on sabbatical 2024-25
Althouse Hall Room 115
Shamma Alam’s research focuses on different aspects of international development, such as health economics and health measurements, fertility issues, agricultural economics, public finance, and microcredit. He has worked as a Consultant with different development organizations. He served as a Consultant at the World Bank several times, including in their Economic Policy, Poverty and Gender Group, Development Data Group, and East Asia and Pacific Region group. He also previously served as a consultant in the Agriculture Policy Team at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In addition to teaching at Dickinson, Shamma Alam serves as a Research Associate at the CEQ Institute at Tulane University and contributes courses at the U.S. Army War College. Shamma Alam received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Washington, Seattle, and B.A. in Economics from Franklin & Marshall College.
ECON 112 Intro to Macroeconomics
A study of the fundamentals of economic analysis and of basic economic institutions, with particular emphasis upon national output, employment, and price levels. The monetary and financial system is explored together with problems of economic stability. Monetary and fiscal policy procedures are analyzed and evaluated in light of the current economic climate. Special attention is given to the historical development of major economic institutions.Prerequisite: 111.
ECON 496 Research in Development Econ.
Permission of Instructor Required. This class will focus on research in the economics of international development. As the world economy becomes increasingly interconnected, the course will shed light on how both global and local factors influence economic development across different regions. The class would cover key topics in global development, including children's education, child labor, health issues, population and fertility dynamics, household bargaining issues, international migration, effects of climate change, and agricultural practices. Students will explore how various global economic factors, such as economic policies, financial systems, and the roles of international organizations, impact development outcomes across different countries. The course aims to equip students with the analytical tools and knowledge necessary to comprehend and critically evaluate research in economics.
ECON 560 An Economic Study on the Effec
ECON 560 Impact of shocks on economic o
ECON 560 Stu/Faculty Collaborative Rsch