BIOL 131-01 |
Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems: Interactions of Animals, Plants, and Fungi Instructor: Chuck Zwemer, Carol Loeffler Course Description:
This introductory course spans levels of biological organization from basic multicellular microanatomy to organismal physiology and ecology, as understood through the lens of evolution. Course content will be focused around a specific theme determined by the instructor, and will include evolutionary principles of variation, selection, competition and cooperation, and how their operation at different levels of organization accounts for form and function of organisms, communities, and ecosystems. We will investigate homeostasis, reproduction and development as physiological processes that take place within organisms, and as ecological processes that interact with the environment and generate diversity of form over evolutionary time. Finally we will take stock of the existing forms and levels of biological organization and ask how their relationships establish the biosphere in which we live. Three hours classroom and three hours laboratory a week. This is one of two courses required of all Biology majors before entering the upper level. It is complementary to BIOL 132 Introduction to Molecules, Genes, and Cells, and the courses may be taken in either order.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, W JAMESR 2228 09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MWF KAUF 187 |
BIOL 131-02 |
Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems: Topics in Field Natural History Instructor: Gene Wingert Course Description:
This introductory course spans levels of biological organization from basic multicellular microanatomy to organismal physiology and ecology, as understood through the lens of evolution. Course content will be focused around a specific theme determined by the instructor, and will include evolutionary principles of variation, selection, competition and cooperation, and how their operation at different levels of organization accounts for form and function of organisms, communities, and ecosystems. We will investigate homeostasis, reproduction and development as physiological processes that take place within organisms, and as ecological processes that interact with the environment and generate diversity of form over evolutionary time. Finally we will take stock of the existing forms and levels of biological organization and ask how their relationships establish the biosphere in which we live. Three hours classroom and three hours laboratory a week. This is one of two courses required of all Biology majors before entering the upper level. It is complementary to BIOL 132 Introduction to Molecules, Genes, and Cells, and the courses may be taken in either order.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, M JAMESR 2228 11:30 AM-12:20 PM, MWF RNORTH 2319 |
BIOL 131-03 |
Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems: Topics in Ocean Ecology Instructor: Mike Potthoff Course Description:
This introductory course spans levels of biological organization from basic multicellular microanatomy to organismal physiology and ecology, as understood through the lens of evolution. Course content will be focused around a specific theme determined by the instructor, and will include evolutionary principles of variation, selection, competition and cooperation, and how their operation at different levels of organization accounts for form and function of organisms, communities, and ecosystems. We will investigate homeostasis, reproduction and development as physiological processes that take place within organisms, and as ecological processes that interact with the environment and generate diversity of form over evolutionary time. Finally we will take stock of the existing forms and levels of biological organization and ask how their relationships establish the biosphere in which we live. Three hours classroom and three hours laboratory a week. This is one of two courses required of all Biology majors before entering the upper level. It is complementary to BIOL 132 Introduction to Molecules, Genes, and Cells, and the courses may be taken in either order.
09:00 AM-10:15 AM, TR JAMESR 1206 01:30 PM-04:30 PM, R JAMESR 2228 |
BIOL 132-01 |
Introduction to Molecules, Genes, and Cells: Topics in Developmental Biology Instructor: Missy Niblock Course Description:
This introductory course approaches core biological themes from the molecular and cellular level, and is complementary to BIOL 131, Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems. Course content will be focused around a specific theme determined by the instructor, and will include biomolecule and cell structure and function; cell signaling and communication; chromosome and gene structure; DNA replication; transcription; and translation. The course will involve lecture, discussion, and readings from scientific literature. Laboratory exercises include both classic and modern approaches to cellular and molecular biology utilizing prokaryotic and/or eukaryotic organisms. The laboratory will stress the discovery approach in applying current techniques to biological experiments. Three hours classroom and three hours laboratory a week. This is one of two courses required of all Biology majors before completing upper level coursework. It is complementary to BIOL 131 Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems, and the courses may be taken in either order.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, W JAMESR 2218 10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MWF KAUF 187 |
BIOL 132-02 |
Introduction to Molecules, Genes, and Cells: Topics in Germs, Genes, and Genomes Instructor: Dana Somers Course Description:
This introductory course approaches core biological themes from the molecular and cellular level, and is complementary to BIOL 131, Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems. Course content will be focused around a specific theme determined by the instructor, and will include biomolecule and cell structure and function; cell signaling and communication; chromosome and gene structure; DNA replication; transcription; and translation. The course will involve lecture, discussion, and readings from scientific literature. Laboratory exercises include both classic and modern approaches to cellular and molecular biology utilizing prokaryotic and/or eukaryotic organisms. The laboratory will stress the discovery approach in applying current techniques to biological experiments. Three hours classroom and three hours laboratory a week. This is one of two courses required of all Biology majors before completing upper level coursework. It is complementary to BIOL 131 Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems, and the courses may be taken in either order.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, T JAMESR 2218 10:30 AM-11:45 AM, TR KAUF 187 |
BIOL 201-01 |
Topics in Evolutionary Developmental Biology w/Lab Instructor: Zoe Irons Course Description:
Across the broad spectrum of life on earth, there is near endless variation in the form and function of organisms, differing across environments and throughout time. This course will investigate the origins of this diversity from the perspective of developmental biology. Topics will include the basics of genetics and developmental biology as well as evolution and natural selection. We will also examine the history of these fields and their intersections. Laboratory investigations will focus on techniques used in developmental biology, with a focus on evolutionary implications. Three hours of class and three hours of laboratory per week.
09:00 AM-10:15 AM, TR KAUF 187 01:30 PM-04:30 PM, R JAMESR 1228 |
BIOL 216-01 |
Genetics w/Lab Instructor: Kirsten Guss Course Description:
A study of Mendelian genetics, linkage, and mutation. An introduction to basic DNA structure and function including replication, transcription, and translation. Laboratory exercises involve both classic and molecular approaches to genetic analysis utilizing prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Six hours classroom a week. Prerequisites: 131 & 132. For Neuroscience majors only, prerequisite is 132 and PSYC 125.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MWF STERN 103 01:30 PM-04:30 PM, M JAMESR 2206 |
BIOL 301-01 |
Human Anatomy w/Lab Instructor: Tiffany Frey, Gabriel Davis Course Description:
Permission of instructor required. Comprehensive examination of the gross structure, organization, and function of the human body with an emphasis on clinical case studies. The laboratory includes regional examination of human gross anatomy, histology, and dissection of select organs. Six hours classroom a week.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MWF JAMESR 2206 01:30 PM-04:30 PM, F JAMESR 2206 |
BIOL 322-01 |
Plant Systematics w/Lab Instructor: Carol Loeffler Course Description:
A systematic survey of the plant kingdom through the collection and study of living plants. Frequent field trips are conducted as weather permits. An herbarium of named plants is prepared. Emphasis will be placed on the diverse features of plants which permit effective study of fundamental biological problems.
Six hours classroom a week. Prerequisites: One 200-level Biology course. For ENST/ENSC majors only, prerequisite is ENST 162.
08:30 AM-09:20 AM, MW KAUF 187 12:30 PM-04:30 PM, M RNORTH 2319 |
BIOL 322-02 |
Plant Systematics w/Lab Instructor: Carol Loeffler Course Description:
A systematic survey of the plant kingdom through the collection and study of living plants. Frequent field trips are conducted as weather permits. An herbarium of named plants is prepared. Emphasis will be placed on the diverse features of plants which permit effective study of fundamental biological problems.
Six hours classroom a week. Prerequisites: One 200-level Biology course. For ENST/ENSC majors only, prerequisite is ENST 162.
01:00 PM-05:00 PM, T RNORTH 2319 08:30 AM-09:20 AM, MW KAUF 187 |
BIOL 332-01 |
Natural History of Vertebrates w/Lab Instructor: Scott Boback Course Description:
An exploration into the lifestyles of vertebrates heavily focused on field biology. Natural history is strongly dependent on descriptive anatomy and systematics and therefore this course will cover the evolutionary relationships among vertebrates highlighting unique features that facilitated the success of the major groups. In field labs, students will develop observational skills such as how to identify a bird by its song, a frog by its call, a mammal by the color of its pelage, and a snake by its shed skin. Indoor labs will focus on identifying species from preserved specimens as well as providing students with the skills necessary to preserve vertebrates for future study. Preservation methods could include preparing museum-quality mammal and bird skins, formalin fixation of fish, and skeletal preparations.
Three hours classroom and three hours laboratory a week. Prerequisites: one 200-level biology course or GEOS 307. Offered every two years.
10:30 AM-11:45 AM, TR RNORTH 1317 01:30 PM-04:30 PM, W RNORTH 1317 |
BIOL 333-01 |
Physiology w/Lab Instructor: Chuck Zwemer Course Description:
A study of physiological mechanisms in the animal kingdom, stressing the structural and functional bases of biological activities. Emphasis is on vertebrate organs and organ systems. Laboratory includes experimental physiological studies of selected organisms.
Six hours classroom a week. Prerequisites: One 200-level BIOL course. For Neuroscience majors, prerequisite is NRSC 200.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, T JAMESR 1228 09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MWF JAMESR 1228 |
BIOL 343-01 |
Metabolism Instructor: Thomas Arnold Course Description:
A survey of the metabolic processes in animals and plants, including signal transduction, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and photosynthesis, as well as the biosynthesis of the major types of biomolecules. For each metabolic pathway, we will examine the regulation of enzymes and related genes, their energetic requirements, and the function of pathway end products. Both the normal functioning of metabolic pathways and common metabolic malfunctions, e.g., human inborn errors of metabolism, will be considered. Selected readings from the primary literature and the popular press are required. Students will complete detailed case studies focusing on human metabolism and metabolic disorders.
Three hours classroom a week. Prerequisite: CHEM 242.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MWF KAUF 178 |
BIOL 380-01 |
Immunology Instructor: John Henson Course Description:
An in-depth study of the field of immunobiology with an emphasis on the mammalian immune system. Topics include the innate and adaptive immune responses, immunochemistry, immunogenetics, and immunopathology. Emphasis in the class and the laboratory will be on the process and analysis of experimental investigation. Prerequisites: BIOL 213 or 216.
10:30 AM-11:45 AM, TR JAMESR 1218 |
BIOL 401-01 |
Drugs from Nature: Assessing the Medicinal Properties of Natural Products Instructor: Thomas Arnold Course Description:
This lab-based course will explore natural products with putative medicinal properties. In the classroom we will survey substances by their distributions in nature as well as by their molecular structures and chemical properties. We will consider the roles of natural products in nature, which often provides clues about their potential medical use. In addition, we will critically evaluate the benefits of common drugs, supplements, and cosmetics derived from plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi - to separate the sound scientific evidence from pseudo-science and social media hype. In the laboratory we will work in research teams to extract, fractionate, and isolate molecules from plants, and to test their activities in a variety of bioassays. Students will complete and present small-scale research projects focusing on medicinal natural products.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, M STUART 2117 |
BIOL 412-01 |
Precision Medicine Instructor: Michael Roberts Course Description:
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), precision medicine is "an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person." This departure from the "one-size-fits-all" approach to patient care has been made possible by advances in molecular medicine that have created an "-omics" era of large-scale data-rich biology. We will explore these new -omics methods and their applications in preventing, diagnosing, and treating human disease. As precision medicine is being implemented, there is also a call for the transformation of medicine from "sickcare" to "wellcare" where medical care is not only personalized but patient participatory, predictive, and preventative. The course will explore the primary literature to discover the most recent advances in precision medicine and discuss the social implications of a new era of scientific wellness. This course will fulfill the Biology major research requirement.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, R STUART 1104 |
BIOL 412-02 |
Bio-Imaging Instructor: John Henson Course Description:
The revolution that has taken place in microscopic imaging over the last two decades has driven significant advances in the fields of cell and molecular biology as well as biochemistry and neuroscience. In this research course students will first learn about the theory and practice of a number of forms of microscopy as well as some basic digital image processing techniques. They will then employ these methods in a number of research projects that will culminate with groups presenting research posters. During the course of the semester students will also read, analyze and present papers from the primary literature that reflect advances in microscopy. Note that knowledge of and experience with microscopy is a skill that often serves graduates well as they seek out research technician employment or graduate school opportunities. Questions? Contact Prof. Henson (
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, F JAMESR 1218 |
BIOL 425-01 |
The Biology of Cancer w/lab Instructor: Michael Roberts Course Description:
Cancer is a genetic disorder that affects some 10 million people worldwide. In the United States, cancer is a close second to heart disease as the leading cause of death. This course will examine the molecular basis of cancer including the genes and signaling pathways involved in malignant transformation and the physiological consequences of uncontrolled cell growth. Current methods in cancer research and recent advances in cancer treatment will also be discussed. Specific topics covered will include: oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, oncogenic mutation, tumor viruses, apoptosis, angiogenesis, metastasis, tumor immunology, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and biological therapy.
Six hours classroom/laboratory a week. Prerequisite: One of the following: 216, 313, 316, 318, 326, 327, 380, or permission of the instructor.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, M RNORTH 1316 09:00 AM-10:15 AM, TR KAUF 185 |
BIOL 433-01 |
Molecular Medicine w/ Lab Instructor: Tiffany Frey Course Description:
Permission of instructor required. Molecular medicine is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to develop ways to prevent, diagnose, treat, and improve human health issues by understanding the molecular basis of normal and abnormal physiological processes. This course will examine the molecular medical approaches to patient care for select topics related to human health with an emphasis on critical analysis of current biomedical literature. The laboratory portion of the course will explore methods used in biomedical research with an emphasis on analysis and evaluation of data. a week. Six hours of classroom/laboratory a week. Prerequisites: at least one upper-level physiology or cellular & molecular biology course: 216, 313, 318, 326, 327, 330 ,333, 334, 335, 380, CHEM 342 or permission of instructor.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, W JAMESR 2206 09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MWF JAMESR 2206 |
BIOL 500-01 |
Human Physiology Lab Instructor: Tiffany Frey Course Description:
BIOL 560-01 |
Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Instructor: Michael Roberts Course Description:
BIOL 560-02 |
Comparing Current Spring Flower Blooming Times with those 80 Years Ago at Pine Hill Arboretum, PA Instructor: Gene Wingert Course Description:
BIOL 560-03 |
Statistical analysis of 7 years nesting data of Eastern Musk Turtles Instructor: Gene Wingert Course Description:
BIOL 560-04 |
The Effect of Enrichment on Boa Constrictor (Boa imperator) Behavior II Instructor: Scott Boback Course Description:
BIOL 560-05 |
The Kinematics of Saltatory Feeding in American Toads 2 Instructor: Scott Boback Course Description:
BIOL 560-06 |
Efficacy of Maternal Attendance in Deterring Predation of Juvenile Rattlesnakes Instructor: Scott Boback Course Description:
BIOL 560-07 |
Investigating the Structural Organization of the Cytokinetic Contractile Ring in an Early Embryo Instructor: John Henson Course Description:
BIOL 560-08 |
The Kinematics of Saltatory Feeding in American Toads Instructor: Scott Boback Course Description:
BIOL 560-09 |
The Kinematics of Saltatory Feeding in American Toads Instructor: Scott Boback Course Description:
BIOL 560-10 |
The Effect of Enrichment on Boa Constrictor Behavior Instructor: Scott Boback Course Description: