Thank you for your interest in creating an event for the Dickinson community! Please note that only current community members (students, faculty and staff) are eligible to create events here. Please review the information below before you proceed:
- Students and student groups must submit their events through EngageD.
- Faculty and staff creating events requiring setup or catering/alcohol should submit their events through EngageD.
- Event submissions serve as a request to CASE for the space and setup. It does not guarantee reservation of the space. The request will be reviewed, and approval or denial will be posted through EngageD.
- To ensure your event appears on the external web calendar, Event Visibility must be set to “the public.”
- The Office of Marketing & Communications may edit your event title and/or description to ensure it is clear and relevant for external audiences as it appears on the web calendar and will reach out with questions if needed.
- Faculty and staff creating meetings or events with simple room reservations and no additional setup or catering/alcohol should create their event through the CASE Virtual EMS system. This will enable you to create the event and reserve the room in one step.
- To create an event, first sign in in the top right corner, and then select “Book a Room.” Additional information and tutorials are available here.
- To ensure your event appears on the external web calendar, select “yes” when prompted. Note that internal meetings do not need to appear on the web calendar.
- Note: Classes or class changes may not be entered directly into EMS.
- CASE may edit your event submission, setup or location before approving.
- The Office of Marketing & Communications may edit your event submission to ensure it is clear and relevant for external audiences as it appears on the web calendar.
Event Form
- Members of the advancement, president’s office or admissions teams submitting off-campus or special events (e.g., prospective student visit days) should complete this form.
- The Office of Marketing & Communications may edit your event submission to ensure it is clear and relevant for external audiences as it appears on the web calendar.
I just submitted an event. Why isn’t it appearing on the web calendar?
If submitted via EngageD:
- Did you set the Event Visibility to “the public”?
- Your event may be awaiting approval from CASE.
- Once approved, your event will be part of a daily queue of new events submitted to the Office of Marketing & Communications. It will be reviewed and published within 24 hours.
If submitted via CASE Virtual EMS:
- Did you check “yes” for your event to appear in the calendar?
- Virtual EMS submissions are loaded nightly into the web content management system. They will be reviewed and published by the Office of Marketing & Communications within 24 hours.
How can I make a change to an event I’ve already submitted?
While you can make edits to your event within EngageD, you must contact the Office of Marketing & Communications separately for those changes to be reflected in the web calendar. Please email, or call X1289.
For Virtual EMS changes, any edits you make to your reservation will automatically appear in the web calendar the following day.
What if I need to cancel my event?
You must cancel/delete the event in the system (EngageD or CASE Virtual EMS). For EngageD events, please contact the Office of Marketing & Communications to have your event deleted from the web calendar. Virtual EMS events will automatically be deleted overnight.
I’m a member of the Carlisle community and have an event I want to post on the college's web calendar. How do I do that?
The tools mentioned above and the college's web calendar are only for the use of the internal Dickinson community (current students, faculty and staff). Community members should share local events with the , or other relevant local sites.
Who should I contact with questions?
For questions related to EngageD, contact Sophie Barnes, Assistant Director for Campus Activities – FSL/Involvement at
For questions related to the CASE Virtual EMS, contact the Office of Conferences & Special Events or x1900.
For questions related to the web calendar, contact the Office of Marketing & Communications at or x1289.