Faculty Profile

Lars English

Professor of Physics (2003)

Contact Information


Tome Scientific Building Room 219


Dr. English has published around 50 peer-reviewed research articles exploring “the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems.” His research interests broadly fall within the field of nonlinear and statistical physics. In recent years, topics have included: Intrinsic localized modes, solitons and skyrmions in nonlinear lattices; compact localized states and flat-band physics; spontaneous synchronization of oscillator arrays; instability and pattern formation; bifurcations, symmetry breaking and self-organization. He has studied (both experimentally and numerically) systems as varied as: nonlinear electrical transmission lines, chains of coupled pendula , networks of neuronal oscillators, spin lattices, and networks of electrical self-oscillators. In all of these systems, nonlinearity and lattice/network geometry play important roles, as they enable and guide processes of patterns formation. Broadly speaking, the aim is to experimentally characterize emergent patterns, study their onset and boundaries in parameter space, and to formulate mathematical models which allow a numerical and/or analytical exploration. Ideas from the field of dynamical systems (such as fixed points, stability, bifurcation, hysteresis, chaos) are essential in this endeavor. Other interests include the Calculus of Variations, magnetism and spin resonance, microwave spectroscopy, medical imagining techniques, and issues within the philosophy of science.


  • B.S., Denison University, 1996
  • M.S., Cornell University, 1999
  • Ph.D., 2003

2024-2025 Academic Year

Fall 2024

PHYS 161 Intro to Scientific Comp/Vis
This half-credit course will introduce students to basic ideas and methods of scientific computing using a Python-based programming language. No prior knowledge of computer programming is required. Examples will draw heavily from classical mechanics, so some prior familiarity with introductory physics (or concurrent enrollment in PHYS 131) will be helpful, but is not required. Topics range from projectile motion to planetary orbits, from collisions and scattering to oscillations. Other scientific explorations will be guided by student interest.

PHYS 212 Intro Relativistic/Quant Phys
Completion of both PHYS 211 and PHYS 212 fulfills the WID requirement.

PHYS 491 Advanced Laboratory Capstone I
In this capstone experience, students will work in groups to study several advanced physics topics in detail. Potential topics include muon decay, microwave diffraction, the speed of light, pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance, and the Hall effect. The course emphasizes collaborative research, investigative techniques, oral and written communication. Prerequisite: Physics major senior status. The physics major requires either the two-semester sequence of 491 & 492 OR two semesters of PHYS 550.

PHYS 492 Adv Laboratory Capstone II
In this capstone experience, students will work in groups to study several advanced physics topics in detail. Potential topics include muon decay, microwave diffraction, the speed of light, pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance, and the Hall effect. The course emphasizes collaborative research, investigative techniques, oral and written communication.Prerequisite: Physics major senior status. The physics major requires either the two-semester sequence of 491 & 492 OR two semesters of PHYS 550.

PHYS 550 Independent Research

Spring 2025

PHYS 431 Quantum Mechanics
Basic postulates are used to develop the theoretical framework for quantum mechanics. The course deals with measurements on quantum systems, the uncertainty principle, the Schrödinger wave equation and the probability interpretation, Heisenberg's matrix mechanics, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, finite and infinite dimensional vector spaces, operator methods, and enables students to use the Dirac formalism for quantum mechanical manipulations for a variety of situations and systems. Prerequisites: 212 and 282 and at least one 300-level physics course, or permission of instructor. Normally offered every other year

PHYS 492 Adv Laboratory Capstone II
In this capstone experience, students will work in groups to study several advanced physics topics in detail. Potential topics include muon decay, microwave diffraction, the speed of light, pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance, and the Hall effect. The course emphasizes collaborative research, investigative techniques, oral and written communication.Prerequisite: Physics major senior status. The physics major requires either the two-semester sequence of 491 & 492 OR two semesters of PHYS 550.

PHYS 550 Independent Research