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Student Research Archive

Students and faculty completing research on a computer

The following list includes current and historic, individual student research projects, public presentations from conferences, symposia and exhibitions*, and peer-reviewed publications. For abstracts on each project see Students as Scholars.

Students can get a list of their projects by going to CLIQ in the Gateway.  Under the CLIQ menu, go to Profiles and then My ePortfolio.    If you are an alum and would like a copy of your projects, please submit a research project request form.

*“Supported by:” on Student Conference Presentation records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s participation in the conference, i.e. travel expenses, poster costs, etc.  For on-campus conferences, the supporting entity is usually the academic department sponsoring the event.

**“Supported by:” on Student Research Project records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s research costs, i.e. supplies, materials, equipment, stipends, local or international research travel, etc.


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Freya Mae WhittakerLes femmes folles: Representations of female madness in 19th century French literature
Conference: 2021 Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality by Students (ROWGS) Symposium
Supported by: Office of the President, Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies Department
Adeline Soldin


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Maia BakerThe Spatialization of Identity in Their Eyes Were Watching God
Conference: Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality (ROWGS) Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department
Emma Dietrich SpectorDeliberative Democracy in the #Me Too Era: A Chance to Reconcile?
Conference: Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality (ROWGS) Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Sofie M AndersonThe Writing of Disaster in Contemporary Haitian Literature
Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant
Number of Weeks: 13
Linda Brindeau


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Emma Catherine DevineUne analyse de la maniere d'aborder la sexualite dans les documenataires pour enfants et adolescents
Supported by: Leffman/Geldrich Grant
Number of Weeks: 12


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Karen Elizabeth Kirner de ChazellesResearch Assistant for Toulouse Program
Supported by: Mellon Environmental Initiative Grant
Number of Weeks: 8
Lucile Duperron


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Sarah Emily HochProcessing Instruction in the content-based Language Classroom
Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant
Number of Weeks: 26
Lucile Duperron


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Jonathan Sheehan DrakeBuilding Skills Through Student Multimedia Projects: The Erica Catastrophe
Conference: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF)
Nancy Mellerski
Cassie Beth GurbiszBuilding Skills Through Student Multimedia Projects: The Balzar Affair
Conference: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF)
Nancy Mellerski
Kathryn Anne LozierBuilding Skills Through Student Multimedia Projects: The Erica Catastrophe
Conference: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF)
Nancy Mellerski
Michael Stambolis-RuhstorferBuilding Skills Through Student Multimedia Projects: The Pyramide du Louvre
Conference: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF)
Nancy Mellerski
Dannah Mae SwiftBuilding Skills Through Student Multimedia Projects: The Balzar Affair
Conference: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF)
Nancy Mellerski


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Mary Kathryn Picazion/a
Supported by: Dana Research Internship (Pre-R&D)
Number of Weeks: 4
Michael Kline