Denny Hall Room 305
His research and teaching interests are in contemporary Anglo-American political theory, including ethical aspects of world politics, especially the ethics of war and global distributive justice, public policy, including immigration, citizenship, and minority rights, and in political ideologies, especially liberalism and social democracy.
FYSM 100 First-Year Seminar
The First-Year Seminar (FYS) introduces students to Dickinson as a "community of inquiry" by developing habits of mind essential to liberal learning. Through the study of a compelling issue or broad topic chosen by their faculty member, students will:
- Critically analyze information and ideas
- Examine issues from multiple perspectives
- Discuss, debate and defend ideas, including one's own views, with clarity and reason
- Develop discernment, facility and ethical responsibility in using information, and
- Create clear academic writing
The small group seminar format of this course promotes discussion and interaction among students and their professor. In addition, the professor serves as students' initial academic advisor. This course does not duplicate in content any other course in the curriculum and may not be used to fulfill any other graduation requirement.
PHIL 180 Political Philosophy
Cross-listed with POSC 180-01.
POSC 180 Political Philosophy
Cross-listed with PHIL 180-01.
POSC 204 Competing Political Ideologies
This class surveys the major ideologies that compete for political support in Western societies, such as liberalism, conservatism, and socialism, as well as radical alternatives (anarchism and fascism), and new perspectives such as feminism and ecologism/environmentalism. We will also examine the nature of ideology, and whether it is possible to develop a neutral, non-ideological perspective on politics. Prerequisite: 180, or permission of the instructor.
POSC 206 Multiculturalism
How can ethnic minorities be incorporated into Western democracies as equal citizens? Must the state support the continuation of cultural practices and traditions? What if those practices conflict with the freedom and equality of members of minority groups, especially of women or children? These are among the most vexed and pressing issues for many democracies and a key part of recent debate in political theory. They raise major philosophical questions, such as how we can treat people as equals while respecting the differences between them and what the limits of toleration are. We will survey the main recent responses to these questions. This course is cross-listed as PHIL 253. Prerequisite: 180, or permission of the instructor.