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Wireless & Connectivity

The Wireless Network at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ


For Dickinson Employees, Students, and Alumni Connecting to the Dickinson WiFi:

  • Chose the "Dickinson" WiFi network from your laptop or smartphone

  • Enter your Dickinson username (without '@dickinson.edu') and your Dickinson Gateway password

  • Accept any certificates and connect

For any issues with the instructions above and for answers to FAQs about connecting your technology to our networks, please view the Wireless section of the .

(Students: Game consoles willl perform better on the WIRED network as opposed to WiFi. See the "Gaming, SmartTVs, and IoT" section here for how to connect game consoles to the wired network.)


For Guests to the College - Registering Yourself to the Guest Wireless 

Guest - Public Wireless Access

The Guest network is the wireless network available to guests of the college. This network only allows access to Web based resources. This means you can only access Web based e-mail such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc. Traditional e-mail client programs such as Outlook or Apple Mail will not be able to connect.

Guest users may self-register to obtain an account to the network that will remain active for 5 days and may be added to a maximum of 5 different devices. Visitors and guest who will be on campus for more than five days may be sponsored by faculty and/or staff and obtain an account that will remain active for longer.

For instructions on connecting to the Guest network please click the links below:


For Dickinson Employees Creating "Sponsored" Wireless Accounts for Guests to the College

While , members of the Dickinson community may create one or more "sponsored" wireless accounts for guests to campus ahead of time for convenience. Here's how:

(Note: if you create guest accounts ahead of time for guests, it will be helpful to provide them with the instructions in the section below to help them get connected once they arrive on campus.)

Connection Instructions to Provide to Guests For Whom You Have Made "Sponsored" Wireless Accounts

Once members of the Dickinson community have created one or more wireless accounts for guests, these are the instructions to provide to the guests to help them get connected:





Wireless Policies

Access to the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ wireless network is provided for your convenience and is subject to the same policy and procedures that are outlined in the published Responsible Use and Wireless Access policies:

Responsible Use Policy

Please contact the IS Help Desk at 245-1000 or helpdesk@dickinson.edu should you require assistance or are experiencing problems when connecting to the wireless network.