Steeped in Internationalism

Angeline Apostolou ’15 climbs into a military submarine at a Greek naval base as part of a summer study-abroad excursion.

Angeline Apostolou ’15 climbs into a military submarine at a Greek naval base as part of a summer study-abroad excursion.

by MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson

John Dickinson scholar Angeline Apostolou ’15 loves Greek dance and culture and has long been fascinated by the issues surrounding the Turkish occupation of Cyprus and subsequent Cyprian reunification efforts. She’s also a self-professed “American-history nerd” with a soft spot for stories about America’s founding and struggle for independence. This interest in national and international tensions and affairs led her to pursue a degree in international studies and a certificate in security studies. And while she hasn’t yet decided on her final career destination, she does know that she will spend some time exploring the globe.


International studies, with a certificate in security studies and a French minor.

Clubs and organizations:

Liberty Cap Society (volunteer tour guide), Alpha Phi Omega (community service group), the .

On choosing Dickinson:

Dickinson was the last college I visited, and after taking a tour and learning more about the school and all the opportunities here I fell in love. It sounds cliché, but I did have that moment during the visit when I knew this was the right place for me.

Favorite place on campus:

The Clarke Forum building.

On choosing a major:

Growing up as a Cypriot American, I’ve been aware of the issues surrounding the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus and subsequent push for reunification. That got me thinking about politics and international relations.

Favorite book:

The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind.

Favorite movie:


Favorite class or learning experience:

This is such a hard question, because I have loved a lot of classes I’ve taken here. But if I had to pick one from last semester, I would have to say it was my U.S. history class with Professor [Emily] Pawley. It satisfied my inner American history nerd, and it was just so fascinating. My favorite learning experience would be, hands down, working at the Clarke Forum. I have gained so many workplace skills, and I have also learned a lot from handling and attending different events.

If I could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, it would be:

John and Abigail Adams.

On studying abroad:

I am in Cameroon this semester, and last summer I participated in a mini-study-abroad experience through the American Hellenic Institute in D.C. Every summer they host a two-week foreign-policy study trip to Greece and Cyprus, and I got to learn about key domestic and foreign-policy issues affecting these two countries and their relations with the United States, so I got to see firsthand some of the issues and concepts I had learned in the classroom and to talk with officials who handle these issues on a daily basis.

As a kid, I wanted to be . . .

. . . a princess, probably. But I thought I would actually be a pediatric cardiologist.

Favorite Dining Hall food:

Broccoli-cheddar soup in a bread bowl from the Kove. I always wake up for that on Sunday morning.

Most important thing I’ve learned so far:

That grades are just numbers and letters that a professor is required to assign you. What’s really important is the knowledge you take away from your courses and the way you use it to better your skill set.

Little-known hobbies/talents:

I love to bake. And I love Greek folk dancing.

In a perfect world . . .

. . . everything would probably be a little boring and my major might become irrelevant, as awful as that sounds. But in a perfect world everyone would be a little more considerate.

Post-Dickinson plans:

So far my list contains the typical international-studies major things, like different agencies at the State Department, the U.N., IGOs, NGOs and intelligence analysis. I would love to live in D.C., and I know I definitely want to be living abroad at some point. That is a must. 

Published March 6, 2014