learn more about the drug development process and connect with people in the field.
About my research:
I am currently participating in student-faculty collaborative research to test a new method for the desulfonation and quantitative analysis of glucosinolates, which are natural compounds found in cruciferous vegetables. Glucosinolates are of interest as potential anti-cancer agents and are responsible for the pungent taste in vegetables such as broccoli, kale and cabbage. I began working with glucosinolates during my sophomore year, after being invited by my professor to work in her lab. Throughout my experience, I have learned to independently conduct and carry out research projects. I have gained experience with many different instruments and methods, and I have learned to problem-solve and utilize published works to guide my research.
Read more Student Snapshots.
Published May 23, 2018