Photo by Carl Socolow '77
by Tony Moore
The sixth annual Reception for Applicants of Prestigious Scholarships recently honored students and alumni who have completed and submitted applications for prestigious scholarships, fellowships and grants, among them five Fulbright Fellows.
"Several of the factors that distinguish a Dickinson education contribute to our graduates' success with Fulbright: the ability to speak a foreign language, experience conducting original research and opportunities to learn pedagogy," says Jeremy Ball, associate professor of history, who serves as the lead advisor for Fulbright Fellowships.
To become a Fulbright, Rotary, Soros or other scholar, Ball says students should begin preparing as soon as they hear about these opportunities during their first year at Dickinson. And beyond mastering a second language, Ball cites a few other key factors for success: "Become a specialist in a particular subject or region of the world and seek opportunities that develop your skills."
Following an annual tradition, attendees received a specially chosen book at the reception. This year it was Kathryn Shultz's Being Wrong, which addresses how mistakes help form who people become.
Dean of Advising Shirley King, who coordinates the fellowship program at Dickinson, helps choose the book each year. "Finding one book to interest all of the honorees each year can be a challenge," she says. "Being Wrong represents the kind of inquiry students with a liberal-arts education would find interesting and useful, so it seemed an appropriate choice this year."
Each awarded a major fellowship this year, the current and former students listed below now take their places on the long and growing list of Dickinsonians who have been so honored.
Published May 2, 2013