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Global DEI in Action

Global DEI in Action

In the Center for Global Study and Engagement, we strive to not only talk the talk but walk the walk. For us this means continued learning and growth as professionals, changing and influencing practice and policy within the CGSE, Dickinson and the field of international education and contributing our voices and lessons learned through conferences, workshops, presentations, and publications.


Dickinson and Institute of International Education Partnership

Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ and the  are collaborating on an innovative, new partnership to provide much-needed training opportunities that go beyond cultural awareness education and instead reimagine an international education framework that incorporates global, intercultural and equity inclusion lenses.

This partnership has resulted in three sets of virtual workshops being attended by nearly 300 leaders representing 100+ institutions and organizations in 10 countries, to date. These included: Moving from Inclusivity Talk to Equity in Action in International Education Leadership (2020–21), Building Bridges: Committing to Global Equity and Justice in International Education (2022), and “How Do You Know You Are Meeting Your Global DEI Outcomes? Assessing and Communicating Impact” (December 2022). 

Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ and IIE have also produced a new publication, Models of Change: Equity and Inclusion in Action in International Education, summarizing their partnership to reimagine an international education framework that incorporates global, intercultural, and equity and inclusion lenses through a virtual workshop series. Along with the co-creators’ own reflections of the partnership and the workshops are a curated set of case studies that share personal narratives and experiences from professionals who carried out projects initiated or informed by their workshop participation.    

The publication is available for .  

Workshops, Conferences, and Presentations

Workshops and Conferences

Association of International Education Administrators 

  • Virtual Annual Conference (2021) 
    • Ahmed, A., Brandauer, S. & Hartman, E.: Breaking Down Silos in Higher Education: Rethinking Campus, Community and Global Collaborations 
    • Berends, L. & Brandauer, S.: Inclusive and Community-based Approaches in Education Abroad: Amplifying Perspectives from Abroad 

CEA Virtual Critical Dialogues 

  • Ayllon, M. & Brandauer S.: Diversity Equity and Inclusion in a Global Context – How do International Educators Build Bridges? (December 2021) 

European Conference: Prague, Czech Republic Post-Conference Workshop (October 2018)                                                                                                                                                               

  • Berends, L., Brandauer, S., Carnine, J., Childers-Brocks, E., Hogan, M. & Wilkens, E.: Creating Inclusive Global Communities: Insights and Innovations from Three Distinct Intuitional Models of European-U.S. Partnerships. 

European Study Abroad Association (EUASA)

  • Ludwig, J.DEI Scholarly Overview. Virtual workshop given for members of the Board of EUASA. (March 2022) 

Forum on Education Abroad   

  • Centering Justince in Support of Underrepresented Students in Education Abroad Institute: Boston, MA (November 2023)
    • Brandauer S. & Dietrich, A.
  • DEI in Theory and Practice - Complex Applications and Adaptations for Europe, European Institute: Strasbourg, France (November 2023) 
    • Carnine, J. & Ludwig, J. 
  • Centering Justice in Short-term Faculty-led Programs Institute - Plenary and Afternoon Workshop: Boston, MA (November 2021) 
    • Ahmed A., Brandauer S., Hartman E. & Lyons, L. 
  • Virtual Annual Conference (March 2021) 
    • Berends, L., Brandauer, S., Carnine, J. & Francioso, M.: Re-imagining our Roles: Building Sustainable, Equitable and Inclusive Communities through Education Abroad 

Global Engagement in the Liberal Arts Annual Conference


Ahmed, A. & Brandauer, S.: Synergies and Opportunities across Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Global and Intercultural Learning. Doyle Featured Virtual Workshop for the Teaching, Learning and Innovation Summer Institute Georgetown University (2023) 

Berends, L. & Brandauer, S.: No Going Back: Sharing Lessons Learned About Inclusive Leadership and Inspiring Social Change. Annual Conference Washington, DC (2024) 

Berends, L., Brandauer, S., Ficarra, J., Francioso, M.: Re-imaging Internships through the Lens of Social Justice: Pathways forward for Developing and Sustaining Access for All (virtual). Hybrid Annual Conference: Seattle, Washington (2023) 

Brandauer, S. DeGuzman, K. Grazioli, B. Sandiford, N. Mind the Gap: Bridging Intercultural and Diversity & Inclusion Learning Objectives in Global Education. Session for Diversity Abroad Inclusive Learning Institute. (2021) 

Bodenman, L. Dietrich, A. Miller, L. Sandiford, N. Post-Covid-19 International Exchanges: The Future of Student Programs. American Council of Education/Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Webinar Series (2021) 

Carnine, J. DeGuzman, K. Rytkønen, H. Sandiford, N. Expanding the Conversation: Centering DEI Onsite in Europe. Session for Diversity Abroad Global Inclusion (2021) 

Ludwig, J. Carnine, J. Davis-White Eyes, A. Kneis, P. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a European Study Abroad Context. 1st Annual International (Virtual) EUASA European Study Abroad Conference (2022) 

Ludwig, J. Carnine, J. Kneis, P. Davis-White Eyes, A. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a European Study Abroad Context. 1st EUASA Virtual Community Chat in 2022 (2022) 

Mitchell, M. Pollok, B. Zimbler, A. Can I be Me? Advising and Supporting LGBTQ+ Students Abroad Session for NAFSA Annual Conference (2019)

Mitchell, M., Johnson, R., Bingham, W., Owen, J., Trebisacci, A. Beyond the X Gender Marker: Preparing Students For Uncertain Realities. Session for Forum on Education Abroad Conference (2024)

Schwarz, J., Rytkønen, H., DeGuzman, K., Sandiford, N. Expanding the Conversation: DEI in Study Abroad. Plenary session for DIS Study Abroad in Scandanavia International Educators Week. (2022) 

Weil, S., Mitchell, M, Boscan, E. The Invisible Student: Supporting Students with Hidden Identities on Education Abroad Programs. Session for Global Inclusion Conference (2022). 


Baslee, B., Counts, A., Currier, D., DeGuzman, K., Nardozzi, D. (Harvard), & Walker, F. (2020) A Study Abroad Resource for TRIO and Other Student Support Offices. In Diversity Abroad AID Resource Library.

Bellis, J., Brandauer, S. Calvert, L., Carnine, J. & Overmann, C. (Eds. 2023). Models of Change: Inclusion and Equity in Action in International Education. Joint Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ and Institute of International Education publication  

Bingham, W. P., Mitchell, M., & Brunsting, N. (2023). Considering LGBTQ+ Students’ Study Abroad Experiences Across Research and Practice. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad35(2), 29–39.

Brandauer, S., Carnine, J., DeGuzman,K., Grazioli, G., Lyons, L., Sandiford, N. & Hartman, E. (2021). . Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 9-23

Brandauer, S., Folli Santamaria, S.Hartman, E., Teku, T. (guest editors). . Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. Vol. 34 No. 3 (2022)

Brandauer, S., Sabato, E., Reynolds, N., Hartman, E. (2022). A Civics of Interdependence: Advancing Global Solidarity Through Communities of Inquiry and Action. In: Stanlick, S., Szmodis, W. (eds) Perspectives on Lifelong Learning and Global Citizenship. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Cham.

DeGuzman, K. (2024). Multiple Lenses on DEI: An Education Abroad Case Study Analysis. In AIEA’s Occasional Papers Series, February 2024.  

Forum on Education Abroad. (2024) Supporting Transgender and Nonbinary Students in Education Abroad. 

Sandiford, N. & DeGuzman, K. (2023). The Ongoing Process of Translating Equity to Action: A Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Case Study for Education Abroad. In Bellis, J., Brandauer, S., Calvert, L., Carnine, J. & Overmann, C. (Eds.). (2023). Models of Change: Inclusion and Equity in Action in International Education. An Institute of International Education and Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ joint publication.

Sandiford, N., DeGuzman, K. & Brandauer, S. (2021). . In S. Brandauer and E. Hartman (Eds.). Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions. The Community-based Global Learning Collaborative.

Sandiford, N., DeGuzman, K. & Brandauer, S. (2021). Using the Intercultural Praxis Model to Build Bridges: Identity, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a Global Context.  In S. Brandauer and E. Hartman (Eds.). Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions. The Community-based Global Learning Collaborative.

Sandiford, N., DeGuzman, K. & Brandauer, S. (2021). Using the Intercultural Praxis Model to Build Bridges: Identity, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a Global Context. (Module 2).  In S. Brandauer and E. Hartman (Eds.). Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions. The Community-based Global Learning Collaborative 


Intercultural Pre-Departure Orientation Workshops

Students complete a mandatory pre-departure orientation workshop series before going abroad. 

The Pre-Departure Orientation Workshop Series is a mandatory multi-part series for students to complete before they go abroad. This series includes both synchronous and asynchronous content. These modules have been developed within the context of the Dickinson commitment to creating an inclusive campus that fosters the development of an intercultural skill set.