The following list includes current and historic individual student research projects; public presentations from conferences, symposia and exhibitions; and peer-reviewed publications. For abstracts on each project, see Students as Scholars.
To explore the research requirement for biology majors, please click here.
Students can get a list of their projects by going to CLIQ in the Gateway. Under the CLIQ menu, go to Profiles and then My ePortfolio. If you are an alum and would like a copy of your projects, please submit a research project request form.
“Supported by" on Student Conference Presentation records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s participation in the conference, e.g., travel expenses, poster costs. For on-campus conferences, the supporting entity is usually the academic department sponsoring the event.
“Supported by" on Student Research Project records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s research costs, e.g., supplies, materials, equipment, stipends, local or international research travel.
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Dianny Aalyah Almanzar | Fluorescent labeling of shell growth in larvae of a marine mollusc Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Jack Christopher Drda | Hemlock woolly adelgid populations and eastern hemlock health follow a four-year cycle in South Central Pennsylvania Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Julia Ruth Freeman | Thermoregulatory behavior at a high-altitude Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) den during fall ingress Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Peter Quinn Gibson | The Effects of Cooling Degree Days on the Duration of Incubation, Loss of Mass During Incubation, and Successful Percentage of Clutch Hatching in Chelydra serpentina Eggs Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Hannah Yufay Herzon | NSF Collaborative Research: Building the Contractile Ring Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Andrew Rives Howe | Effect of Isoprenoid Depletion on Extracellular Vesicles and miRNA Levels in Cellular Models of Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency Conference: Cell Bio Virtual 2020 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Tiffany Frey |
Valerie Elaine Kuppek | Influence of Precipitation on the Nesting Preferences of Chelydra serpentina and Sternotherus odoratus in Central Pennsylvania Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Nathaniel Michael Kurzawa | The Effects of Local Weather on the Nesting Behavior of Snapping Turtles Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Stephanie Robin Levin | Evaluation of Pasture Dragging as Non-Chemical Control Method for Filth Fly Pests of Pastured Beef Cattle Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Matthew Steiman,Jason Smith |
Halle M Maeda | Hemlock woolly adelgid populations and eastern hemlock health follow a four-year cycle in South Central Pennsylvania Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Claudia Rose Maira | Hemlock woolly adelgid populations and eastern hemlock health follow a four-year cycle in South Central Pennsylvania Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Madison Gina McIntyre | Examining a Relationship of Growth and Clutch Size Among Nests of Recaptured Female Chelydra Serpentina Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Madison Gina McIntyre | Thermoregulatory behavior at a high-altitude Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) den during fall ingress Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Quenelle Washington McKim | NSF Collaborative Research: Building the Contractile Ring Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Zoe Louisa Muller | Sociality of Pregnant Prairie Rattlesnakes in Northern Colorado Supported by: R&D SFR Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Christina Mildred Semevolos | Hemlock woolly adelgid populations and eastern hemlock health follow a four-year cycle in South Central Pennsylvania Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Benjamin Robert Shoul | The Effects of Cooling Degree Days on the Duration of Incubation, Loss of Mass During Incubation, and Successful Percentage of Clutch Hatching in Chelydra serpentina Eggs Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Tao Xu | Effect of Isoprenoid Depletion on Extracellular Vesicles and miRNA Levels in Cellular Models of Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency Conference: Cell Bio Virtual 2020 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Tiffany Frey |
Allyson Swider Yanega | Thermoregulatory behavior at a high-altitude Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) den during fall ingress Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Naziru Kamel Abdala | Sulforaphane reduces growth of Trichoplusia ni larvae in a dose-dependent manner Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium | Thomas Arnold |
Benjamin Noah Ahern | Analyzing sequence requirements of flexible, single-stranded regions flanking a hairpin in a viral satellite RNA. Conference: Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Larissa Victoria Babicz | The effects of climate change on the bird communities of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania: 1840-present and present-2100 Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Pamela Van Fleet |
Shahar Broitman | Niblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7. | Mary Niblock |
Odin Quinn Bules | Climate Change Impacts on Spring Wildflower Blooming Phenology in Pine Hill Arboretum, Pennsylvania Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Jennifer M Doorly | Analyzing sequence requirements of flexible, single-stranded regions flanking a hairpin in a viral satellite RNA Conference: Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Jaime-Leigh Marie Edghill | Forelimb kinematics of American toads during locomotion and saltatory feeding Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Jaime-Leigh Marie Edghill | Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR) as a method to estimate abdominal impact of toads during saltatory feeding Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Julia Ruth Freeman | Food habits of a population of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) in northwestern Colorado Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Cheyenne Hope Ghougasian | Sulforaphane reduces growth of Trichoplusia ni larvae in a dose-dependent manner Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Sydney Alexa Gilkey | Niblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7. | Mary Niblock |
Brigitte Jacoby | Niblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7. | Mary Niblock |
Abigail Karan Kaija | Impact of Ocean Acidification on the Development of a Marine Mollusc Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Katelyn Agnes Keefer | PAXgene Tubes Can Store Horse Blood Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Elana Aviv Krapin | Niblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7. | Mary Niblock |
Valerie Elaine Kuppek | Influence of carrion decomposition stage on Dermestes maculatus oviposition site selection in a choice chamber experiment Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Maxwell Lee | Climate Change Impacts on Spring Wildflower Blooming Phenology in Pine Hill Arboretum, Pennsylvania Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Luke L MacCormick | Investigating Yorkie function in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Elisa Andrea Martinez | Development of Neurotransmitter Systems in Marine Invertebrate Larvae Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Zoe Louisa Muller | Quantifying Boa imperator Behavior Using Environmental Enrichment Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Katherine Theresa Parise | Impact of Ocean Acidification on the Development of a Marine Mollusc Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Amanda Marie Parker | Climate Change Impacts on Spring Wildflower Blooming Phenology in Pine Hill Arboretum, Pennsylvania Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Alanis Daniela Perez | Niblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7. | Mary Niblock |
Dylan Gregory Pryor | Analyzing sequence requirements of flexible, single-stranded regions flanking a hairpin in a viral satellite RNA. Conference: Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Lindsay Sarah Robinson | Analyzing sequence requirements of flexible, single-stranded regions flanking a hairpin in a viral satellite RNA Conference: Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Phoebe Elizabeth Thompson Serlemitsos | Non-fungicidal treatments for Take-All-Patch on Creeping Bentgrass using four different acidic treatments Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Adele Elizabeth Simons | Praire Rattlesnake Basking Patterns in Northwest Colorado Spring 2017 Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
McKenna Rene Spaulding | Height is Not Predictive of Starting Nor Playing Time in FIFA World Cup Female Athletes Conference: 2020 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 67th Annual Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Award | |
Julia Marquis Thulander | Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR) as a method to estimate abdominal impact of toads during saltatory feeding Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Julia Marquis Thulander | Impact of Ocean Acidification on the Development of a Marine Mollusc Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Elizabeth Barbara Trost | Characterization of tomato lines with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutations in immunity-associated genes Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Liliane Gabriella Veith | Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR) as a method to estimate abdominal impact of toads during saltatory feeding Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Thomas Cornelis Paul Wegman | Selected bird species abundance relative to changes in the landscape of Cumberland county 1840-present Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Pamela Van Fleet |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Kayla Bendinelli | Regulation of the Acute Myeloid Leukemia Transcriptome: Reprogramming Cancer Cells for Self-Destruction Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Samuel Neill Bogan | Bogan, S.N., J.B. McMahon, J.A. Pechenik and A. Pires. (2019). The legacy of multiple stressors: Responses of gastropod larvae and juveniles to ocean acidification and nutrition. Biol. Bull. 236: 159-173. | Anthony Pires |
Samuel Neill Bogan | Bogan, S.N., J.B. McMahon, J.A. Pechenik, and A. Pires (2018). Latent and interactive effects of ocean acidification and nutrition across the larva to juvenile development of an intertidal gastropod. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: suppl 1: e19. | Anthony Pires |
Shannon Marie Bonner | Effect of Isoprenoid Depletion on Extracellular Vesicle Quality and Quantity in a Cellular Model of Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Shannon Marie Bonner | Regulation of the Acute Myeloid Leukemia Transcriptome: Reprogramming Cancer Cells for Self-Destruction Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Shahar Broitman | Fetal Responses to Carbon Dioxide Exposure in Mice Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Odin Quinn Bules | Agriculture and the Spadefoot Toad Conference: Society of Women Environmental Professionals Meeting Environmental Challenges Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Harold Wingert |
William Chandler | The Taming of the Wild Yeast: Phenotypic Changes Observed in Laboratory Domestication Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Dana Somers |
Boya Cui | Using carbon isotopic signatures of Ulva spp. as indicators of coastal eutrophication Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Thai Uyen Phuoc Dinh | The Roles of the Developmental Transcription Factors Six1 and Six2 in Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis and Metastasis Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Munachiso Oynekachi Egbuchulam | Kinematics of Saltatory Feeding in American Toads Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Munachiso Oynekachi Egbuchulam | Saltatory Feeding Behavior in American Toads: Maximum Height and Landing Kinematics Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Sydney Alexa Gilkey | Fetal Responses to Carbon Dioxide Exposure in Mice Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Julia Leann Hillary | Agriculture and the Spadefoot Toad Conference: Society of Women Environmental Professionals Meeting Environmental Challenges Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Harold Wingert |
Trapper Ty Hobble | Experimental evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus yeasts Supported by: R&D Student-Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 8 | Dana Somers |
Trapper Ty Hobble | The Taming of the Wild Yeast: Phenotypic Changes Observed in Laboratory Domestication Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Dana Somers |
Brigitte Jacoby | Fetal Responses to Carbon Dioxide Exposure in Mice Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Steven Christopher Jones | Interactions in hemlock growth and hemlock woolly adelgid population cycles Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Steven Christopher Jones | Linking the Resistome and Plasmidome to the Microbiome Conference: American Socity for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | |
Songeun Kim | Comparison of Sera Proteins in Patients with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Individuals Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposiu Supported by: Biology Department | |
Delaney Ashlin Koch | Sargassum spp. Effects on Seagrass Epiphytes in the Turks and Caicos Islands Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Elana Aviv Krapin | Fetal Responses to Carbon Dioxide Exposure In Mice Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Maxwell Lee | Agriculture and the Spadefoot Toad Conference: Society of Women Environmental Professionals Meeting Environmental Challenges Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Harold Wingert |
Victoria Emily Lynott | Patient Characteristics and Survival Rates for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium | |
Cecilie Olrik Macpherson | Phenology and Population Dynamics of the Turtles at Wildwood Lake Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) Number of Weeks: 8 | Harold Wingert |
Abigail Rose Marich | Impact of American Toads on crops and dietary preferences of American Toads Supported by: R&D Student-Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 8 | Margaret Douglas,Scott Boback |
Julia Anne Martens | Saltatory Feeding Behavior in American Toads: Maximum Height and Landing Kinematics Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Joel Mayo | The Physiological and Metabolic Demands of NCAA Division III Men's Lacrosse Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Bogan, S.N., J.B. McMahon, J.A. Pechenik and A. Pires. (2019). The legacy of multiple stressors: Responses of gastropod larvae and juveniles to ocean acidification and nutrition. Biol. Bull. 236: 159-173. | Anthony Pires |
Madison Hannah Milaszewski | Use of ATLAS to Identify T Cell Responses to Tumor Associated Antigens in Melanoma Patients Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ryan Patrick Murphy | The Taming of the Wild Yeast: Phenotypic Changes Observed in Laboratory Domestication Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Dana Somers |
Eryn Nelson | An Interdisciplinary Effort to Harvest Plant Isothiocyanates as HDAC Inhibitors to Correct Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease Supported by: Biology Department | Amy Witter,Thomas Arnold |
Katherine Theresa Parise | Analysis of size classes of Lobatus gigas: relationship between sexually mature adults and juveniles in consecutive year in waters around South Caicos Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Alanis Daniela Perez | Fetal Responses to Carbon Dioxide Exposure in Mice Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Alanis Daniela Perez | Cardiomyocyte Proliferation Phenotyope Dependent on Presence of A-5 Integrin in Cardiac-Specific A-Catenin Double Knockout Mice Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Alissa Resnikoff | Pechenik, J.A., A. Pires, J. Trudel, M. Levy, T. Dooley, A. Resnikoff and R.E. Taylor (2019). Impact of ocean acidification on growth, onset of competence, and perception of cues for metamorphosis in larvae of the slippershell snail, Crepidula fornicata. Mar. Biol. 166:128 | Anthony Pires |
Corey Richards | The Physiological and Metabolic Demands of NCAA Division III Men's Lacrosse Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Calvin Georges Schneider | Kinematics of Saltatory Feeding in American Toads Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Alexis Lee Scott | Microscopic Analysis of GVL-Pretreated Poplar Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Emma Frances Sullivan | Phenology and Population Dynamics of the Turtles at Wildwood Lake Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) Number of Weeks: 8 | Harold Wingert |
Rulaiha Elizabeth Taylor | Pechenik, J.A., A. Pires, J. Trudel, M. Levy, T. Dooley, A. Resnikoff and R.E. Taylor (2019). Impact of ocean acidification on growth, onset of competence, and perception of cues for metamorphosis in larvae of the slippershell snail, Crepidula fornicata. Mar. Biol. 166:128 | Anthony Pires |
Ashley Alicia Tucewicz | NAD Supplementation Attenuates Neuroinflammation in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Tao Xu | Neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein's Regulation on Endothelial Permeability in Acute Lung Injuries Conference: 19th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Brandon Yin | Green Coffee Fruit Extract Inhibits Histone Deacetylase Enzymes Just Like A FDA- Approved Drug Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Ilana Fay Zeitzer | The Effect of Eastern Hemlock Abundance on Forest Fungal Communities Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Ilana Fay Zeitzer | Interactions in hemlock growth and hemlock woolly adelgid population cycles Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Ilana Fay Zeitzer | Agriculture and the Spadefoot Toad Conference: Society of Women Environmental Professionals Meeting Environmental Challenges Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Harold Wingert |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Harry B Adams | Novel live cell fluorescent probes for the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Charlie Franklin Bayne | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Charlie Franklin Bayne | In vivo SELEX and in vitro SHAPE reveal sequence and structure requirements within the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Lauren E Beecher | Novel live cell fluorescent probes for the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Jessica L Bell | Mapping C-Fos Expression In The Thoracic Cavity Of The Developing Embryonic Mouse Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Samuel Neill Bogan | Latent and interactive effects of ocean acidification and nutrition across the larva to juvenile development of an intertidal gastropod Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: NSF | Anthony Pires |
Shannon Marie Bonner | Communication Between Immune Cells in Inflammatory Disease Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Tiffany Frey |
Ethan Conor Burg | G protein regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in the cleavage stage embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 weeks | John Henson |
Ethan Conor Burg | Postural effects on post-middle distance run recovery rate. Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Rinaldys Javier Castillo | In vivo SELEX and in vitro SHAPE reveal sequence and structure requirements within the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Rinaldys Javier Castillo | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Christine Yun-Hee Choi | Chemical cues for metamorphosis in the marine snail Crepidula fornicata, and the effects of ocean acidification on cue perception Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: NSF | Anthony Pires |
Christine Yun-Hee Choi | Trudel, J.M., C. Choi, J.A. Pechenik, and A. Pires (2018). Chemical cues for metamorphosis in the marine snail Crepidula fornicata, and the effects of ocean acidification on cue perception. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: suppl 1: e436. | Anthony Pires |
Nicole Robin Clayton | Postural effects on post-middle distance run recovery rate. Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Jiantao Fu | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Jiantao Fu | In vivo SELEX and in vitro SHAPE reveal sequence and structure requirements within the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Alma Daniela Garcia Perez | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Alma Daniela Garcia Perez | In vivo SELEX and in vitro SHAPE reveal sequence and structure requirements within the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Caroline Elizabeth Gillespie | Gillespie, C.E., J. Pechenik, and A. Pires (2018). Effects of temperature and pH in larval and juvenile development in the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: suppl 1: e324. | Anthony Pires |
Caroline Elizabeth Gillespie | Interaction Of Temperature And Ph In Larval And Juvenile Development In The Marine Gastropod Crepidula Fornicata Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Caroline Elizabeth Gillespie | Effects of Temperature and pH in Larval and Juvenile Development in the Marine Gastropod Crepidula Fornicata Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Rachel Glick | Novel live cell fluorescent probes for the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Trevor Munro Griesman | In vivo SELEX and in vitro SHAPE reveal sequence and structure requirements within the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Trevor Munro Griesman | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Justine Avery Hayward | Mapping C-Fos Expression In The Thoracic Cavity Of The Developing Embryonic Mouse Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Jennifer Kay Hibben | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Maxwell Lee | Improving Utilization of Biogas and Digester Effluent for Sustainability Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) Number of Weeks: 8 | Matthew Steiman |
Maxwell Lee | Effects of Diet Quality and pH on Growth, Mortality, and Shell strength in Larvae and Juveniles of the Marine Gastropod Crepidula Fornicata Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Maxwell Lee | Effects Of Diet Quality And PH On Growth, Mortality, And Shell Strength In Larvae And Juveniles Of The Marine Gastropod Crepidula Fornicata Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Maxwell Lee | Interaction Of Temperature And Ph In Larval And Juvenile Development In The Marine Gastropod Crepidula Fornicata Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Maxwell Lee | Lee, M., J.A. Pechenik, and A. Pires (2018). Effects of diet quality and pH on growth, mortality, and shell strength in larvae and juveniles of the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: suppl 1: e360. | Anthony Pires |
Bryan Daniel Lerner | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Audrey Ling | Hemlock woolly adelgid abundance and tannin concentration in high vs. low sites. Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler,Thomas Arnold |
Audrey Ling | El problema de los Huarpes con el agua Conference: Spring 2018 International Research Symposium Supported by: Center for Global Studies and Engagement (CGSE) | |
Nicholas Philip Long | Functional Morphology of the Specialized Gill Chamber in Chaunacidae Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Nicholas Philip Long | Functional Morphology of Gill Changer in Chaunacidae Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Kirsten Guss,Anthony Pires |
Nicholas Philip Long | Functional Coupling Of The Urohyal In Flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes) Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Cecilie Olrik Macpherson | Incubations Across A Geothermal Temperature Gradient Supported by: Northeast Sustainable Agriculture & Education Number of Weeks: 10 | Matthew Steiman,Jason Smith |
Catherine Gabriella Martin | Postural effects on post-middle distance run recovery rate. Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Mohammed Hakim Masab | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Amanda Nicole Masterson | Investigating the Role of Twist2 in NFkB-Mediated Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Invasion Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Heather Lehman |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Bogan, S.N., J.B. McMahon, J.A. Pechenik, and A. Pires (2018). Latent and interactive effects of ocean acidification and nutrition across the larva to juvenile development of an intertidal gastropod. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: suppl 1: e19. | Anthony Pires |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Latent and interactive effects of ocean acidification and nutrition across the larva to juvenile development of an intertidal gastropod Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: NSF | Anthony Pires |
Alexandra Shaw Medeiros | Analysis of the Phosphorylation of SEA-1 Antibody Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Cheyenne L Moore | Plant communities in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) stands impacted by hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae.) Conference: 2018 Biology Honors Research Seminar Supported by: Biology Departmnet | Carol Loeffler |
Cheyenne L Moore | Plant communities in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) stands impacted by hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Allison Margaret Murawski | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Alexander James Myers | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: Regulation Of The Changing Transcriptome Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Robert Francis Page | Factors Influencing Nest Site Selection on Painted Turtles (Chrysemys Picta) Conference: Geological Society of America Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Scott Boback |
Robert Francis Page | Factors Influencing Nest Site Selection on Painted Turtles (Chrysemys Picta) Conference: American Geophysical Union Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Scott Boback |
Kendall D Peck | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: Regulation Of The Changing Transcriptome Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Zachary Tyler Penny | Effects of pH on Swimming Behavior in Larvae of a Marine Mollusc Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Alissa Resnikoff | Effects of Acidification and Salinity Stress on Development in Larvae and Juveniles of the Marine Gastropod Crepidula Fornicata Conference: Society for Intergrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Alissa Resnikoff | Taylor, R.E., A. Resnikoff, J. Pechenik, and A. Pires (2018). Effects of acidification and salinity stress on development in larvae and juveniles of the marine gastropod 6 Crepidula fornicata. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: suppl 1: e432. | Anthony Pires |
Jacqueline Bernadette Ryan | We know it flies but does it flex? Investigating scalloped function in Drosophila embryonic muscles. Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Jacqueline Bernadette Ryan | We Know it Flies but Does it Flex? Investigating Scalloped Function in Drosophila Embryonic Muscles Conference: 2018 Society for Development Biology Northeast Regional Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Kirsten Guss |
Erika Lisandra Saladin | Characterization of Coelomocytes from the Bat Sea Star, Patiria miniata Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Bakary Samasa | G protein regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in the cleavage stage embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Robert Michael Sansevere | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Alexis Lee Scott | Characterization of Coelomocytes from the Bat Sea Star, Patiria miniata Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Kayla Christine Simpson | "Impacts of insect growth regulators on populations of beneficial dung beetles in an agroecosystem in Carlisle, PA. Conference: 2018 Biology Honors Research Seminar Supported by: Biology Department | |
Kayla Christine Simpson | Community-level effects of insect growth regulators in an agroecosystem in Carlisle, PA Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Kayla Christine Simpson | Community-Level Effects of Insect Growth Regulators in an Agroecosystem in Carlisle, PA Conference: 2018 Society of Women Environmental Professionals Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jason Smith |
Kayla Christine Simpson | Social Dynamics of Male African Elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem, Tanzania Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Christian D Snyder | Investigating 5-AMP-induced Hypometabolism Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Amy Elizabeth Sparer | Community-level effects of insect growth regulators in an agroecosystem in Carlisle, PA Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Amy Elizabeth Sparer | Occurrence And Distribution Of The Invasive X. Germanus In Apple Orchards Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Amy Elizabeth Sparer | Community Level Effects of Insect Growth Regulators in an Agroecosystem in Carlisle, PA Conference: 2018 Lehigh Valley Ecology & Evolution Symposium Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jason Smith |
Rulaiha Elizabeth Taylor | Effects of Acidification and Salinity Stress on Development in Larvae and Juveniles of the Marine Gastropod Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Rulaiha Elizabeth Taylor | Taylor, R.E., A. Resnikoff, J. Pechenik, and A. Pires (2018). Effects of acidification and salinity stress on development in larvae and juveniles of the marine gastropod 6 Crepidula fornicata. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58: suppl 1: e432. | Anthony Pires |
Rulaiha Elizabeth Taylor | Effects of Acidification and Salinity Stress on Development in Larvae and Juveniles of a Marine Gastropod Conference: 2018 Biology Honors Research Seminar Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Matthew Mikaele Yamamoto Trang | We Know it Flies but Does it Flex? Investigating Scalloped Function in Drosophila Embryonic Muscles Conference: 2018 Northeast Society for Developmental Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Kirsten Guss |
Matthew Mikaele Yamamoto Trang | We know it flies but does it flex? Investigating scalloped function in Drosophila embryonic muscles. Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Ashley Alicia Tucewicz | Characterization of Coelomocytes from the Bat Sea Star, Patiria miniata Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Max Evan Widawski | SELEX and SHAPE reveal that sequence motifs and an extended hairpin in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA mediate fitness in plants. Virology 520:137-152. | David Kushner |
Max Evan Widawski | In vivo SELEX and in vitro SHAPE reveal sequence and structure requirements within the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Erik Fowler Williams | Novel live cell fluorescent probes for the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Ilana Fay Zeitzer | Community Level Effects of Insect Growth Regulators in an Agroecosystem in Carlisle, PA Conference: 2018 The Society of Women Environmental Professionals Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jason Smith |
Ilana Fay Zeitzer | Community-level effects of insect growth regulators in an agroecosystem in Carlisle, PA Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Olivia Marie Bailey | Impact of individual movement of American Toads on survival within an Agro-Ecosystem Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Olivia Marie Bailey | Nutrition variability of Glycine max (soybean) on spodoptera exigua success and herbivory levels Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Surya Mackenzie Brown-Moffitt | Kinematics of Feeding Behavior in The American Toad: Terrestrial Versus Elevated Prey Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Surya Mackenzie Brown-Moffitt | Kinematics of feeding behavior in the American toad: Vertical limits of tongue projection Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Rinaldys Javier Castillo | The wild side of yeast: Sequencing and characterization of novel species Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Rinaldys Javier Castillo | Secondary structure of a subviral RNA determined by in vivo functional selection Conference: Viruses and Cells: Gordon Research Conference | David Kushner |
Devlynn Hui Ton Chen | Extracellular vesicle function in a model of acute lung injury: role of sex horm Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Devlynn Hui Ton Chen | The role of sex hormones in the expression of inflammatory microRNAs and tristetraprolin Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Nicole Robin Clayton | A Comparison of Two Recovery Postures Following Strenuous Exercise. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Michael Philip Daniel | An Improved Technique for the Preparation of Museum Skeletal Material Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Madison Catherine Etchberger | Beware Amphibians: Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is in the Cumberland Valley Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert,Jennifer Wanat |
Jiantao Fu | Secondary structure of a subviral RNA determined by in vivo functional selection Conference: Viruses and Cells: Gordon Research Conference | David Kushner |
Courtney M Gamache | Experimental Evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus Yeasts Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Dana Somers |
Courtney M Gamache | Domestication of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus yeasts Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Courtney M Gamache | Super resolution imaging of contractile ring components in dividing sea urchin embryos Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Courtney M Gamache | Super-resolution 3D SIM imaging of contractile ring components in dividing sea urchin embryos Conference: The Society for Developmental Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | John Henson |
Alma Daniela Garcia Perez | Secondary structure of a subviral RNA determined by in vivo functional selection. Conference: Viruses and Cells: Gordon Research Conference. | David Kushner |
Alma Daniela Garcia Perez | Secondary structure of a subviral RNA determined by in vivo functional selectio Conference: Viruses and Cells: Gordon Research Conference | David Kushner |
Jamie George | Domestication of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus yeasts Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Caroline Elizabeth Gillespie | NSF 1416690: Ocean Acidification/Collaborative Research/RUI: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Larval Competence, Metamorphosis, and Juvenile Performance in a Planktotrophic Gastropod Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Elizabeth Green Grabowski | Cider Yeasts: An Exploration of Micro-environmental Terroir at Three Springs Fruit Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Rachel Gross | Nutrition variability of Glycine max (soybean) on spodoptera exigua success and herbivory levels Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Hannah Leigh Hartman | Incorporation of Biomolecules in the Development of Innovative Materials: Novel Bone and Tissue Replacement Therapies Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Alexis Haynie | Nutrition variability of Glycine max (soybean) on spodoptera exigua success and herbivory levels Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Charlotte C Heroux | Encoding Chemokines in Vesicular Stomatitis Virus to Enhance Oncolytic Virotherapy Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Zoe Heng Irons | Super-resolution 3D SIM imaging of contractile ring components in dividing sea urchin embryos Conference: The Society for Developmental Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | John Henson |
Zoe Heng Irons | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Zoe Heng Irons | Super resolution imaging of contractile ring components in dividing sea urchin embryos Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Brigitte Jacoby | A benchtop screening method for phenolic natural products with the potential to inhibit the aggregation of amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer's Disease Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Amanda Hildur Jimcosky | Computational analysis of the environmental stress response in Ascomycete fungi Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Caroline Rachel Kanaskie | Hemlock woolly adelgid abundance and hemlock health in hilltop vs. valley sites. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Samantha Kish-Levine | Impact of deer on vegetation Conference: Pennylvania Academy of Science Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Tanita Anne Leary | The Training Mask 2.0 is an inspiratory follow resistor not an altitude simulator. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Maxwell Lee | NSF 1416690: Ocean Acidification/Collaborative Research/RUI: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Larval Competence, Metamorphosis, and Juvenile Performance in a Planktotrophic Gastropod Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Maxwell Lee | Nutrition variability of Glycine max (soybean) on spodoptera exigua success and herbivory levels Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Audrey Ling | El problema de los Huarpes con el agua. Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagment Student International Research Fund (SIRF) Number of Weeks: 6 | |
Connor McDowell Liu | Impact of Glyphosate on Aquatic Isopods Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Tyler Vincent Llewellyn | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in human cells Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Madison L McDole | A benchtop screening method for phenolic natural products with the potential to inhibit the aggregation of amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer's Disease Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Bridget Ann Michaels | Impact of Glyphosate on Aquatic Isopods Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Cheyenne L Moore | Comparison of Red-spotted Newt (Notopthalmus viridescens) Diet in Southern Pennsylvania Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Cheyenne L Moore | Eastern hemlocks and hemlock woolly adelgids Conference: Pennsylvania Academy of Science Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Sophie Melissa Moore | Impact of individual movement of American Toads on survival within an Agro-Ecosystem Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Kathryn Alisa Mueller | This Gut's Got Character: Utilizing Comparative Genomics to Characterize the Yeast Living in Endosymbiosis Within Detrivorous Beetle Guts Conference: Genetics Society of America Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Dana Somers |
Tim Oldfield Nieuwenhuis | The wild side of yeast: Sequencing and characterization of novel species Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department, Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Robert Francis Page | The Influence of Soil Characteristics on Nest-Site Selection in Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
John Bay Parker-Blier | Impact of Glyphosate on Aquatic Isopods Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Madison Anna Parks | Functional development of central chemoreceptors and onset of fetal breathing movements in embryonic and early postnatal mice Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Andrew Chase Phillips | The Training Mask 2.0 is an inspiratory follow resistor not an altitude simulator. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Isaac Samuel Pitkow | The role of sex hormones in the expression of inflammatory microRNAs and tristetraprolin Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Leigh A Python | A Comparison of Two Recovery Postures Following Strenuous Exercise. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Joshua Noble Reider | Diet and Growth Structure Analysis of Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque) in the Susquehanna River Drainage Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Alissa Resnikoff | Effects of ocean acidification and salinity stress on development and behavior in larvae of a marine gastropod. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Alissa Resnikoff | Effects of ocean acidification and salinity stress on growth and metamorphosis in larvae of a marine gastropod. Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Cole Douglas Rinehart | A Comparison of Two Recovery Postures Following Strenuous Exercise. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Juliet Anais Risko | Impact of individual movement of American Toads on survival within an Agro-Ecosystem Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Marissa Christina Ruschil | Extracellular vesicle function in a model of acute lung injury: role of sex hormones Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Marissa Christina Ruschil | Cellular Interaction in Inflammation Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Tiffany Frey |
Bakary Samasa | Nutrition variability of Glycine max (soybean) on spodoptera exigua success and herbivory levels Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Rebekah Sophia Samuels | The wild side of yeast: Sequencing and characterization of novel species Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Megan Elizabeth Sansevere | Effects of ocean acidification and salinity stress on development and behavior in larvae of a marine gastropod. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Robert Michael Sansevere | Secondary structure of a subviral RNA determined by in vivo functional selection Conference: Viruses and Cells: Gordon Research Conference | David Kushner |
Sarah Louise Schneid | This fly's got nerve: investigating the role of scalloped in motor neuron pattern Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Sadie Ann Signorella | Scalloped on the brain: using ChIP to identify targets of Scalloped function in the fruit fly central nervous system. Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Kayla Christine Simpson | Integrated Pest Management for Cattle Fly Pests on the Dickinson Farm Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education (CSE), Sustainability Education Fund Number of Weeks: 8 | Jason Smith |
Kadijah Imani Sutton | Impact of Glyphosate on Aquatic Isopods Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Rulaiha Elizabeth Taylor | Effects of ocean acidification and salinity stress on growth and metamorphosis in larvae of a marine gastropod. Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Rulaiha Elizabeth Taylor | Effects of ocean acidification and salinity stress on development and behavior in larvae of a marine gastropod. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Alyssa Marie Veliz | Assessing the Functional Convergence of Wet Sclerophyll Forest with Rainforest in Queensland, Australia Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Eric Thomas Vogt | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in human ce Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Max Evan Widawski | Secondary structure of a subviral RNA determined by in vivo functional selection. Conference: Viruses and Cells: Gordon Research Conference | David Kushner |
Erik Fowler Williams | Super resolution imaging of contractile ring components in dividing sea urchin embryos Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Michaela Kathleen Williams | Assessing the spatial ecology of the Caribbean reef shark, Carcharhinus perezi, on South Caicos Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Maxwell Taro Yoshida | A benchtop screening method for phenolic natural products with the potential to inhibit the aggregation of amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer's Disease Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Lindsey Samantha Zwecker | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in human cells Conference: 17th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Lindsey Samantha Zwecker | The Effect of Isoprenoid Depletion on the Inflammatory Response of Blood Cells Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Tiffany Frey |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Sterling Pacifica Arjona | Histology and Anatomy of the Faveolar and Saccular Lung in Boa Constrictors Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Olivia Marie Bailey | Bugs are friends and food: A trial in raising mealworms as a sustainable alternative to livestock Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Jesse Elliott Bissell | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Jesse Elliott Bissell | Localization of alpha-actinin within the contractile ring during cytokinesis in sea urchin embryos Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Samuel Neill Bogan | Pechenik, J., A. Pires, R. Burns, S. Bogan, and M. Mei (2016). Influence of reduced pH on growth and development of the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: suppl 1: e348. | Anthony Pires |
Samuel Neill Bogan | Influence of Reduced pH on on the Development of Marine Gastropod Crepidula fornicata Conference: Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: National Science Foundation (NSF), R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Surya Mackenzie Brown-Moffitt | A look at the effects of breeding ponds on the presence and distribution of American toads (Anaxyrus americanus) on the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm. Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Layla Heather Budin | The effect of long non-coding RNA Falcor on the expression of Foxa2 and proximal airway epithelial cell differentiation Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Rinaldys Javier Castillo | Sequencing and Characterization of Novel Insect-Associated Yeasts Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Dana Somers |
Christine Yun-Hee Choi | Dooley, T.C., C. Choi, A. Pires, and J.A. Pechenik (2016). The effect of acidification on settlement and metamorphosis in response to adult cues in an invasive gastropod. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: suppl 1: e279. | Anthony Pires |
Christine Yun-Hee Choi | The effect of acidification on settlement and metamorphosis in response to adult cues in an invasive gastropod. Conference: Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: National Science Foundation (NSF), R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Christine Yun-Hee Choi | NSF 1416690: Ocean Acidification:Collaborative Research: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Larval Competence, Metamorphosis, and Juvenile Performance in a Planktotrophic Gastropod Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Christine Yun-Hee Choi | Refining a traditional skeletal preparation technique Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Hattie Ingeborg Rose Cowles | The effect of acidified water on swimming speed of the gastropod Crepidula fornicata Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Kathryn Louise Davison | Refining a traditional skeletal preparation technique Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Casey Elizabeth Ditzler | High-resolution structural organization of the contractile ring in dividing sea urchin embryos Conference: Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin XXIII | John Henson |
Casey Elizabeth Ditzler | Septin2 filaments in sea urchin cells: localization in the contractile ring of embryos and in the cytoskeleton of coelomocytes Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Casey Elizabeth Ditzler | Visualization and analysis of the fine structure organization of the contractile ring in sea urchin embryos Conference: 2015 American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting Supported by: American Society for Cell Biology | John Henson |
Casey Elizabeth Ditzler | Septin2 filaments in sea urchin cells: localization in the contractile ring of embryos and in the cytoskeleton of coelomocytes Conference: Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin XXIII | John Henson |
Courtney M Gamache | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Aphnie Germain | Septin2 filaments in sea urchin cells: localization in the contractile ring of embryos and in the cytoskeleton of coelomocytes Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Aphnie Germain | Visualization and analysis of the fine structure organization of the contractile ring in sea urchin embryos Conference: 2015 American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting Supported by: American Society for Cell Biology | John Henson |
Elizabeth Green Grabowski | Crickets & Cookies Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Zev Joshua Greenberg | Fly tissues great and small: does Scalloped control them all? Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Zev Joshua Greenberg | Fly Tissues Great and Small: Does Scalloped Control them All? Conference: Society for Developmental Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant, R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Kirsten Guss |
Trevor Thomas Hollinger | The elusive progesterone receptor and macrophage double labeled cell in the murine cervix. Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Alexander Michael Holmes | Bugs are friends and food: A trial in raising mealworms as a sustainable alternative to livestock Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Zoe Heng Irons | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Patrick Michael Irwin | Septin2 filaments in sea urchin cells: localization in the contractile ring of embryos and in the cytoskeleton of coelomocytes Conference: Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin XXIII Supported by: National Science Foundation | John Henson |
Patrick Michael Irwin | Septin2 filaments in sea urchin cells: localization in the contractile ring of embryos and in the cytoskeleton of coelomocytes Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Patrick Michael Irwin | Visualization and analysis of the fine structure organization of the contractile ring in sea urchin embryos Conference: 2015 American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting Supported by: American Society for Cell Biology | John Henson |
Patrick Michael Irwin | High-resolution structural organization of the contractile ring in dividing sea urchin embryos Conference: Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin XXIII | John Henson |
Amanda Hildur Jimcosky | Kinematics of postural curves during the preparation and strike phases of Boa constrictor predatory behavior Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Amanda Hildur Jimcosky | Characterization and kinematics of high-speed strikes in Boa constrictor predatory behavior Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Christopher J Jones | Using comparative genomics to study bacterial manganese oxidation Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Timothy Wahls,Katherine Geszvain |
Rodney D Jones | Localization of alpha-actinin within the contractile ring during cytokinesis in sea urchin embryos Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Rodney D Jones | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Emily Carolyn Kaplita | Spatial analysis of American toads (Anaxyrus americanus) at the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Emily Carolyn Kaplita | American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) as Biological Controls in an Integrated Pest Management System at the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm Conference: Texas A&M University Ecological Integration Symposium Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Emily Carolyn Kaplita | An Interdisciplinary Look at the American Toad's Role on the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm: Where Did We Come From? Where Are We Going? Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Katelyn Sara Elizabeth King | Entomophagy for the Western palette: Waxworms as a viable food option in an American diet Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Tyler Vincent Llewellyn | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in mouse and human cells Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Eller A Mallchok | When do they die?: lethality of scalloped mutants during Drosophila development Conference: Northeast Regional Meeting of the Society of Developmental Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Kirsten Guss |
Cheyenne L Moore | Entomophagy for the Western palette: Waxworms as a viable food option in an American diet Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Sophie Melissa Moore | A look at the effects of breeding ponds on the presence and distribution of American toads (Anaxyrus americanus) on the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm. Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Michael William Muehlberger | Refining a traditional skeletal preparation technique Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Kathryn Alisa Mueller | Microbial Taxonomic Diversity Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education Number of Weeks: 26 | Dana Somers |
Kathryn Alisa Mueller | Phylogenetic and phenotypic characterization of fungi from detritivorous beetles Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Dana Somers |
Andrew Chase Phillips | Exercise physiology: Airway resistance device in training Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Carly Elizabeth Pierson | Neural Regulation of Breathing During Exercise Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson | Entomophagy for the Western palette: Waxworms as a viable food option in an American diet Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson | Efficacy of the American toad (Anaxyrus americanus) in biological control of insect pests within an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system at the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Commitee | Scott Boback |
Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson | American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) as Biological Controls in an Integrated Pest Management System at the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm Conference: Texas A&M University Ecological Integration Symposium Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Scott Boback |
Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson | An Interdisciplinary Look at the American Toad's Role on the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm: Where Did We Come From? Where Are We Going? Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Jeremy Robert Pozner | Bugs are friends and food: A trial in raising mealworms as a sustainable alternative to livestock Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Hartwell Thomas Rainey | Localization of Scalloped homologs in the embryonic mouse brain Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss,Mary Niblock |
Ian Samuel Ravin | Crickets & Cookies Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Ian Samuel Ravin | Five new species of Longhorned Woodboring Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the genus Urgleptes of Hispaniola including a new synonymy for a highly variable species Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Alissa Resnikoff | NSF 1416690: Ocean Acidification:Collaborative Research: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Larval Competence, Metamorphosis, and Juvenile Performance in a Planktotrophic Gastropod Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Rebekah Sophia Samuels | Crickets & Cookies Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Rachael Anne Sclafani | Garlic mustard: impacts on understory diversity and competitive interactions. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Branch of the Ecological Society of America | Carol Loeffler |
Stefanie Pascal Sels | Characterization and kinematics of high-speed strikes in Boa constrictor predatory behavior Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Eommittee | Scott Boback |
Stefanie Pascal Sels | Kinematics of postural curves during the preparation and strike phases of Boa constrictor predatory behavior Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Kayla Christine Simpson | A look at the effects of breeding ponds on the presence and distribution of American toads (Anaxyrus americanus) on the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm. Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Kayla Christine Simpson | Bugs are friends and food: A trial in raising mealworms as a sustainable alternative to livestock Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Kelsey Madeline Sloter | Characterization and kinematics of high-speed strikes in Boa constrictor predatory behavior Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Kelsey Madeline Sloter | Kinematics of postural curves during the preparation and strike phases of Boa constrictor predatory behavior Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Kelsey Madeline Sloter | Biomechanics of striking in Boa Constrictor Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Charles Ethan Slusher | Biomechanics of striking in Boa Constrictor Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Rachel Taylor Smolskis | Characterization and kinematics of high-speed strikes in Boa constrictor predatory behavior Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Rachel Taylor Smolskis | Kinematics of postural curves during the preparation and strike phases of Boa constrictor predatory behavior Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Evan Andrew Solomon | Initiation of Scalloped expression during Drosophila development Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Amy Elizabeth Sparer | Entomophagy for the Western palette: Waxworms as a viable food option in an American diet Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Kadijah Imani Sutton | Entomophagy for the Western palette: Waxworms as a viable food option in an American diet Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jason Smith |
Rulaiha Elizabeth Taylor | NSF 1416690: Ocean Acidification:Collaborative Research: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Larval Competence, Metamorphosis, and Juvenile Performance in a Planktotrophic Gastropod Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Harrison O Torok | Exercise physiology: Airway resistance device in training Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Amanda Rachel Turner | Crickets & Cookies Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Eric Thomas Vogt | Crickets & Cookies Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Smith |
Eric Thomas Vogt | Inflammatory Mechanisms in Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Tiffany Frey |
Eric Thomas Vogt | The Effect of Isoprenoid Depletion on the Inflammatory Response of Blood Cells Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 weeks | Tiffany Frey |
Eric Thomas Vogt | Septin2 filaments in sea urchin cells: localization in the contractile ring of embryos and in the cytoskeleton of coelomocytes Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Madison Weirick | Sequencing and Characterization of Novel Insect-Associated Yeasts Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Dana Somers |
Su Yadana | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in mouse and human cells Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committeed | Tiffany Frey |
Shucheng Yang | Septin2 filaments in sea urchin cells: localization in the contractile ring of embryos and in the cytoskeleton of coelomocytes Conference: 16th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Lindsey Samantha Zwecker | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in mouse and human cells Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Johnnie Allison Abell | Influence of FGF and Wnt signaling on the formation of the cardiac inflow tract. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Bria Symone Antoine | Investigating Effectiveness of Two Distinctive Pistol-Firing Styles in Trained Novice Subjects Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer,Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Guido |
Tareq Azad | Rapid evolution of in vivo-selected sequences and structures replacing twenty percent of a subviral RNA. Virology 483:149-162. | David Kushner |
Kerri Marie Bergin | Population Analysis of Painted Turtles at Wildwood Lake, Pennsylvania and Hiram Pond, Ohio Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Samuel Neill Bogan | Impacts of ocean acidification on larval development and metamorphosis of Crepidula fornicata Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Samuel Neill Bogan | NSF 1416690: Ocean Acidification:Collaborative Research: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Larval Competence, Metamorphosis, and Juvenile Performance in a Planktotrophic Gastropod Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Briana Latrice Brown | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamellipodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process | John Henson |
Marina Corinne Butler | Assessment of Growth Parameters to Compare Male and Female Painted Turtles Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
La Niece Nicole Carpenter | Genetic Re-Programming of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Rinaldys Javier Castillo | Use of in vivo SELEX to examine a potential base pairing interaction between two discontinuous regions of a non-coding viral RNA Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Christine Yun-Hee Choi | NSF 1416690: Ocean Acidification:Collaborative Research: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Larval Competence, Metamorphosis, and Juvenile Performance in a Planktotrophic Gastropod Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Caroline Gallagher Clancy | Chromosomal Translocation associated with risk of clear cell renal cell carcinoma Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Steven Michael Collins | Can You Understand Your Dog? Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Spatial distribution of Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) nests in an artificial wetland. Conference: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH), | Scott Boback |
Casey Elizabeth Ditzler | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Jillian Hammond Dunbar | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Jillian Hammond Dunbar | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committe | Tiffany Frey |
Julie Robin Fields | Genetic vs. Environmental contributions to body size in Boa Constrictor Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Julie Robin Fields | Genetic vs Environmental contributions to body size in Boa constrictor Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Jiantao Fu | Use of in vivo SELEX to examine a potential base pairing interaction between two discontinuous regions of a non-coding viral RNA Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Ariana Garagozzo | Defining the catalytic machinery of human ghrelin O-acyltransferase Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ariana Garagozzo | Defining the catalytic machinery of human ghrelin O-acyltransferase Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Elizabeth Ann Gass | Population Analysis of Painted Turtles at Wildwood Lake, Pennsylvania and Hiram Pond, Ohio Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Heather Lynn Geist | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamelliodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Heather Lynn Geist | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamellipodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process | John Henson |
Heather Lynn Geist | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamellipodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process Conference: 2014 American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting Supported by: American Society for Cell Biology | John Henson |
Heather Lynn Geist | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamelliodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Aphnie Germain | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Aphnie Germain | Dissect the contribution of Rho signaling to contractile ring formation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Lev Joselow Gerstle | Insect BioBlitz on the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Trevor Munro Griesman | Characterization of the role of exosomes in HIV-1 infectivity Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Trevor Munro Griesman | Use of in vivo SELEX to examine a potential base pairing interaction between two discontinuous regions of a non-coding viral RNA Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Christopher Aaron Holmes | Assessment of Growth Parameters to Compare Male and Female Painted Turtles Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Patrick Michael Irwin | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Yeana Jang | Role of Surfactant Protein A in the Inflammatory Response Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Yeana Jang | Role of Surfactant Protein A in the Inflammatory Response. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Yeana Jang | Role of surfactant protein A in the inflammatory response. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Nina Barbara Jean-Jacques | Rapid evolution of in vivo-selected sequences and structures replacing twenty percent of a subviral RNA. Virology 483:149-162 | David Kushner |
Amanda Hildur Jimcosky | Interactions between Oak Trees and Small Mammals Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Kinzea Grace Jones | Insect BioBlitz on the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Emily Carolyn Kaplita | Population biology of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) within an Agroecosystem as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Project Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Han Kyeol Kim | Role of Wnt/Frizzled Pathway in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ashley Nicole Kinney | Can You Understand Your Dog? Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Hannah Svensson Kisley | Assessment of Growth Parameters to Compare Male and Female Painted Turtles Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Paige Hyland Kopp | Population Analysis of Painted Turtles at Wildwood Lake, Pennsylvania and Hiram Pond, Ohio Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Nathaniel Todd Latshaw | Population biology of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) within an Agroecosystem as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Project Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Mathematics & Computer Science Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Kristen Nicole Liebig | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Wai Wai Lin | Structural plasticity and rapid evolution in a viral RNA revealed by in vivo genetic selection. Journal of Virology 83:927-939. | David Kushner |
Eller A Mallchok | When do they die?: lethality of sd3L and sd68L during Drosophila development Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Antonio David Marrero | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Antonio David Marrero | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Katelyn Josephine McCann | Boback, S.M., McCann, K.*, Wood, K.*, McNeal, P.*, Blankenship, E., and C.F., Zwemer. Snake constriction rapidly induces circulatory arrest in rats. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:2279-2288. doi: 10.1242/jeb.121384 | Scott Boback |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Effects of Ocean Acidification and Nutrition on Growth and Metamorphosis in the Gastropod Crepidula fornicata Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Effects of Ocean Acidification and Nutrition on Growth and Metaphamorphosis on Gastropod Crepidula Fornicata Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | McMahon, J.B., and A. Pires (2015) Effects of ocean acidification and nutrition on growth and metamorphosis in the gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Integrative and Comparative Biology 55: suppl 1: e302. | Anthony Pires |
Patrick Michael McNeal | Boback, S.M., McCann, K.*, Wood, K.*, McNeal, P.*, Blankenship, E., and C.F., Zwemer. Snake constriction rapidly induces circulatory arrest in rats. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:2279-2288. doi: 10.1242/jeb.121384 | Scott Boback |
Angela Emer Medrano | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamellipodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process | John Henson |
Matthew William Miller | Spatial distribution of Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) nests in an artificial wetland. Conference: oint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) | Scott Boback |
Kayla Jordan Muirhead | This gut's got character: Utilizing comparative genomics to characterize the phylogenetic relationship of Ascomycete yeasts found in detritivorous beetle guts Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Grace C Mulcahy | Can You Understand Your Dog? Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Allison Margaret Murawski | Rapid evolution of in vivo-selected sequences and structures replacing twenty percent of a subviral RNA. Virology 483:149-162. | David Kushner |
Alexis N Newton | HSP70 and Parthenolide Number of Weeks: 8 | Rebecca Connor |
Chieuanh Thi Nguyen | Assessment of Growth Parameters to Compare Male and Female Painted Turtles Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Cody Michael Nichols | Investigating Effectiveness of Two Distinctive Pistol-Firing Styles in Trained Novice Subjects Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer,Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Guido |
Johnathan Lee Nieves | Rapid evolution of in vivo-selected sequences and structures replacing twenty percent of a subviral RNA. Virology 483:149-162. | David Kushner |
Mollyann Devine Pais | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamellipodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process Conference: 2014 American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting Supported by: American Society for Cell Biology | John Henson |
Mollyann Devine Pais | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamelliodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Mollyann Devine Pais | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamelliodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Mollyann Devine Pais | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamellipodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process | John Henson |
Jaimee Lauren Perlmutter | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Keriann Elizabeth Pfleger | Population biology of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) within an Agroecosystem as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Project Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson | Efficacy of the American Toad as a biological control of insect pests at the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Ian Samuel Ravin | Insect BioBlitz on the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Slade Dylan Reisner | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Supported by: National Jewish Health Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Cole Douglas Rinehart | Effects of intracerebroventricular benzamil on osmotic responses to hypertonic sodium chloride infusion. Supported by: American Heart Association Undergraduate Research Fellowship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Julia Elizabeth Ring | Population Analysis of Painted Turtles at Wildwood Lake, Pennsylvania and Hiram Pond, Ohio Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Deparment | Harold Wingert |
Max Oliver Rubinstein | Tracking brown tree snakes in Guam. Supported by: USGS, Dept of Defense Number of Weeks: 4 | |
Max Oliver Rubinstein | Behavior Assessment of Brown Tree Snakes at Low Population Densities Number of Weeks: 4 | |
Elizabeth Marie Schultz | Genetic vs Environmental contributions to body size in Boa constrictor Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Elizabeth Marie Schultz | Genetic vs. Environmental contributions to body size in Boa Constrictor Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Nicholas Milan Schwab | Spatial distribution of Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) nests in an artificial wetland. Conference: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) | Scott Boback |
Samuel Robert Silvershein | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Samuel Robert Silvershein | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Megan Ann Stekla | Role of Surfactant Protein A in the Inflammatory Response Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Megan Ann Stekla | Role of Surfactant Protein A in the Inflammatory Response. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Megan Ann Stekla | Role of surfactant protein A in the inflammatory response. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Katelyn Maria Swade | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Katelyn Maria Swade | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: Joint Meeting of The Society for Leukocyte Biology & The International Endotoxin and Innate Immunity Society Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Tiffany Frey |
Katelyn Maria Swade | Isoprenoid Depletion Alters CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Holleh Fatima Tajalli | Rapid evolution of in vivo-selected sequences and structures replacing twenty percent of a subviral RNA. Virology 483:149-162. | David Kushner |
Rachel C Thompson | Role of Surfactant Protein A in the Inflammatory Response. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Rachel C Thompson | Role of Surfactant Protein A in the Inflammatory Response Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Rachel C Thompson | Role of surfactant protein A in the inflammatory response. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Andrew Jacobovitz Veselka | Small Mammal Response to the Reintroduction of the Gunnison's Prairie Dog Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Andrew Jacobovitz Veselka | Modeling Survival and Recapture Probabilities of Painted Turtles Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Scott Boback |
Eric Thomas Vogt | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Richard Matthew Weeks | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamellipodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process | John Henson |
Kevin Andrew Wood | Boback, S.M., McCann, K.*, Wood, K.*, McNeal, P.*, Blankenship, E., and C.F., Zwemer. Snake constriction rapidly induces circulatory arrest in rats. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218:2279-2288. doi: 10.1242/jeb.121384 | Scott Boback |
Shucheng Yang | NSF 1412688: COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH/RUI: G Protein Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Cleavage Stage Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Mesrob Yeterian | Arp2/3 complex inhibition radically alters lamellipodial actin architecture, suspended cell shape, and the cell spreading process | John Henson |
Jennifer Mercedes Zapata | Investigating Effectiveness of Two Distinctive Pistol-Firing Styles in Trained Novice Subjects Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer,Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Guido |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Johnnie Allison Abell | Influence of the FGF and Wnt signaling pathways on the formation of the cardiac inflow tract. Supported by: Amgen Program, Univ. California San Diego, La Jolla, CA Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Meredith Catherine Armolt | The Impact of White-tailed Deer on Forest Composition and Nitrogen Levels in Streams Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Elizabeth Caruso Austin | Results of a Qualitative and Quantitative Survey of Cetaceans in Close Proximity to Vessels in Massachusetts' Coastal Waters Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Samuel Neill Bogan | Body size, growth, and maternal effects in island Boa constrictor Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Samuel Neill Bogan | Body Size, Growth, and Maternal Effects in Boa Constrictor Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Briana Latrice Brown | Inhibition of the Arp2/3 Complex in Suspended Cells Induces a Radical Shape Change and Alters the Cell Spreading Process Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Aaron Dale Brumbaugh | The MJ1598 protein from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii is a non-orthologous replacement of the nicotinate mono nucleotide:5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole phosphoribosyltransferase (CobT) enzyme of Salmonella enterica Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Christine Josephine Burns | Deer as agents of seed dispersal in mixed hardwood forests of differing deer population management. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Branch of the Ecological Society of America | Carol Loeffler |
Rinaldys Javier Castillo | Investigation of a possible base pairing interaction within a non-coding viral RNA via in vivo functional selection. Conference: Eleventh Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Raheem Ahmed Chowdhury | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ - Application of Physics in the Study of Hemoglobin Disorders Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Population assessment of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Ridge William Dershem | The Impact of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and Asian Stilt Grass (Microstegium vimineum) on Two Forest Understories in South Central Pennsylvania Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Mary Christine DiGiorgio | An Assessment of a Painted Turtle Population at Wildwood Lake Sanctuary in Harrisburg, PA Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Mary Christine DiGiorgio | An Assessment of a Painted Turtle Population and an Error Analysis of Community Generated Data Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Mary Christine DiGiorgio | An Error Analysis of Community Generated Data on a Painted Turtle population Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Amy Michelle Diamond | Phox2b- and Non-Phox2b-expressing Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Cells Account for Similar Proportions of Cells that Upregulate c-fos in Response to Whole Animal Carbon Dioxide Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Jillian Hammond Dunbar | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Jessica Nicole Edenfield | Metaplastic Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Chart Review of Molecular Profiling Results and Outcomes Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Julie Robin Fields | Body Size, Growth, and Maternal Effects in Boa Constrictor Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Steven Harper Finley | The Impact of The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Local Populations of Young Eastern Hemlocks Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Connor Foote | Inhibition of the Arp2/3 Complex in Suspended Cells Induces a Radical Shape Change and Alters the Cell Spreading Process Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Grace Ellin Freundlich | Ocean carbon, acid seas, and seagrass chemical defenses Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Jiantao Fu | The Impact of White-tailed Deer on Forest Composition and Nitrogen Levels in Streams Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Jiantao Fu | RNA structure-function analysis of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) satellite C RNA Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Trevor Munro Griesman | Exosomal Restriction factors and HIV Supported by: University of Iowa department of Microbiology Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Laura A Hart | Patterns of forest recovery in deer exclosures following overbrowsing and stiltgrass expension. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Branch of the Ecological Society of America | Carol Loeffler |
Jill Marie Hautaniemi | Factors Affecting the Distribution of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Jennifer Kay Hibben | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Tenth Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Jennifer Kay Hibben | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Jonathan William Jackson | Phox2b- and Non-Phox2b-expressing Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Cells Account for Similar Proportions of Cells that Upregulate c-fos in Response to Whole Animal Carbon Dioxide Exposure Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Yeana Jang | Differential TNF- Response of Alveolar Macrophages to Lovastatin Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Sai Gauri Jayasinghe | Body size, growth, and maternal effects in island Boa constrictor Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Lauren Elise Jonas | The Impact of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and Asian Stilt Grass (Microstegium vimineum) on Two Forest Understories in South Central Pennsylvania Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Emily Carolyn Kaplita | Monitoring Population Size of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) within an Agro Ecosystem as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Project Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Robert Andrew Kilker | The Effects of Depth on the Size of Invasive Red Lionfish in South Caicos Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Emily Veronica Kisak | Using recapture data to evaluate juvenile lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, growth rates, movement patterns, and tag retention rates Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Bryan Daniel Lerner | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Bryan Daniel Lerner | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: Tenth Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Kristen Nicole Liebig | Differential TNF- Response of Alveolar Macrophages to Lovastatin Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Kristen Nicole Liebig | Effect of Lovastatin on sCD14 Levels Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Kristen Nicole Liebig | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Rosabeth Ivory Link | Patterns of forest recovery in deer exclosures following overbrowsing and stiltgrass expension. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Branch of the Ecological Society of America | Carol Loeffler |
Rosabeth Ivory Link | The sweet smell of insect pheromones? The role of volatiles in the attraction of pollinators to Mimulus guttatus Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Rosabeth Ivory Link | Factors Affecting the Distribution of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Michael Joseph LoPresti | The Impact of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and Asian Stilt Grass (Microstegium vimineum) on Two Forest Understories in South Central Pennsylvania Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Antonio David Marrero | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Mohammed Hakim Masab | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: Tenth Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Mohammed Hakim Masab | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Eric George McKnight | Differential TNF- Response of Alveolar Macrophages to Lovastatin Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Ocean Acidification and Larval Development Supported by: Blinks - NSF REU - BEACON Internship Program Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Effects of Ocean Acidification on Development of a Marine Mollusc Larva Supported by: Sustainability Education Fund Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: CSE, National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Angela Emer Medrano | Inhibition of the Arp2/3 Complex in Suspended Cells Induces a Radical Shape Change and Alters the Cell Spreading Process Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Emily Mae Miller | Phox2b- and Non-Phox2b-expressing retrotrapezoid nucleus cells account for similar proportions of cells that upregulate c-fos in response to whole animal carbon dioxide exposure Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Brian Scott Milstein | The Impact of The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Local Populations of Young Eastern Hemlocks Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Kayla Jordan Muirhead | Circadian rhythm in methanotrophic bacteria: expression of pmoA coding for monooxygenase in microcosms cycled with methane Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Allison Margaret Murawski | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: Tenth Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Allison Margaret Murawski | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Brendan Timothy Murtha | The Impact of The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Local Populations of Young Eastern Hemlocks Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Chieuanh Thi Nguyen | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Cody Michael Nichols | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Magdalena Klara Niedermeyer | Body Size, Growth, and Maternal Effects in Boa Constrictor Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Sarah Vaughan Orloff | The Impact of White-tailed Deer on Forest Composition and Nitrogen Levels in Streams Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Rosemary Lillian Palmieri | Forensic polymorphisms in mongolian populations. Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Jaimee Lauren Perlmutter | Differential TNF- Response of Alveolar Macrophages to Lovastatin Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Jaimee Lauren Perlmutter | Effect of Lovastatin on sCD14 Levels Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson | Monitoring Population Size of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) within an Agro Ecosystem as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Project Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Leigh Anne Ratino | An Error Analysis of Community Generated Data on a Painted Turtle population Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Leigh Anne Ratino | An Assessment of a Painted Turtle Population at Wildwood Lake Sanctuary in Harrisburg, PA Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Leigh Anne Ratino | An Assessment of a Painted Turtle Population and an Error Analysis of Community Generated Data Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Jennifer Kristina Rush | DNMT3B7 promotes tumor progression in breast cancer cells through an E-cadherin-mediated pathway. Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Max H Russo | Liquid Microjunction Coupled with LC-MS/MS Based Molecular Imaging of Biological Tissue Slices: Method Development and Optimization Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Max H Russo | Evaluation of Sandwich-Cultured Human Hepatocytes for Prediction of Drug-Induced Liver Injury Supported by: Bristol Myers Squibb Number of Weeks: 7 | |
Youki Sato | Discovery, Identification, and Analysis of Ascomycete Yeast Beetle Endosymbionts Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Dana Somers |
Juliana Dee Schneider | African Impact: Rural Medical Outreach and HIV/AIDS Awareness. St. Lucia, South Africa Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Elizabeth Marie Schultz | Body Size, Growth, and Maternal Effects in Boa Constrictor Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Elizabeth Marie Schultz | Body size, growth, and maternal effects in island Boa constrictor Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Nicholas Milan Schwab | Population assessment of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Nicholas Milan Schwab | Population assessment of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) and Common SnappingTurtles (Chelydra serpentina) at Huntsdale Pond in Southern PA Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Samuel Robert Silvershein | Effect of Lovastatin on sCD14 Levels Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Todd Ryan Smolinsky | Phox2b- and Non-Phox2b-expressing retrotrapezoid nucleus cells account for similar proportions of cells that upregulate c-fos in response to whole animal carbon dioxide exposure Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Adeen Zahir Solaiman | Identification of Carbon Dioxide-Sensitive Cells in the Mouse Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Jerone Tyler Stoner | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Jerone Tyler Stoner | Identification and Characterization of Enterococcus faecalis Biofilm Phenotypes Supported by: Yale University- Handelsman Lab Number of Weeks: 7 | |
Suleiman Yousef Sudah | Phox2b- and Non-Phox2b-expressing Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Cells Account for Similar Proportions of Cells that Upregulate c-fos in Response to Whole Animal Carbon Dioxide Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Katelyn Maria Swade | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Tiffany Frey |
Katelyn Maria Swade | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Shannon Jean Sweeney | Behavior of Cattle Subject to variable levels to variable levels of predation risk in Manyara Ranch and the Masailand Community Area Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Katri Elizabeth Thiele | Purification and characterization of putative giant viral prolyl-4-hydroxylase enzymes Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Arielle Christine Verdi | Ocean carbon, acid seas, and seagrass chemical defenses Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Andrew Jacobovitz Veselka | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Bryan Glenn Wacker | Investigating the HSF1-HSF2 Interaction Supported by: Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology. Duke University, Durham NC Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Taylor Nicole Weilnau | Ocean carbon, acid seas, and seagrass chemical defenses Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Max Evan Widawski | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Tenth Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Max Evan Widawski | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Jennifer Mercedes Zapata | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ - Analyzing the Biomechanics of Two Police Pistol Firing Styles Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Bria Symone Antoine | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Nathaniel LeMaster Armistead | Myosin 19 knockdown alters cell cycle regulation in NRK cells Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Nathaniel LeMaster Armistead | Sexual dimorphism in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus: implications for breathing disorders in males Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Nathaniel LeMaster Armistead | Identification of Sexually Dimorphic Cells in the Mouse RTN Number of Weeks: 13 | Mary Niblock |
Nathaniel LeMaster Armistead | Sexual dimorphism in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus: implications for breathing disorders in males Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Elizabeth Caruso Austin | Qualitative and Quantitative Survey of Vessels in Close Proximity to Cetaceans in Coastal Waters of MA Supported by: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Number of Weeks: 12 | |
Tareq Azad | Examination of sequence and structure requirements of two stem-loops in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Kendall Kathleen Beals | Widgeon grass, Ruppia maritima, and the potential for carbon sequestration in the Chesapeake Bay Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Stephanie Kalena Bernasconi | Impacts of climate change on grazing fishes near Myora Springs, North Stradebroke Island, Australia. Conference: Student International Research Symposium Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement | Thomas Arnold |
Stephanie Kalena Bernasconi | Impacts of climate change on grazing fishes near Myora Springs, North Stradebroke Island, Australia. Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education, Smithsonian Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Elizabeth Anne Brandt | Population and Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Elizabeth Anne Brandt | Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Elizabeth Anne Brandt | Population Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) and Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) at the Huntsdale Fish Hatchery in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Briana Latrice Brown | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ: Sea Urchin Cells and Embryo Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Emma Taellor Campbell | Sexual dimorphism in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus: implications for breathing disorders in males Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Tracy Erin Campbell | Restoring P53 Function in Human Leukemia Cells Number of Weeks: 13 | Michael Roberts |
John George Capano | Biomechanics of Ventilation in Boa Constrictor Number of Weeks: 13 | Scott Boback |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Utilizing American Toads for Agricultural Pest Management Number of Weeks: 13 | Scott Boback |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Ecological and Environmental Influences on Nest-Site Selection of the Painted Turtle Supported by: NASA - Global Climate Change Education, Center for Sustainability Education Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Impacts of climate change on grazing fishes near Myora Springs, North Stradebroke Island, Australia. Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education, Smithsonian Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | st site selection in Painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in south central Pennsylvania Conference: World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) | Scott Boback |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Impacts of climate change on grazing fishes near Myora Springs, North Stradebroke Island, Australia. Conference: Student International Research Symposium Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement | Thomas Arnold |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Monitoring Population Size of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) within an Agro Ecosystem as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Project Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Population Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) and Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) at the Huntsdale Fish Hatchery in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Population and Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Alice Kaye Denea | SCALLOPED in the Drosophila Larva Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Alice Kaye Denea | Scalloped in the Drosophila larval neuromusculature Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Amy Michelle Diamond | Ventilatory Changes in Male and Female Mice in Response to Whole Animal Exposure to Carbon Dioxide Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 6 | Mary Niblock |
Margaret Kathryn Doll | Penniman, J.R., M.K. Doll and A. Pires (2013). Neural correlates of settlement in veliger larvae of the gastropod, Crepidula fornicata. Invertebr. Biol. 132: 14-26. | Anthony Pires |
Jillian Hammond Dunbar | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Human Monocytes and Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Mark David Eiseman | Patterns in Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Abundance and Hemlock Growth in Eight Stands in Southcentral Pennsylvania. Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Mark David Eiseman | Patterns in hemlock woolly adelgid abundance and hemlock growth in eight stands in southcentral Pennsylvania. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Elise Marguerite Fiala | Mystery solved: SCALLOPED expression in the lateral Drosophila embryo Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Shawn Ashley Gessay | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Human Monocytes and Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Shawn Ashley Gessay | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression Number of Weeks: 13 | Tiffany Frey |
Brandon Neville Goldson | Investigating the Impact of Specific Inhibitors of the Actin Polymerization Facilitators the Arp2/3 Complex and Formins on Mouse Melanoma Cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Brandon Neville Goldson | The Arp2/3 Complex Facilitates the Formation of Cytoplasmic Processes Involved in Sea Urchin Ceolomocyte Spreading Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Simon Antonio Hernandez | Discovery-based environmental sampling and screening of antibiotic producing bacteria and the characterization of putative Lysobacter natural product antibiotic. Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Trevor Thomas Hollinger | NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Cervix Remodeling during Pregnancy Supported by: National Science Foundation (NSF) REU Program, Loma Linda University Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Jonathan William Jackson | Ventilatory Changes in Male and Female Mice in Response to Whole Animal Exposure to Carbon Dioxide Number of Weeks: 1 | Mary Niblock |
Nina Barbara Jean-Jacques | Examination of sequence and structure requirements of two stem-loops in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Evan Joanne Johnson | The effects of agriculture and human activities on the status of the Noolturesh River system in Amboseli region, Kenya. Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Caroline Ellis Jordan | Investigating the Impact of Specific Inhibitors of the Actin Polymerization Facilitators the Arp2/3 Complex and Formins on Mouse Melanoma Cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Caroline Ellis Jordan | Investigation of Actin Nucleation Factors and Cytoskeletal Structure in Mouse Melanoma Cells Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Rachel Ellis Jordan | Varying ability of tadpole species to clear trematode parasite infection Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Raffel |
Christopher James Katalinas | Ocean acidification correlates to a reduction in seagrass chemical defense Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Christopher James Katalinas | Ocean Acidification correlates to a reduction in seagrass chemical defense Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Christopher James Katalinas | Ontogenetic habitat shift of Pterois volitans and their increasing invasion of South Caicos Conference: Student International Research Symposium Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement | |
Christopher James Katalinas | Ontogenetic habitat shift of Pterois volitans and their increasing invasion of South Caicos Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Justin Robert Kiehne | Biomechanics of Ventilation In Boa Constrictor Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Jake Olson Kleiner | Investigation of Actin Nucleation Factors and Cytoskeletal Structure in Mouse Melanoma Cells Number of Weeks: 13, 13 | John Henson |
Jake Olson Kleiner | Investigating the Impact of Specific Inhibitors of the Actin Polymerization Facilitators the Arp2/3 Complex and Formins on Mouse Melanoma Cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Samantha Brooke Levin | Sexual dimorphism in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus: implications for breathing disorders in males Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Kristen Nicole Liebig | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Human Monocytes and Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Antonio David Marrero | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression Number of Weeks: 13 | Tiffany Frey |
Antonio David Marrero | Determining a Statin Induced Change in CD14 Expression in Human Monocytes and Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Antonio David Marrero | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Human Monocytes and Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Antonio David Marrero | Lovastatin Treatment Leads to Increased CD14 mRNA Levels in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Mohammed Hakim Masab | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine sequence requirements of the H6 stem-loop of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Mohammed Hakim Masab | In Vivo Evolution of a Viral RNA II Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Population Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) and Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) at the Huntsdale Fish Hatchery in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | Population and Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Angela Emer Medrano | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Matthew William Miller | Nest site selection in Painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in south central Pennsylvania. Conference: World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) | Scott Boback |
Matthew William Miller | Population and Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Matthew William Miller | Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Allison Margaret Murawski | Examination of sequence and structure requirements of two stem-loops in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Christine Brooke Neville | Investigating the Impact of Specific Inhibitors of the Actin Polymerization Facilitators the Arp2/3 Complex and Formins on Mouse Melanoma Cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Johnathan Lee Nieves | Examination of sequence and structure requirements of two stem-loops in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC Conference: Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Human Amniotic Stem Cells in the Treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis Conference: Student International Research Symposium Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement | |
Rosemary Lillian Palmieri | Forensic Polymorphisms in Mongolians Supported by: Yale University School of Medicine Number of Weeks: 4 | |
Rebecca Lyn Patterson | Investigation of Actin Nucleation Factors and Cytoskeletal Structure in Mouse Melanoma Cells Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Rebecca Lyn Patterson | The Arp2/3 Complex Facilitates the Formation of Cytoplasmic Processes Involved in Sea Urchin Ceolomocyte Spreading Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Rebecca Lyn Patterson | Investigating the Impact of Specific Inhibitors of the Actin Polymerization Facilitators the Arp2/3 Complex and Formins on Mouse Melanoma Cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Jaimee Lauren Perlmutter | Lovastatin Disrupts CD14 Trafficking in Murine Macrophages Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Jaimee Lauren Perlmutter | Lovastatin Disrupts CD14 Trafficking in Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Jaimee Lauren Perlmutter | Lovastatin Disrupts CD14 Trafficking in Murine Macrophages Conference: American Society for Cell Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Tiffany Frey |
Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson | Monitoring Population Size of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) within an Agro Ecosystem as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Project Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Megan Samantha Rosenberg | Biomechanics of Ventilation In Boa Constrictor Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Christian Charles William Ruhl | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression in Human Monocytes and Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Max H Russo | Drug metabolism Research Supported by: Bristol-Myers Squibb Number of Weeks: 7 | |
Harold Irvin Salmons | Detecting double strand break occurrence in Palindromic AT-rich repeat (PATRR) regions Supported by: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Svenja Mareike Schneider | Structural Remodeling of Basal Amygdalar Afferents from the Medial Prefrontal Cortex and the Orbitofrontal Cortex during Adolescence Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Nicholas Milan Schwab | Ecological and Environmental Influences on Nest-Site Selection of the Painted Turtle Supported by: NASA Global Climate Change Education, Center for Environmental Sustainability Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Eileen Shen | Investigating the Impact of Specific Inhibitors of the Actin Polymerization Facilitators the Arp2/3 Complex and Formins on Mouse Melanoma Cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Eileen Shen | The Arp2/3 Complex Facilitates the Formation of Cytoplasmic Processes Involved in Sea Urchin Ceolomocyte Spreading Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Samuel Robert Silvershein | Lovastatin Disrupts CD14 Trafficking in Murine Macrophages Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Samuel Robert Silvershein | Lovastatin Disrupts CD14 Trafficking in Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Samuel Robert Silvershein | Lovastatin Disrupts CD14 Trafficking in Murine Macrophages Conference: American Society for Cell Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Tiffany Frey |
Charles Ethan Slusher | Thiolactones as prodrugs of thiol-based glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII) inhibitors Supported by: Johns Hopkins Medical School Number of Weeks: 12 | |
Natalie Mary Stanley | NASA GCCE Grant: Ecological and Environmental Influences on Nest Site Selection in the Painted Turtle Supported by: NASA GCCE Grant Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Danielle Leigh Staunton | Population Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) and Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) at the Huntsdale Fish Hatchery in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Danielle Leigh Staunton | Monitoring Population Size of American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) within an Agro Ecosystem as Part of an Integrated Pest Management Project Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Danielle Leigh Staunton | Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Danielle Leigh Staunton | Population and Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Megan Ann Stekla | Myosin 19 knockdown alters cell cycle regulation in NRK cells Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Megan Ann Stekla | Lovastatin Disrupts CD14 Trafficking in Murine Macrophages Conference: American Society for Cell Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Tiffany Frey |
Megan Ann Stekla | Lovastatin Disrupts CD14 Trafficking in Murine Macrophages Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Megan Ann Stekla | Myosin 19 knockdown alters cell cycle regulation in NRK cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Suleiman Yousef Sudah | Ventilatory Changes in Male and Female Mice in Response to Whole Animal Exposure to Carbon Dioxide Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 6 | Mary Niblock |
Suleiman Yousef Sudah | Sexual dimorphism in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus: implications for breathing disorders in males Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Katelyn Maria Swade | Role of Cholesterol Biosynthetic Pathway Intermediates in the Inflammatory Response Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 5 | Tiffany Frey |
Holleh Fatima Tajalli | Examination of sequence and structure requirements of two stem-loops in the 5´ portion of Turnip crinkle virus satC. Conference: Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Christine Elyse Talbot | Impacts of climate change on grazing fishes near Myora Springs, North Stradebroke Island, Australia. Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education, Smithsonian Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Christine Elyse Talbot | The Role of Apomorphine and Acute Isolation Stress on Learning and Memory in the Day-Old Chick Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Meredith Rauhut,Teresa Barber |
Christopher Aristos Theodorou | Biomechanics of Ventilation in Boa Constrictor Number of Weeks: 13 | Scott Boback |
Christopher Aristos Theodorou | Biomechanics of Ventilation In Boa Constrictor Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Andrew Jacobovitz Veselka | Population Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) and Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) at the Huntsdale Fish Hatchery in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Andrew Jacobovitz Veselka | Population and Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Andrew Jacobovitz Veselka | Nesting Ecology of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) at Huntsdale Pond in Cumberland County, PA Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Matthew Julius Weddig | Mystery solved: SCALLOPED expression in the lateral Drosophila embryo Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Max Evan Widawski | NSF 0918624: Collaborative Research/RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Songhui Zhao | Tactile and hydrodynamic mechanosensory regulation of larval metamorphosis in the gastropod mollusk Crepidula fornicata. Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Justin Robert Kiehne | Biomechanics of Ventilation in Boa Constrictor Number of Weeks: 13 | Scott Boback |
Christian Charles William Ruhl | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression | Tiffany Frey |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Wesley George Dean | Sexual Dimorphism in the Mouse Retrotrapezoid Nucleus | Mary Niblock |
Jillian Hammond Dunbar | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression | Tiffany Frey |
Emily Kathryn Gleason | Sex Differences in the Mouse Retrotrapezoid Nucleus | Mary Niblock |
Brandon Neville Goldson | Investigation of Actin Nucleation Factors and Cytoskeletal Structure in Mouse Melanoma Cells | John Henson |
Kristen Nicole Liebig | Mechanisms of CD14 Expression | Tiffany Frey |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Nathaniel LeMaster Armistead | Identification of Sexually Dimorphic Cells in the Mouse Retrotrapezoid Nucleus Number of Weeks: 13 | Mary Niblock |
Nathaniel LeMaster Armistead | Characterization of Myosin-XIX (MYO19), a Novel Actin-Based Motor Number of Weeks: 13 | Tiffany Frey |
Nathaniel LeMaster Armistead | Characterization of Myosin-XIX (MYO19), a Novel Actin-Based Motor Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Nathaniel LeMaster Armistead | Analysis of Myo19 in Purkinje neurons and cSMAC formation rate analysis in Jurkat T cells Supported by: DHHS/NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Tareq Azad | In vivo functional selection and SELEX reveal flexible length of the H2 stem-loop in a satellite RNA Conference: Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society | David Kushner |
Tareq Azad | In vivo functional selection of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C lacking the 5´ H2 stem loop Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Tareq Azad | In vivo functional selection of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C lacking the 5´ H2 stem loop. Conference: Eighth Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposiu | David Kushner |
Caitlin Elizabeth Barnes | Niblock, M.M., *Lohr, K.M., *Nixon, M., *Barnes, C., *Schaudies, M., Murphy, M. 2012. Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research 1433:62-8. | Mary Niblock |
Christina Elizabeth Baum | NSF 0827262: UBM-Group: An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Elizabeth Anne Brandt | Population Ecology and Nest Site Selection in the Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) Supported by: Center for Sustainabilty Education Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Jamie Ray Bugel | Molecular Analysis of Human Leukemia Number of Weeks: 13 | Michael Roberts |
Jamie Ray Bugel | Re-programming Leukemia Cells: Possible Role of the Nuclear Receptor Transcription Family (NR4A) in Leukemia Cell Self-Destruction Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Melissa Joyce Burns | Niblock, M.M., *Lohr, K.M., *Nixon, M., *Barnes, C., *Schaudies, M., Murphy, M. 2012. Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research 1433:62-8. | Mary Niblock |
Emma Taellor Campbell | Determination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Tracy Erin Campbell | Molecular Analysis of Human Leukemia Number of Weeks: 13 | Michael Roberts |
Tracy Erin Campbell | NSF 082726: UBM-Group: An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem. An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
John George Capano | NSF 1121529 IOS: Dynamic Thermal Physiology of Host-Parasite Interactions - Parasite Cyst Clearance Analysis Using Fluorescent Dye Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Raffel |
John George Capano | Physiological Performance of Snakes During Constriction Number of Weeks: 13 | Scott Boback |
John George Capano | NSF 1121529 IOS: Dynamic Thermal Physiology of Host-Parasite Interactions Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Raffel |
Stuart Changoor | Treatment of leukemia cells with PMA up-regulates PRDM1 and down-regulates myc Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Stuart Changoor | Molecular Analysis of Human Leukemia Number of Weeks: 13 | Michael Roberts |
Raheem Ahmed Chowdhury | Vermicompost Extract: Testing its Impact on Tomato Productivity and Disease Incidence and Preliminary Microbial Characterization. Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Lee Alexander Clarke | PCR and Immunofluorescent Analysis of NR4A1 Expression in HL-60 Cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Eric Benjamin Collins | NSF 0827262: UBM-Group: An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Ian Michael Crimmins | Fluorescence Microscopy-based Methods for Tracking PMA-induced Apoptosis in HL-60 Cells. Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Ian Michael Crimmins | PCR and Immunofluorescent Analysis of NR4A1 Expression in HL-60 Cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Eric Kyle Dichter | Boback, S.M., E.K. Dichter*, and H.L. Mistry. A developmental staging series for the African House snake, Boaedon (Lamprophis) fuliginosus. Zoology. 115: 38-46. doi: 10.1016/j.zool.2011.09.001 | Scott Boback |
Eric Mark Epstein | NSF 0827262: UBM-Group: An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Anna Rose Farb | Vermicompost Extract: Testing its Impact on Tomato Productivity and Disease Incidence and Preliminary Microbial Characterization. Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Elise Marguerite Fiala | Scalloped Expression During Larval Development Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Allison Elizabeth Hall | Boback, S.M., Hall, A.E.*, McCann, K.J.*, Hayes, A.W.*, Forrester, J.S., and C.F. Zwemer. Snake modulates constriction in response to prey's heartbeat. Biology Letters. 8(3): 473-476. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.1105 | Scott Boback |
Ava Voorhes Hauck | The transcription factor PRDM8 and its target gene EOMES are up-regulated in human leukemia cells induced to differentiate by PMA Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Amanda Woods Hayes | Boback, S.M., Hall, A.E.*, McCann, K.J.*, Hayes, A.W.*, Forrester, J.S., and C.F. Zwemer. Snake modulates constriction in response to prey's heartbeat. Biology Letters. 8(3): 473-476. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.1105 | Scott Boback |
Elaine Rachel Herbig | The transcription factor PRDM8 and its target gene EOMES are up-regulated in human leukemia cells induced to differentiate by PMA Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Elaine Rachel Herbig | NSF 1121529 IOS: Dynamic Thermal Physiology of Host-Parasite Interactions Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Raffel |
Elaine Rachel Herbig | Climate variability reduces frog resistance to parasitic infection Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Raffel |
Nina Barbara Jean-Jacques | In vivo functional selection and SELEX reveal flexible length of the H2 stem-loop in a satellite RNA. Conference: Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society | David Kushner |
Nina Barbara Jean-Jacques | In vivo SELEX reveals flexible length of the putative H2 stem-loop in Turnip crinkle virus satC RNA. Conference: Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Rachel Ellis Jordan | NSF 1121529 IOS: Dynamic Thermal Physiology of Host-Parasite Interactions - Climate change and disease susceptibility in amphibians Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Raffel |
Kristen Michelle Kocher | Lesions Simulating Retinoblastoma (Pseudoretinoblastoma) in 604 cases Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Kristen Michelle Kocher | MAFK and target gene, C-FOS, response to phorbol ester in HL60 cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Bryan Daniel Lerner | NSF 0918624: Collaborative Research/RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Samantha Brooke Levin | Identification of Central Chemoreceptors in the Mouse Brainstem Number of Weeks: 13 | Mary Niblock |
Kelly Marie Lohr | Niblock, M.M., *Lohr, K.M., *Nixon, M., *Barnes, C., *Schaudies, M., Murphy, M. 2012. Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research 1433:62-8. | Mary Niblock |
Samuel Tibor Mandl | Characterization of Myosin-XIX (MYO19), a Novel Actin-Based Motor Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Antonio David Marrero | Characterization of Myosin-XIX (MYO19), a Novel Actin-Based Motor Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Antonio David Marrero | Characterization of Myosin-XIX (MYO19), a Novel Actin-Based Motor Number of Weeks: 13 | Scott Boback |
Mohammed Hakim Masab | NSF 0918624: Collaborative Research/RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA - Sequence-structure-function analysis of a viral RNA Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Mohammed Hakim Masab | Invivo Evolution of a Viral RNA Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Mohammed Hakim Masab | Treatment of leukemia cells with PMA up-regulates PRDM1 and down-regulates myc Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Katelyn Josephine McCann | Boback, S.M., Hall, A.E.*, McCann, K.J.*, Hayes, A.W.*, Forrester, J.S., and C.F. Zwemer. Snake modulates constriction in response to prey's heartbeat. Biology Letters. 8(3): 473-476. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.1105 | Scott Boback |
Katelyn Josephine McCann | Analyzing a predator- prey interaction: Muscular performance in snakes and cardiovascular response in rats. Conference: Joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH), | Scott Boback |
Julia Brumbaugh McMahon | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Patrick Michael McNeal | Analyzing a predator-prey interaction: Muscular performance in snakes and cardiovascular response in rats. Conference: Joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) | Scott Boback |
Emily Mae Miller | Fluid Resuscitation in Adults with Severe Burns at Risk of Secondary Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Supported by: Lehigh Valley Health Network Research Scholar Program Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Allison Margaret Murawski | In vivo functional selection of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C lacking the 5´ H2 stem loop Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Allison Margaret Murawski | In vivo functional selection and SELEX reveal flexible length of the H2 stem-loop in a satellite RNA. Conference: Annual Meeting of the RNA Society | David Kushner |
Allison Margaret Murawski | In vivo SELEX reveals flexible length of the putative H2 stem-loop in Turnip crinkle virus satC RNA. Conference: Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Allison Margaret Murawski | In vivo functional selection of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C lacking the 5´ H2 stem loop. Conference: Eighth Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Stephanie LeAnn Neal | Determination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Stephanie LeAnn Neal | Determination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Miles David Nelson | Assessing the sequence requirements and potential interaction partners of the DR element of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C. Conference: Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Chieuanh Thi Nguyen | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Cody Michael Nichols | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ - THE BIOMECHANICS OF TWO POLICE PISTOL FIRING STYLES Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Johnathan Lee Nieves | In vivo SELEX reveals flexible length of the putative H2 stem-loop in Turnip crinkle virus satC RNA Conference: Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Jessica Porter Nixon | Determination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Jessica Porter Nixon | Determination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Jessica Porter Nixon | An Evaluation of a Novel Orthodontic Tooth Movement Model in Rats Using Alendronate as a Positive Control Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Elizabeth Rasfeld Norris | Effect of an 18% calorie restricted ketogenic diet on synaptic efficacy in freely behaving juvenile rats. Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Human Amniotic Stem Cells in the Treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis Number of Weeks: 13 | |
Slade Dylan Reisner | Pulmonary Hypertension Supported by: National Jewish Health Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Rebecca Anne Robbins | PCR and Immunofluorescent Analysis of NR4A1 Expression in HL-60 Cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Rebecca Anne Robbins | Fluorescence Microscopy-based Methods for Tracking PMA-induced Apoptosis in HL-60 Cells. Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Anita Diana Lee Robin | The up-regulation of MAF-F and JUN-B in the HL-60 leukemia cell line after PMA treatment inhibits cell proliferation Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Megan Samantha Rosenberg | Physiological Performance of Snakes During Constriction Number of Weeks: 13 | Scott Boback |
Benjamin Louis Rosenfeld | Epidemiology of periventricular echodensities in very low birth weight infants Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Benjamin Louis Rosenfeld | Epidemiology of periventricular echodensities in very low birth weight infants Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Max H Russo | Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase Supported by: Bristol-Myers Squibb Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | NSF 0827262: UBM-Group: An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Meredith Suzanne Schaudies | Niblock, M.M., *Lohr, K.M., *Nixon, M., *Barnes, C., *Schaudies, M., Murphy, M. 2012. Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research 1433:62-8. | Mary Niblock |
Kathryn Anna McAndrew Schlechtweg | NSF 0827262: UBM-Group: An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Svenja Mareike Schneider | Changes in connectivity between the orbitofrontal cortex and the basal amygdala during adolescence Supported by: New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Garrett Daniel Shields | Treatment of leukemia cells with PMA up-regulates PRDM1 and down-regulates myc Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Jessica Kristine Sinchi | Vermicompost Extract: Testing its Impact on Tomato Productivity and Disease Incidence and Preliminary Microbial Characterization. Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Camille Ariel Sogin | The Role of Nitrite as a Control on N Cycling Pathways in Marine Sediments; A Switch Between Heterotrophic Denitrification and Anammox Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Mathematical Techniques for the Analysis of Human Leukemia Number of Weeks: 13 | Michael Roberts |
Danielle Leigh Staunton | Ecological and environmental influences on nest-site selection in the Painted turtle Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant, CSE Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Megan Ann Stekla | Characterization of Myosin-XIX (MYO19), a Novel Actin-Based Motor Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Megan Ann Stekla | Characterization of a Mitochondrial-Associated Novel Myosin (MYO19) Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Tiffany Frey |
Suleiman Yousef Sudah | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Amelia Linger Szabat | NSF 0827262: UBM-Group: An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Amelia Linger Szabat | Molecular Analysis of Human Leukemia Number of Weeks: 13 | Michael Roberts |
Holleh Fatima Tajalli | In vivo SELEX reveals flexible length of the putative H2 stem-loop in Turnip crinkle virus satC RNA. Conference: Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Christine Redulla Tallo | Clinical factors affecting recruitment into a study of the etiology of breast cancer Supported by: H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Andrew Jacobovitz Veselka | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Matthew Julius Weddig | Scalloped Expression During Larval Development Number of Weeks: 13, 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Richard Matthew Weeks | NASA GCCE Grant: Impact of Near Future Climate Change Scenarios on Sea Urchin Embryogenesis Supported by: NASA GCCE Grant Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Kevin Andrew Wood | Analyzing a predator-prey interaction: Muscular performance in snakes and cardiovascular response in rats. Conference: Joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) | Scott Boback |
Mesrob Yeterian | The Mechanism of Motility at the Cell Edge Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant, CSE Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Robert James Allaway | Gold nanoparticle trafficking of typically excluded compounds across the cell membrane in JB6 Cl 41-5a cells causes assay interference. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Tareq Azad | NSF 0918624: Collaborative Research/RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Matthew Ryan Beamer | IL-23 is needed for the resolution of chlamydial genital tract infection despite induction of normal Th1 immunity Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Michael Edward Benson | Scalloped expression during Drosophila development Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Michael Edward Benson | Scalloped expression during Drosophila development. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Lily Margaret Bieber-Ham | Using camera traps to detect hatchling turtle predators in Cumberland County, PA. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Elena Michelle Birnbaum | scalloped expression during Drosophila development Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Elena Michelle Birnbaum | Scalloped expression in the embryonic limb primordia of Drosophila. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
David Charles Bittner | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
David Charles Bittner | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Dylan Thomas Brown | Lectotypification of Wilkes Type Specimens Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Jessica Lynne Caban | Australia (biology, biochemistry and molecular biology) Conference: 2010 International Student Research Symposium Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement | |
Bryan William Conner | Using Cluster Analysis to Examine the Genetic Network in a Human Leukemia Cell Line. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Bryan William Conner | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
Carla Elise Cox | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Carla Elise Cox | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
Nicole Allegra Davidson | Ecological and environmental consequences of nest site selection in the Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) Supported by: Mellon Environmental Initiative Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Julia Elizabeth Filiberti | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
Sarah Katherine Ganong | siRNA knockdown of the kinesin protein Kif11 (Eg5) inhibits mitosis in HeLa cells. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Caroline Elizabeth Gorn | Immunofluorescent characterization of CO2-activated neurons in the RTN of the mouse brainstem. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Michael Jude Grant | Using Cluster Analysis to Examine the Genetic Network in a Human Leukemia Cell Line. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Michael Jude Grant | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
Nicholas Samuel Gubitosi | Salloped expression during Drosophila development Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Nicholas Samuel Gubitosi | Scalloped expression during Drosophila development. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Chelsea Lauren Gurvis | scalloped expression during Drosophila development Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Allison Elizabeth Hall | Pressure and Duration of Constriction in Boa constrictor is Influenced by Prey Heartbeat Conference: 2010 Joint Meeting of the American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists/ Society for the Study of Reptiles and Amphibians Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Scott Boback |
Allison Elizabeth Hall | Pressure and duration of constriction in Boa constrictor are influenced by a simulated prey heartbeat. Conference: Joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) | Scott Boback |
Joshua Luke Harrison | Characterization of non-glycosylated human paraoxonase-1 expressed in trichoplusia ni larvae. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Joshua Luke Harrison | Characterization of non-glycosylated human paraoxonase-1 expressed in trichoplusia ni larvae. Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Amanda Woods Hayes | ressure and duration of constriction in Boa constrictor are influenced by a simulated prey heartbeat. Conference: Joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) | Scott Boback |
Elaine Rachel Herbig | NASA GCCE Grant: Climate Variability Reduces Frog Resistance to Nematode Infection Supported by: NASA Global Climate Change Education, Center for Sustainability Education Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Raffel |
Scott William Hoffman | Organization of vago-vagal circuits controlling pancreatic function Supported by: Summer Undergraduate Research Internship Program (SURIP) at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Marianne Hutt | Immunofluorescent characterization of CO2-activated neurons in the RTN of the mouse brainstem. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Shelly Hwang | Functional analysis of CLIC1 and CLIC4 in keratinocytes. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Christopher James Katalinas | Ontogenetic habitat shift of Pterois volitans and their increasing invasion of South Caicos Number of Weeks: 13 | |
Christopher James Katalinas | NASA GCCE Grant: Carbon Enrichment Technology Supported by: NASA GCCE Grant Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Christopher James Katalinas | Ecophysiology of Marine Organisms | Thomas Arnold |
Christopher James Katalinas | Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Widgeon Grass, Ruppia maritima Conference: 2011 Annual Conference of the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Thomas Arnold |
Daniel Walter Kraver | Assessment of the relationship between corals, Panulirus argus and Diadema antillarum in surrounding reefs in South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Kimberly Alana Krusell | Environmental Influences on Arboreality in Boa Constrictors Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Hannah Marie Leahey | NASA GCCE Grant: Carbon Enrichment Technology Supported by: NASA GCCE Grant Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Kelly Michelle Maers | Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Widgeon Grass, Ruppia maritima Conference: 2011 Annual Conference of the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Thomas Arnold |
Kelly Michelle Maers | Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Chesapeake Bay Seagrasses. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Michael Webster Mansuy | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
Michael Webster Mansuy | Study of the Preferred Diet and Habitat of the Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) in South Caicos Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Kerstin Elisabeth Martin | The effects of an altered forest composition due to white-tailed deer herbivory on the condition of a Pennsylvania headwater stream ecosystem within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Conference: Eighth Undergraduate Research at the Capitol Supported by: Academic Affairs | |
Kerstin Elisabeth Martin | The Effects of an Altered Forest Composition Due to White-tailed Deer Herbivory on the Condition of a Pennsylvania Headwater Stream Ecosystem within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Katelyn Josephine McCann | Analyzing a Predator-Prey Interaction: Muscular Performance in Boas (Boa constrictor) and Cardiovascular Response in Rats during Constriction. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer,Jeffrey Forrester,Richard Forrester |
Katelyn Josephine McCann | Pressure and duration of constriction in Boa constrictor are influenced by a simulated prey heartbeat. Conference: Joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) | Scott Boback |
Mary Frances McClintock | Correlations between Tsuga canadensis and Adelges tsugae cycles Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Carol Loeffler |
Mary Frances McClintock | Correlations between Tsuga canadensis and Adelges tsugae cycles. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Mary Frances McClintock | Correlations between Tsuga Canadensis and Adelges tsugae cycles Conference: Northeast Natural History Conference | Carol Loeffler |
Patrick Michael McNeal | Population Ecology of Central Pennsylvania Snake Communities Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Matthew William Miller | Ecological Consequences of Nest Site Selection in the Painted Turtle Supported by: Mellon Environmental Initiative Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Matthew William Miller | Ecological and environmental consequences of nest site selection in the Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Allison Margaret Murawski | AtCML38: An anaerobic response polypeptide gene and gene silencing regulator. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Allison Margaret Murawski | NSF 0918624: Collaborative Research/RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Johnathan Lee Nieves | In vivo SELEX reveals flexible length of the putative H2 stem-loop in Turnip crinkle virus satC RNA. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Elizabeth Rasfeld Norris | NSF 0744261: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Elizabeth Rasfeld Norris | Protein expression in scalloped recessive lethal alleles in Drosophila melanogaster. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Elizabeth Rasfeld Norris | scalloped expression during Drosophila development Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Genomics in The Differentiation of HL60 Cells Number of Weeks: 13 | Michael Roberts |
Ahkeem James Simmons | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
Jessica Kristine Sinchi | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Camille Ariel Sogin | The Role of Nitrite as a Control on N Cycling Pathways in Marine Sediments Supported by: Ecosystems Center, Marine Bio Lab (MBL) Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Molecular Analysis of Human Leukemia Number of Weeks: 13 | Michael Roberts |
Holleh Fatima Tajalli | In vivo SELEX reveals flexible length of the putative H2 stem-loop in Turnip crinkle virus satC RNA. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Liam Timms | siRNA knockdown of the kinesin protein Kif11 (Eg5) inhibits mitosis in HeLa cells. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Michael A Vecchio | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Kimberly Chuan Wilson | Land use analysis of successful and abandoned barn owl (Tyto alba) nest sites in South Central Pennsylvania Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Kimberly Chuan Wilson | Land use analysis of successful and abandoned barn owl (Tyto alba) nest sites in South Central Pennsylvania. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Kevin Andrew Wood | Population Ecology of Central Pennsylvania Snake Communities Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Rachel A Yonker | NSF 0744261: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Rachel A Yonker | Protein expression in scalloped recessive lethal alleles in Drosophila melanogaster. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Rachel A Yonker | Scalloped expression during Drosophila development Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Allison Anne Younkins | The roles of virus acquisition and retention in aphid transmission of Soybean Dwarf Virus. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
A Atandi Anyona | Seasonal activity patterns of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in south central Pennsylvania Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
A Atandi Anyona | Seasonal Activity Patterns of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) in South Central PA Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Caitlin Elizabeth Barnes | The central chemoreceptors are cells in the brain that regulate breathing through their projections to respiratory control nuclei. These cells have been found along the ventral surface of the brainstem in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), ventrolateral m Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Caitlin Elizabeth Barnes | Female RTN Cells Respond to 10% but not 5% CO5 Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Matthew Ryan Beamer | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Michael Edward Benson | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Lily Margaret Bieber-Ham | Early Spring Basking Behavior of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) in Central PA Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Lily Margaret Bieber-Ham | Seasonal Activity Patterns of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) in South Central PA Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Lily Margaret Bieber-Ham | Environmental Influences on Painted Turtles Supported by: Mellon Environmental Initiative Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
David Charles Bittner | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Sarah Elisabeth Brnich | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Melissa Joyce Burns | Female RTN Cells Respond to 10% but not 5% CO3 Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Melissa Joyce Burns | The central chemoreceptors are cells in the brain that regulate breathing through their projections to respiratory control nuclei. These cells have been found along the ventral surface of the brainstem in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), ventrolateral m Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Melissa Joyce Burns | A patient with presumed pontine glioma had T cell leukopenia and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) after twenty-five months of temozolomide treatment. She developed immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) four months after discon Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Christopher Raymond Collier | The Effect of Ocean Acidification on Marine Angiosperms Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Bryan William Conner | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Carla Elise Cox | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Matthew Joseph DeStefano | Early Spring Basking Behavior of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) in Central PA Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Matthew Joseph DeStefano | Seasonal Activity Patterns of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) in South Central PA Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Matthew Joseph DeStefano | Intraoperative blood salvage (IOBS), also known as autologous blood salvage, is a procedure in medicine that involves reinfusing a patient with blood that is lost during surgery. It is used to prevent infections and other complications that may occur from Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ryan David Deeds | This study seeks to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which the acute myeloid leukemia cell line, HL-60, is induced to differentiate into macrophage-like cells following exposure to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Changes in gene expression ove Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Margaret Carmela Della Vecchia | Effects of Noradrenergic Antagonists on the Unconditioned & Conditioned Hyperactive Responses of Methamphetamine in Mice Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Eric Kyle Dichter | Embryonic jaw development in the African House Snake (Lamprophis fuliginosus) Conference: Joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (JMIH) | Scott Boback |
Eric Kyle Dichter | Embryonic Jaw Development in the African House Snake (Lamprophis Fuliginosus) Conference: 2009 Joint Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists and the Society for the Study of Reptiles and Amphibians Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Scott Boback |
Eric Kyle Dichter | Embryonic jaw development in the African House Snake (Lamprophis fuliginosus). Conference: Society for Developmental Biology (SDB), | Scott Boback |
Alice Ann Duchon | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Matthew David Edgar | Spectral Analysis of Waking Alpha Band Waves of dEEG Aiding Diagnostics for ADHD Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Julia Elizabeth Filiberti | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Brendan Robert Gallagher | Seasonal Activity Patterns of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) in South Central PA Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Brendan Robert Gallagher | The Pisgah tract, a Harvard Forest property located in Southern New Hampshire, provides a rare opportunity to study virgin forest dynamics. The focus of this study was to study forest succession after a major disturbance. The tract was first studied by R. Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Brendan Robert Gallagher | In the spring of 2009 we initiated a mark and recapture project aimed at monitoring the population biology of the eastern painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) at the Huntsdale Fish Hatchery in Carlisle, PA. This population inhabits a large (2.8 hectare) anth Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Anastasia Despina Gianakas | Mechanisms of Cell Process Formation in Sea Urchin Embryos Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Gold | The Effect of Ocean Acidification on Marine Angiosperms Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Michael Jude Grant | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Lily Tamar Grossmann | Application of S-Nitrosylated Protein Labeling Procedure to Intact Tissue of Capitella sp. I Larvae & Juveniles & the Use of Nitric Oxide Detectors as Scavengers Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Nicholas Samuel Gubitosi | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Nora Hajnoczky | Reactive Oxygen Species Inhibit Mitochondrial Fusion Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Allison Elizabeth Hall | The Ability of Boa Constrictor to Sense a Beating Heart Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer,Scott Boback |
Allison Elizabeth Hall | Pressure & Duration of Constriction in Boa Constrictor is Influenced by Prey Heart Beat Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer,Scott Boback |
Amanda Woods Hayes | Pressure & Duration of Constriction in Boa Constrictor is Influenced by Prey Heart Beat Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer |
Jamie Yoonjoung Hur | Increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generates oxidative stress which has multiple detrimental effects and leads to renal dysfunction. One of the most potent ROS, superoxide anion (O2-) is generated by NADPH oxidase and is metabolized by Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Marianne Hutt | Immunohistochemical Characterization of Sexually Dimorphic Cells in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus of the Mouse Brainstem Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Mary Niblock |
Shelly Hwang | Vasopressin-Regulated Phosphorylation of Urea Transporter Proteins, UT-A1 & UT-A3, at Two Serines in Rat Inner Medullary Collecting Duct (IMCD) Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Shelly Hwang | Vasopressin-regulated urea transport in the renal IMCD is mediated by two transporters, UT-1A and UT-A3, derived from the same gene by alternative splicing. The initial 459 amino acids are the same in both. To study UT-A1/3 phosphorylation, we made phosph Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Maxwell Michael James | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Nina Barbara Jean-Jacques | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Mary Winifred Kleinman | The sea urchin early embryo has long served as a model system for studying changes in the actin filament cytoskeleton, from its post-fertilization development of actin-filled protrusions termed microvilli (MV) to the organization of the actin and myosin-c Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Mary Winifred Kleinman | Distribution of actin, total and activated myosin II, the Arp2/3 complex, forming, and RhoA in cortices isolated from first division sea urchin embryos Conference: Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin XIX Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | John Henson |
Kristen Michelle Kocher | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Abby Christine Larson | This study seeks to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which the acute myeloid leukemia cell line, HL-60, is induced to differentiate into macrophage-like cells following exposure to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Changes in gene expression ove Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Elizabeth Leigh Lewis | Regulation of Metamorphosis by Mechanosensory Stimulation and Catecholamines in a Gastropod Conference: Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Elizabeth Leigh Lewis | Pires, A., and E.L. Lewis (2010). Regulation of metamorphosis by mechanosensory stimulation and catecholamines in a gastropod. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50: suppl 1: e283. | Anthony Pires |
Li Jui Liu | Tactile & Chenosensory Stimuli in Metamorphosis of "Cripedula Fornicata" Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Kelly Marie Lohr | The central chemoreceptors are cells in the brain that regulate breathing through their projections to respiratory control nuclei. These cells have been found along the ventral surface of the brainstem in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), ventrolateral m Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Kelly Marie Lohr | Female RTN Cells Respond to 10% but not 5% CO2 Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Annabelle Lynn Mac Auley | Hair Coat Traits & Body Temperature of Senepol Cows that are Heterozgous or Homozgous for the Slick Hair Gene Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Annabelle Lynn Mac Auley | Hair Coat Traits & Body Temperature of Senepol Cows that are Heterozgous or Homozgous for the Slick Hair Gene Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Michael Webster Mansuy | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Katelyn Josephine McCann | Pressure & Duration of Constriction in Boa Constrictor is Influenced by Prey Heart Beat Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Charles Zwemer,Scott Boback |
Caitlin Anne Mehalick | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Caitlin Anne Mehalick | The alpha-1 integrin heterodimer is a receptor for the extracellular matrix proteins laminin and collagen and has been examined in developing skeletal muscle In Vitro. In culture alpha-1 integrin is found in a diffuse punctate pattern in nascent myocytes Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Noah Raphael Morgenstein | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Allison Margaret Murawski | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Nicole Michelle Myers | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Minh Huu Nguyen | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Johnathan Lee Nieves | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Gabrielle Moore Ostermayer | A comparison of Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary and State Game Lands 170 - two ecologically and geologically similar mixed hardwood forests along the Kitattinny Ridge in southern Perry County, PA - that differed only in terms of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Harold Wingert |
Senaka Yoshio Ratnayake | This study seeks to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which the acute myeloid leukemia cell line, HL-60, is induced to differentiate into macrophage-like cells following exposure to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Changes in gene expression ove Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester |
Anita Diana Lee Robin | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Lauren Carel Saunders | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Meredith Suzanne Schaudies | The central chemoreceptors are cells in the brain that regulate breathing through their projections to respiratory control nuclei. These cells have been found along the ventral surface of the brainstem in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), ventrolateral m Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Mary Niblock |
Meredith Suzanne Schaudies | Female RTN Cells Respond to 10% but not 5% CO4 Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock |
Jessica Kristine Sinchi | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 4 | David Kushner |
Robert Alexander Smith | The Relationship Between Deer Management, Forest Vegetation Composition & Forest Aquatic Stream Systems Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Harold Wingert |
Adnan Zahir Solaiman | Global Changes in Gene Expression During Phorbol Ester-Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Lauren Patricia Solometo | Placement of AoRtic TraNscathetER Valve (PARTNER) Trial: An Analysis of Perioperative Stroke Risk Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Emily Marie Swain | Global changes in gene expression during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Holleh Fatima Tajalli | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Holleh Fatima Tajalli | Use of in vivo SELEX to determine functional sequences of subviral RNA satC with truncations in H2 Conference: Seventh Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Andre O'Neil White | Effects of Noradrenergic Antagonists on the Unconditioned & Conditioned Hyperactive Responses of Methamphetamine in Mice Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Amy Louise Williamson | Global changes in gene expression during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Kevin Andrew Wood | Population Ecology of Central Pennsylvania Snake Communities Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
Ashley Serwah Young | NSF 0918624 RUI: Identification of cis-acting sequence and structural elements required for replication of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 4 | David Kushner |
Allison Anne Younkins | Plum pox potyvirus (PPV) is an economically devastating potyvirus that affects Prunus species. Discovered in the United States in 1999, the Pennsylvania PPV isolates were primarily found in peaches (Prunus persica). When several of these original Pennsyl Conference: Tenth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jason Alan Ader | Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis using inhibitory drugs or ERG gene deletions alters brome mosaic virus RNA replication complex formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Conference: 2008 Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting | David Kushner |
A Atandi Anyona | Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Snake Head Shape Supported by: Mellon Environmental Initiative, Sustainability Education Fund Number of Weeks: 8 | Scott Boback |
A Atandi Anyona | Amphibian Populations and the Environment Supported by: Mellon Environmental Initiative Number of Weeks: 8 | Harold Wingert |
Elena Michelle Birnbaum | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Julianne Elizabeth Bishop | Characterizing expression of biogenic amine receptors in the central nervous system during Drosophila embryogenesis Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Julianne Elizabeth Bishop | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Susan Anne Blasi | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Ryan David Deeds | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Eric Kyle Dichter | Embryonic staging series for the African House Snake (Lamprophis fuliginosus)
based on external morphology Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Devy M Emperador | Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis using inhibitory drugs or ERG gene deletions alters brome mosaic virus RNA replication complex formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Conference: 2008 Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting | David Kushner |
Laura Kathleen Gabso | Fluorescent Tract Tracing Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication Supported by: College Advancement | |
Serena Dawn Gibney | Molecular Evidence of Male-Biased Dispersal in Collared Lizards Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Allison Elizabeth Hall | Human Performance Lab Demonstration Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication Supported by: College Advancement | |
Siraj Al-Nabi Hashmi | Wounding and MeJA inhibit growth and the cell division rate in Arabidopsis and
Tobacco plants Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Evan Robert Hennessy | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 7 | Kirsten Guss |
Jamie Yoonjoung Hur | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Jamie Yoonjoung Hur | High Salt (Hs) Intake Decreases Adenosine, Type 1 Receptor (A1-Ar) Expression In And Function In The Mice Nephrons Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Eric Christopher Johns | Locating Nitric Oxide and Nitric Oxide-producing Enzymes in Capitella sp. I. Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Anthony Pires |
Eric Christopher Johns | Locating nitric oxide and nitric oxide-producing enzymes in Capitella sp. I. Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Eric Christopher Johns | Confocal Microscope Demonstration Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication Supported by: College Advancement | |
Rachel Ann Jones | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA
Gene Sequencing: A UCLA and Dickinson Undergraduate Research
Collaboration Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Rachel Ann Jones | In Search of Novel Bacteriophage: Generation of a Phage Genomic Library, Preliminary Sequencing of Genomic Clones and Bioinformatic Analysis Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Keith Kleinman | Human Performance Lab Demonstration Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication Supported by: College Advancement | |
Keith Kleinman | Getting a Grip on Death by Constriction Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer,Scott Boback |
Mary Winifred Kleinman | Structural Organization of the Contractile Ring during Cell Division in Sea Urchin Embryos Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Victor Sung Hoi Koo | Analysis of Transcription Factor Binding Activities During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Kelly Marie LaRue | Development of a new antibody to further understand development of the ventral nerve cord in Drosophila melanogaster Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Kelly Marie LaRue | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Kelly Marie LaRue | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA
Gene Sequencing: A UCLA and Dickinson Undergraduate Research
Collaboration Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Emily Allyn LaSota | Determinants of cetuximab mediated antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) by NK cells expressing polymorphic Fc gamma receptor (FcyR)IIIa Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Jennifer Reine Lloyd Langston | Langston, J., and A. Pires (2009). Regulation of metamorphosis by catecholamines in larvae of the polychaete Capitella sp. I. Integrative and Comparative Biology 49: suppl 1: e259. | Anthony Pires |
Abby Christine Larson | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Abby Christine Larson | Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation, R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 12 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Brandon Jongwon Lee | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Wai Wai Lin | In vivo SELEX reveals structural plasticity and rapid evolution in a viral RNA Conference: Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society | David Kushner |
Wai Wai Lin | Use of in vivo SELEX to assess satellite C RNA H4a and H4b stem-loops in movement and pathogenesis of turnip crinkle virus Conference: 27th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | David Kushner |
Alison Mary Maksimak | Is arboreal preference of island boas determined by genetics? Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Alison Mary Maksimak | Is arboreal preference of island boas genetically determined? Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Scott Boback |
Matthew Stephen Manganaro | Gene Expression in the Fruit Fly Central Nervous System Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication Supported by: College Advancement | |
Katelyn Josephine McCann | Relationships among clinical periodontal parameters, obesity, serum adipokines and CRP Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Caitlyn Rose Nuger | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Caitlyn Rose Nuger | Characterizing expression of biogenic amine receptors in the central nervous system during Drosophila embryogenesis Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Davia Marie Palmeri | Don't eat me! Carbohydrate allocation in the wound response of N. attenuata Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Davia Marie Palmeri | Don't eat me! Carbohydrate allocation in the wound response of N. attenuata Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Linda Anne Mathew Panicker | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Linda Anne Mathew Panicker | In Search of Novel Bacteriophage: Generation of a Phage Genomic Library, Preliminary Sequencing of Genomic Clones and Bioinformatic Analysis Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Linda Anne Mathew Panicker | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA
Gene Sequencing: A UCLA and Dickinson Undergraduate Research
Collaboration Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Linda Anne Mathew Panicker | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: A UCLA and Dickinson Undergraduate Research Collaboration. Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Paul Michael Patek | Getting a Grip on Death by Constriction Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer,Scott Boback |
Aline Scop Plavnik | In Search of Novel Bacteriophage: Generation of a Phage Genomic Library, Preliminary Sequencing of Genomic Clones and Bioinformatic Analysis Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Aline Scop Plavnik | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA
Gene Sequencing: A UCLA and Dickinson Undergraduate Research
Collaboration Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Aline Scop Plavnik | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: A UCLA and Dickinson Undergraduate Research Collaboration. Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Senaka Yoshio Ratnayake | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Lauren Carel Saunders | RBC Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency and Hemochromatosis in the Old Order Amish of Big Valley, Pennsylvania Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
William Carlos Schaffenburg | Development of Fluorescence Assays for Bacterial Strain Differentiation Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Adnan Zahir Solaiman | Analysis of Transcription Factor Binding Activities During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Adnan Zahir Solaiman | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Emily Marie Swain | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Elizabeth Carney Thorsteinson | Fos-tau-lacZ mice reveal potential sex differences in the neuroanatomy underlying central chemoreception Conference: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Mary Niblock |
Christopher Kerr Tolmie | Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis using inhibitory drugs or ERG gene deletions alters brome mosaic virus RNA replication complex formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Conference: 2008 Yeast Genetics and Molecultar Biology Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | David Kushner |
Amanda Carroll Trimble | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA
Gene Sequencing: A UCLA and Dickinson Undergraduate Research
Collaboration Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Amanda Carroll Trimble | In Search of Novel Bacteriophage: Generation of a Phage Genomic Library, Preliminary Sequencing of Genomic Clones and Bioinformatic Analysis Conference: Ninth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Amy Louise Williamson | NSF 0827262 UBM: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jason Alan Ader | Henson, J.H., Fried, C.A., McClellan, M.K., Ader, J., Davis, J.E., Oldenbourg, R., and Simerly, C.R. 2008. Bipolar, anastral spindle development in artificially-activated sea urchin eggs. Developmental Dynamics, 237: 1348-1358. | John Henson |
Shanna Naomi Berry | Function of yorkie in Drosophila Muscle Development Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Melissa Joyce Burns | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Molecular Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: A Dickinson and UCLA Undergraduate Research Collaboration. Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Alexander Chester Cameron | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Molecular Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: A Dickinson and UCLA Undergraduate Research Collaboration. Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Adam Daniel Cesanek | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Adam Daniel Cesanek | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Michael David D'Amico | A molecular analysis of human leukemia cells Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Jessica E Davis | Henson, J.H., Fried, C.A., McClellan, M.K., Ader, J., Davis, J.E., Oldenbourg, R., and Simerly, C.R. 2008. Bipolar, anastral spindle development in artificially-activated sea urchin eggs. Developmental Dynamics, 237: 1348-1358. | John Henson |
Victoria Elizabeth Dedrick | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Molecular Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: A Dickinson and UCLA Undergraduate Research Collaboration. Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Jennifer Reed DiBiagio | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Molecular Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: A Dickinson and UCLA Undergraduate Research Collaboration. Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Christina Nicole Doll | Generation of Actin-Rich Protrusions in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes that Concentrate the Arp2/3 Complex and Can Resemble Either Growth Cones or Comet Tails Conference: American Society for Cell Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | John Henson |
Christina Nicole Doll | The Arp2/3 complex, WASp and fascin concentrate in actin-rich and growth cone-like protrusions in sea urchin coelomocytes Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Christina Nicole Doll | The Arp2/3 complex, WASp and fascin concentrate in actin-rich and growth cone-like protrusions in sea urchin coelomocytes Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Devy M Emperador | Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis using inhibitory drugs or ERG gene deletions alters brome mosaic virus RNA replication complex formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Lisa Nicole Estrella | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 10 | David Kushner |
Kathryn Denise Fiedler | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Christopher Alan Fried | Henson, J.H., Fried, C.A., McClellan, M.K., Ader, J., Davis, J.E., Oldenbourg, R., and Simerly, C.R. 2008. Bipolar, anastral spindle development in artificially-activated sea urchin eggs. Developmental Dynamics, 237: 1348-1358. | John Henson |
Nicole Christine Hanson | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation | Thomas Arnold |
Rachel Ann Jones | Structural and Molecular Characterization of a Newly Isolated Bacteriophage Virus Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Laura Ann Kopetski | OCA gene deletions impair Brome Mosaic Virus RNA replication in yeast Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Kelly Marie LaRue | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Molecular Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: A Dickinson and UCLA Undergraduate Research Collaboration Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Kelly Marie LaRue | A forensic investigation of obtaining human DNA profiles from prints and food Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Kelly Marie LaRue | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Matthew Stephen Manganaro | NSF 0744261 RUI: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 7 | Kirsten Guss |
Matthew Stephen Manganaro | NSF 0744261: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Mary Kathryn McClellan | Henson, J.H., Fried, C.A., McClellan, M.K., Ader, J., Davis, J.E., Oldenbourg, R., and Simerly, C.R. 2008. Bipolar, anastral spindle development in artificially-activated sea urchin eggs. Developmental Dynamics, 237: 1348-1358. | John Henson |
Davia Marie Palmeri | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation | Thomas Arnold |
Davia Marie Palmeri | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation | Thomas Arnold |
Linda Anne Mathew Panicker | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 10 | David Kushner |
Linda Anne Mathew Panicker | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Melissa Nicole Paterakis | Are oral food challenges nuts? Characterizing the severity of failed peanut challenge Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Tara A Russell | Shan, X., Russell, T.A., Paul, S.M., Kushner, D.B., and Joyce, P.B.M. 2008. Characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutation that impairs the function of yeast tRNA nucleotidyltransferase. Yeast, 25: 219-233. | David Kushner |
Mary Caitlin Strahota | Muscarinic M2 selective antagonism prolongs 5'-AMP-induced hypometabolism Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Mary Caitlin Strahota | Muscarinic M2 selective antagonism prolongs 5'-AMP-induced hypometabolism Conference: Experimental Biology 2008 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Charles Zwemer |
Elizabeth Carney Thorsteinson | Niblock, M.M., Jeffress, E.C., Clem, J.G.S., Gao, H., Li, A., Murphy, M., and Nattie, E.E. 2008. Fos-tau-lacZ mice reveal potential sex differences in the neuroanatomy underlying central chemoreception. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 34. | Mary Niblock |
Elizabeth Carney Thorsteinson | Characterization of Central Chemoreceptors in the Mouse Cerebellum Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Mary Niblock |
Christopher Kerr Tolmie | Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis using inhibitory drugs or ERG gene deletions alters brome mosaic virus RNA replication complex formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Jenna Aneese Travis | Function of yorkie in Drosophila Muscle Development Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kirsten Guss |
Sara Van Meerbeke | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Sara Van Meerbeke | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Karrie Anne Walker | Function of the wing selector scalloped during Drosophila development Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Marci Allison Wills | An Approach to Elucidating Microbial Molecular Biodiversity Based on 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: A Dickinson and UCLA Undergraduate Research Collaboration. Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jason Alan Ader | Saccharomyces cerevisiae host transcriptional response to establishment of a membranous positive-strand RNA virus replication complex includes upregulation of ERG genes Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Jason Alan Ader | Saccharomyces cerevisiae host transcriptional response to establishment of a membranous positive-strand RNA virus replication complex includes upregulation of ERG genes Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Jason Alan Ader | Characterization of Bipolar Meiotic-like Spindles and Cytokinesis-like Processes in Ammonia Activated Sea Urchin Eggs Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | John Henson |
Jason Alan Ader | Saccharomyces cerevisiae host transcriptional response to establishment of a membranous positive-strand RNA virus replication complex includes upregulation of ERG genes. Conference: 2006 Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting | David Kushner |
Jason Alan Ader | Saccharomyces cerevisiae Host Transcriptional Response to Establishment of a Membrane Positive-Strand RNA Virus Replication Complex Includes Upregulation of ERG Genes Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | David Kushner |
Caitlin Suzanne Barry | Proteomic profiling of phosphotyrosine modification in non small cell lung cancer to identify disease drivers Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Eric Pollack Blazar | Triple reuptake inhibition: a new approach to anti-depressant drug development Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Adam Daniel Cesanek | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Emily T Cocores | Pechenik, J.A., Cochrane, D.E., Li, W., West, E.T., Pires, A., and Leppo, M. 2007. Nitric oxide inhibits metamorphosis in larvae of the slippershell snail Crepidula fornicata. Biological Bulletin, 213: 160-171. | Anthony Pires |
John Mestrovic Deyrup | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Eric Kyle Dichter | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Christina Nicole Doll | Voss, M.K., Lakin, C.N., Henson, L.H., Lessard, M.D., Bewersdorf, J., and Henson, J.H. 2007. Generation of actin-rich protrusions in sea urchin coelomocytes that concentrate the Arp2/3 complex and can resemble either growth cones or comet tails. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 18 supplement: 389. | John Henson |
Kathryn Denise Fiedler | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Kathryn Denise Fiedler | The Influence of Topography and Temperature on Quercus ilicifolia Succession Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | |
Kathryn Denise Fiedler | The influence of topography and temperature on "Quercus ilicifolia" succession Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Christopher Alan Fried | Characterization of Bipolar Meiotic-like Spindles and Cytokinesis-like Processes in Ammonia Activated Sea Urchin Eggs Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | John Henson |
Ezequiel Leonardo Gleichgerrcht | A comprehensive approach to understanding decision making deficits in neuropsychiatric disorders Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Michele Anne Gortakowski | Oxidative Signaling in Gastropod Conference: The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Anthony Pires |
Michele Anne Gortakowski | Oxidative signaling in gastropod metamorphosis Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Nicole Christine Hanson | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Nicole Christine Hanson | When Ants Attack: Are Acacia Fruiting? Pseudomyrmex spinicola on Fruiting and Non-fruiting Acacia collinsii Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | |
Nicole Christine Hanson | Defensive and Reproductive Resource Allocation in Piper sancti-felicis Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | |
Nicole Christine Hanson | A rapid staining method for observing herbivore-induced cell wall invertase in wounded leaves Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Nicole Christine Hanson | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Terrence Lee Hubert | Analysis of the relationship between Asian stilt grass and associated unidentified Enchytraeid Annelid worm Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Afif Naji Kulaylat | Genome-Wide Analysis of Differential Gene Expression Modulated by Butyric Acid in HL-60 Cells Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Huges Medical Institute | Michael Roberts |
Jennifer Reine Lloyd Langston | Neurochemical Control of Development in Larvae of Marine Polychaete Worms Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 7 | Anthony Pires |
Joshua Sturgess Lichtman | Raising the standard: biosensor research and development Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Joshua Sturgess Lichtman | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Joshua Sturgess Lichtman | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Joshua Sturgess Lichtman | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Wai Wai Lin | Use of in vivo SELEX to identify satellite C RNA sequences important for movement and pathogenesis of Turnip Crinkle virus. Conference: Fourth Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Wai Wai Lin | Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) - host interaction studies: in vivo evolution of TCV sattelite RNA (completion of a laboratory research project originating from Biology 419) and analysis of host chemical response to TCV Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Wai Wai Lin | Satellite C RNA sequences important for movement and pathogenesis of Turnip Crinkle virus identified using in vivo SELEX. Conference: Fourth Annual Undergraduate Science Research Symposium | David Kushner |
Stephanie Ann Long | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Lisa Irene Maas | Investigating Hemlock Stand Resistance to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestations Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Lisa Irene Maas | Investigating Hemlock Stand Resistance to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestations Conference: Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Ecology Society of America Conference Supported by: Biology Department | |
Mateusz Stefan Makowski | Activation of Aminopeptidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | |
Nicholas James Mallos | Tag-recapture of elasmobranchs around South Caicos with particular reference to the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Stacey Kathryn Mardekian | Comparison of various neuroactive compounds in the Cincinnati water maze Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Rauhut |
Mary Kathryn McClellan | Characterization of Bipolar Meiotic-like Spindles and Cytokinesis-like Processes in Ammonia Activated Sea Urchin Eggs Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | John Henson |
Ora Elizabeth Mika | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Ora Elizabeth Mika | Salicylic acid treatments improve drought and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Genome-wide Analysis of Differential Gene Expression Modulated by Butyric Acid in HL-60 Cells Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Michael Roberts |
Samantha Rae Oreskovich | Novel tools for assessing the impact of regulatory changes on the DoD Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Davia Marie Palmeri | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
John Thomas Sheridan | Comparing Actin in Drosophila S2 Cells and Sea Urchin Coelomocytes Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Mary Caitlin Strahota | n/a Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Benjamin James Tiede | Saccharomyces cerevisiae Host Transcriptional Response to Establishment of a Membrane Positive-Strand RNA Virus Replication Complex Includes Upregulation of ERG Genes Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | Saccharomyces cerevisiae host transcriptional response to establishment of a membranous positive-strand RNA virus replication complex includes upregulation of ERG genes. Conference: 2006 Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting | David Kushner |
Meagen Kathleen Voss | Localization of metallothionein in rotifers exposed to copper Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Meagen Kathleen Voss | Localization of Metallothionein in Rotifers Exposed to Copper Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute | |
Meagen Kathleen Voss | Henson, J.H., Voss, M.K., Ballatori, S., Ballatori, N. and Boyer, J.L. 2007. Factors influencing in vitro morphogenesis in cultures of hepatocytes isolated from the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea. The Bulletin MDIBL, 46: 156-158. | John Henson |
Meagen Kathleen Voss | Voss, M.K., Lakin, C.N., Henson, L.H., Lessard, M.D., Bewersdorf, J., and Henson, J.H. 2007. Generation of actin-rich protrusions in sea urchin coelomocytes that concentrate the Arp2/3 complex and can resemble either growth cones or comet tails. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 18 supplement: 389. | John Henson |
Karrie Anne Walker | NSF 0744261: Transcriptional control of neural differentiation in drosophila Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Kirsten Guss |
Danielle Rian Waranch | The effect of caffeine on the feeding responses of gypsy moth larvae, Lymantria dispar (L.) Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Daniel Allerton Wright | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Daniel Allerton Wright | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Daniel Allerton Wright | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Daniel Allerton Wright | Raising the standard: biosensor research and development Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ashley Elizabeth Young | Ginkgo biloba ameliorates scopolamine-induced amnesia in the day-old chick Conference: Seventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Teresa Barber |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jason Alan Ader | Characterization of SARS-Co V ORF 7b Translation and Subcellular Localization Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Jason Alan Ader | Determination of the role of ergosterol in viral RNA replication complex Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Lotte Friend Bonneau | How and when does deer browsing affect forest regeneration? Tracking seedling growth and survival rates in Central PA. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Ecological Society of America | Carol Loeffler |
Lotte Friend Bonneau | How and When Does Deer Browsing Affect Forest Regeneration? Tracking Seedling Growth and Survival Rates in Central PA Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Camille E Carter | Deer herbivory and plant species diversity in two forest understories in Perry County, PA. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Ecological Society of America | Carol Loeffler |
David Cheung | Cheung, D., McClellan, M.K. and Henson, J.H. 2006. Life at the edge: alteration of cortical actin dynamics in sea urchin coelomocytes. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 79: 104-105. | John Henson |
David Cheung | Henson, J., Bayne, C, Cheung, D., Henson, R., Czechanski, A., Forest, D., Parton, A. and Barnes, D. 2006. Characterization of cell morphology, motility, cytoskeletal organization, and gene presence in long-term cultures derived from sea urchins of the genus Strongylocentrotus. The Bulletin MDIBL 45: 60-62. | John Henson |
Emily T Cocores | Metamorphosis in the Marine Gastropod Crepidula fornicata Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Eric Kyle Dichter | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Eric Kyle Dichter | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: Provost's Grant Matching Acct Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Kathryn Denise Fiedler | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Kathryn Denise Fiedler | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Kathryn Denise Fiedler | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Kirsten N Fuller | The Hornodimeric and Heterodimeric Interactions of the Protein Synaptopodin Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Damian Jaime Glumcher | Search for Self -Depurinating Sites in Human Genome: Potential Biological Implications Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Michele Anne Gortakowski | Metamorphosis in the Marine Gastropod Crepidula fornicata Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Michele Anne Gortakowski | Oxidative Signaling and the Loss of Cell Adhesion in Gastropod Metamorphosis Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Michele Anne Gortakowski | Kondracki, M.A., K.E. Severi, and A. Pires (2006). Oxidative signaling in metamorphosis of a gastropod. Integrative and Comparative Biology 46: suppl 1: e217. | Anthony Pires |
Robert C Hanifin | Canopy structure differences in two mixed-deciduous forests subject to different intensities of deer herbivory and Light utilization efficiency in two mixed-deciduous forests subject to different intensities of deer herbivory Conference: Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Brian Pedersen |
Nicole Christine Hanson | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Nicole Christine Hanson | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Afif Naji Kulaylat | Role of Exocyst Chaperone Proteins in Glutamate Receptor Localization Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Stephanie Gardner |
Afif Naji Kulaylat | A Proteomics Approach to Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Joshua Sturgess Lichtman | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: Provost's Grant Matching Acct Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Joshua Sturgess Lichtman | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Stephanie Ann Long | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: Provost's Grant Matching Acct Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Stephanie Ann Long | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Mary Kathryn McClellan | Cheung, D., McClellan, M.K. and Henson, J.H. 2006. Life at the edge: alteration of cortical actin dynamics in sea urchin coelomocytes. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 79: 104-105. | John Henson |
Ora Elizabeth Mika | NSF 0614893 Collaborative Research: Competing Sinks as Constraints on Plant Defense Responses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Ora Elizabeth Mika | NSF 0336717 Collaborative Research: Coordinate Induction of Sink Strength and Polyphenol Metabolism in Trees Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: Beckman Foundation, Presidential Discretionary Fund (PDF) Number of Weeks: 26 | Michael Roberts |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Turning Cancer Cells into "Normal" Cells: A Genome-wide Analysis of Human Pronyelocytic Leukemia Cell Differentiation as Induced by Butyric Acid Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: Beckman Foundation Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Number of Weeks: 26 | Michael Roberts |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: Beckman Foundation, Presidential Discretionary Fund Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Genome-wide Analysis of Differential Gene Expression Modulated by Butyric Acid in HL-60 Cells Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 13 | |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: Beckman Foundation Number of Weeks: 26 | Michael Roberts |
Matthew Edward Perry | The Extreme and Often Misstated Age of Box Huckleberry (Gaylussacia brachycera) Clones in Pennsylvania Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Janet Wright |
Matthew Edward Perry | World's Oldest Living Things? Investigating the Extreme Age of Box Huckleberry (Gaylussacia brachycera) Clones in Pennsylvania Conference: Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Janet Wright |
Matthew Francis Pye | Response of Plant Extracellular Invertases to Insect Herbivory Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Lauren Elizabeth Redmore | Effects of Seed Bank Dynamics on Susceptibility of White Campion (Silene latifolia) to Anther-smut Fungus (Microbotryum violaceum) Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Tara A Russell | Characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutation that impairs the function of yeast tRNA nucleotidyltransferase. Conference: Fourth Annual Ribo-Club | David Kushner |
Tara A Russell | Implications of tRNA Nucleotidyltransferase, cca1p, on Yeast Growth and BMV RNA3 Stability and Degradation Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Lisa B Savitt | Disconnecting the Immune System: Exploring the Gomplement Gascade Using Gene Silencing Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Kristen Eileen Severi | Kondracki, M.A., K.E. Severi, and A. Pires (2006). Oxidative signaling in metamorphosis of a gastropod. Integrative and Comparative Biology 46: suppl 1: e217. | Anthony Pires |
John Thomas Sheridan | Multiple Cell Type Imaging and Analysis with Subcellular Protein Features Conference: Carnegie Mellon University Supported by: Carnegie Mellon University | |
Meagen Kathleen Voss | NIH 1R15GM60925-02 Mechanism and Regulation of Actin-based Retrograde Flow Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Eleonore P Werner | Turning Cancer Cells into "Normal" Cells: A Genome-wide Analysis of Human Pronyelocytic Leukemia Cell Differentiation as Induced by Butyric Acid Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Eleonore P Werner | Turning off cancer: A Genome-wide Microarray Analysis of Human Leukemia cells Conference: Sixth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Daniel Allerton Wright | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: PA Dept of Community & Economic Development Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Daniel Allerton Wright | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: Provost's Grant Matching Acct Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jason Alan Ader | Characterizing specific properties of the newly identified SARS coronavirus proteins 7a and 7b Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Sara Elizabeth Baszczewski | Integrated Protein Informatics for Cancer Research Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Jennifer M Carr | Following a Gene through Development: scalloped Expression during Drosophila Embryogenesis Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Jennifer M Carr | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Number of Weeks: 10 | Kirsten Guss |
Jennifer M Carr | Scalloped Expression During Drosophila Embryogenesis Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 10 | Kirsten Guss |
Jennifer M Carr | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: Beckman Foundation Number of Weeks: 10 | Kirsten Guss |
Jennifer M Carr | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: Beckman Foundation Number of Weeks: 26 | Kirsten Guss |
Jennifer M Carr | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Number of Weeks: 26 | Kirsten Guss |
David Cheung | NIH 1R15GM60925-02 Mechanism and Regulation of Actin-based Retrograde Flow Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Emily T Cocores | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Shannon Lilly Dauses | Characterization of Catalysis-deficient Mutants of Mouse Debranching Enzyme Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Casey Lyn DelConte | Conservation during Evolution: RNA Editing of the DSC1 Sodium Channel in Drosophila Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Christopher Alan Fried | Turning Sea Urchins into Nerve Cells: Induced Alteration From a Lamellipodial to a Filopodial-based
Form of Actin-mediated retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Cells Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Michele Anne Gortakowski | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Jeffrey Todd Heath | Behavior of Poplar Source Leaf chemical Defenses in Response to Insect Attack Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Kelly Elizabeth Hoberg | The Role of the X Protein on Viral Replication in HBV Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Bethany Leigh Jillson-Thornhill | Low Light as a Trigger for the Seagrass Wasting Disease Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Julie Beth Kang | Can White-tailed Deer Alter Forest Understory Communities through Seed Dispersal? The Effects of Deer Density Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Tasha Kouvatsos | Changes in Gene Expression iii Response to PMA-induced Dfferentiation in HL-60 Cells Using Microarray
Analysis. Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Jessica N Landis | Sexual Dimorphism in the Induction of CY.P2B and CYP3A by an Environmental Estrogen Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ashly Elizabeth Lukoskie | Changes in Blood: Difference Gel Electrophoresis (DIGE) to Determine Biomarker Difference between Bovine and Rabbit Serum Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Mary Kathryn McClellan | Bioinformatics of Subcellular Localization and Changes due to Cancer Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Ora Elizabeth Mika | NSF 0336717 Collaborative Research: Coordinate Induction of Sink Strength and Polyphenol Metabolism in Trees Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Patrick Lennon Millet | Continued Analysis of Role of the Phosphatase siw14p in BMV RNA Replication Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Patrick Lennon Millet | Continued Analysis of Role of the Phosphatase siw14p in BMV RNA Replication Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Nana Kwaku Minkah | Host Gene Expression Changes Caused by a Novel Phosphatase: Transcriptome Profile of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lacking the Tyrosine Phosphatase SIW14 Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Nana Kwaku Minkah | DNA microarray-generated transcriptome profile of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking the tyrosine phosphatase SIW14. Conference: 105th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology | David Kushner |
Connor Thomas Murphy | Changes in Blood: Difference Gel Electrophoresis (DIGE) to Determine Biomarker Difference between Bovine and Rabbit Serum Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Jamie Deaton Noll | Relative Abundance and Distribution of Foraminifera as Paleoclimatic Indicator Species in the Northwest Providence Channel Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Detecting Cancer Cells: Finding Onco gene_responsive Proteins by Subcellular Location Pattern Comparison Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: Beckman Foundation, Presidential Discretionary Fund (PDF) Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Genome-wide Analysis of Differential Gene Expression Modulated by Butyric Acid in HL-60 Cells Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 13 | |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Genome-wide Analysis of Differential Gene Expression Modulated by Butyric Acid in HL-60 Cells Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Bioinformatics of Subcellular Localization and Changes due to Cancer Conference: x Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Differential Gene Expression in Butyric Acid-Induced Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: Beckman Foundation Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Blake Thomas O'Shaughnessy | Heart S.C.O.R.E. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Carine Opazo | Assigning Complementation Groups in Patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Patricia Anne Prince | Regeneration in twelve-year-old deer exclosures and its effects on light levels and Microstegium invasion. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Matthew Francis Pye | Behavior of Poplar Source Leaf chemical Defenses in Response to Insect Attack Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Lauren Elizabeth Redmore | Can White-tailed Deer Alter Forest Understory Communities through Seed Dispersal? The Effects of Deer Density Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Michelle Renee Reina | n/a Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | |
Michelle Renee Reina | Turning Sea Urchins into Nerve Cells: Induced Alteration From a Lamellipodial to a Filopodial-based
Form of Actin-mediated retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Cells Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Jennifer M Rothberg | Investigation of Nudix Hydrolase Family Membe;; Agrobacterium turn efaciens, with Respect to its Invasion Gene Homolog (invA) Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Tara A Russell | Joyce, P.B.M., Shan, X., Russell, T., Paul, S.M., and Kushner, D.B. 2005. Characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutation that impairs the function of yeast tRNA nucleotidyltransferase. Abstract. Fourth Annual Ribo-Club, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. | David Kushner |
Emily Ann Schall | Overwinter and early spring den use and movement patterns in Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) in south-central Pennsylvania Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Janet Wright |
Tracy Elizabeth Scott | Regeneration in twelve-year-old deer exclosures and its effects on light levels and Microstegium invasion. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Benjamin James Tiede | Host Gene Expression Induced by the Brome Mosaic Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 3 | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | Genome-wide Analysis of the Saccharoxnyces cerevisiae Response to Bronze Mosaic Virus la Protein Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | Changes in Gene Expression iii Response to PMA-induced Dfferentiation in HL-60 Cells Using Microarray Analysis
Analysis. Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Benjamin James Tiede | Host gene expression induced by the brome mosaic virus 1a protein Conference: First Annual Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | Differentiation of Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells: A DNA Microarray Analysis Conference: American Association for Cancer Research 96th Annual Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Michael Roberts |
Benjamin James Tiede | Microarray Analysis in the Microbiology Laboratory: Completing Both Experimentation and Data Analysis in as Little as Six Weeks. Conference: Twelfth American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | Host Gene Expression Induced by the Brome Mosaic Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 3 | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | Host Gene Expression Changes Caused by a Novel Phosphatase: Transcriptome Profile of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lacking the Tyrosine Phosphatase SIW15 Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | DNA microarray-generated transcriptome profile of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking the tyrosine phosphatase SIW14. Conference: 05th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | Microarray analysis reveals significantly altered Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression in response to brome mosaic virus 1a protein. Conference: Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology | David Kushner |
Sarah Mary Wallett | Investigations into General Stability of Type 3 Dearing Reovirus Ethanol Resistant Mutants Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Eleonore P Werner | DNA Microarray Analysis of Retinoic Acid-Induced Granulocyte Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Eleonore P Werner | DNA Microarray Analysis of Retinoic Acid-Induced Granulocyte Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Jacob Clifton Wright | Light Levels, Deer and the Demography of a Rare Forest Perennial, Glade Spurge (Euphorbia purpurea) Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Jacob Clifton Wright | Light levels, deer, and the demography of a rare forest perennial, glade spurge (Euphorbia purpurea). Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Sarah E Yeskel | Calibrating aerial photographs with ground surveys of Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister) habitat in the Pennsylvania Ridge and Valley Province Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Janet Wright |
Sarah E Yeskel | Calibrating Remote and Ground Surveys of Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Habitat in the Pennsylvania Ridge and Valley Provinces Conference: Fifth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Janet Wright |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jenna Marie Badgley | NSF 0336716 RUI Collaborative Research: Mechanisms of induced pathogen resistance in seagrasses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Jenna Marie Badgley | Defense against the Seagrass Wasting Disease: Changing Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase (PAL) Activities and Infection by Labyrinthula spp. Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Melissa Amber Burgess | Aging and stress hormones. Michael E. Rhodes, Ph.D., Center for Neurosciences Research, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Melissa Amber Burgess | "Test-tube" Rat Reactions: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Responses to Cholinergic Drugs and Hormones in an In Vitro Perfusion System Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Jennifer M Carr | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: Beckman Foundation, Presidential Discretionary Fund (PDF) Number of Weeks: 26 | Kirsten Guss |
Jennifer M Carr | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: Beckman Foundation Number of Weeks: 10 | Kirsten Guss |
Jennifer M Carr | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Number of Weeks: 10 | Kirsten Guss |
Camille E Carter | A Pleistocene Mammoth from South of the Border Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Shannon Lilly Dauses | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 46 | Kirsten Guss |
Shannon Lilly Dauses | Characterization of catalysis-deficient mutants of mouse debranching enzyme. Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Shannon Lilly Dauses | Characterization of catalysis-deficient mutants of mouse debranching enzyme. Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 13 | |
Shannon Lilly Dauses | Scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 46 | Kirsten Guss |
Jessica E Davis | Davis, J.E., Henson, J.H., and Simerly, C.R. 2004. Ammonia activation generates bipolar spindle-like structures in sea urchin eggs. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 77:130. | John Henson |
Jessica E Davis | Bioinformatics of Subcellular Localization and Changes due to Cancer Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Jessica E Davis | Henson, J.H., Davis, J.E., Huang, K. and Murphy, R.F. 2004. Computer-based recognition of drug-induced changes in the distribution of fluorescently labeled microtubules in NIH 3T3 cells. Bulletin, MDIBL, 43:49-50. | John Henson |
Jessica E Davis | Henson, J.H., Davis, J.E., Shuster, C.B., Fried, C.A., and Simerly, C.R. 2004.Characterization of anastral, bipolar spindle development and atypical cytokinesis in ammonia-activated sea urchin eggs. Biological Bulletin, 207:160. | John Henson |
Jessica E Davis | Ammonia Activation Generates Bzolar Spindle-like Structures in Sea Urchin Eggs Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Casey Lyn DelConte | Role of the Selector Gene scalloped during Drosophila Development Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Casey Lyn DelConte | DelConte, C., and Guss, K.A. 2004. Role of the selector gene scalloped during Drosophila development. Annual Drosophila Research Conference 45: 343A. | Kirsten Guss |
Jessica Martin Durkota | Quantifying acorn removal by seed predators in a wildlife preserve Conference: Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference of the Ecological Society of America Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Brian Pedersen |
Aimee Lee Foord | Assessing islet function after exposure to enzymes and enzyme by-products. Rita Bottino Ph.D., Director Islet Core, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Claire Louise Foster | Water Release from Cross-Linked Polyacrylamide Conference: Soil Science Society of America Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Janet Wright |
Christopher Alan Fried | Fried, C.A. and Henson, J.H. 2004. Stimulation of actomyosin contraction by the phosphatase inhibitor Calyculin A alters centripetal motility in sea urchin coelomocytes. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 77:132. | John Henson |
Christopher Alan Fried | Fried, C.A., Reina, M., and Henson, J.H. 2004. Actin-mediated retrograde flow in sea urchin coelomocytes: conversion from a lamellipodial-dominated to a filopodial-dominated form. Biological Bulletin, 207:161. | John Henson |
Christopher Alan Fried | Fried, C., Reina, M., and Henson, J.H. 2004. Induced alteration from a lamellipodial-based to a filopodial-based form of actin-mediated retrograde flow in sea urchin coelomocytes. Molecular Biology of the Cell ,15:61a. | John Henson |
Christopher Alan Fried | Does Activation Lead to Contraction?: Physiological and Biochemical Evidence of increased Actomyosin Contraction by the Phosphatase Inhibitor Calyculin A in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Christopher Alan Fried | Bioinformatics of Subcellular Localization and Changes due to Cancer Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Christopher Alan Fried | Investigating the role of Arp2/3 complex-independent actin polymerization in the cell motility of sea urchin coelomocytes. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Christopher Alan Fried | Investigating the role of Arp2/3 complex-independent actin polymerization in the cell motility of sea urchin coelomocytes. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Christopher Alan Fried | Investigating the role of Arp2/3 complex-independent actin polymerization in the cell motility of sea urchin coelomocytes. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Matthew Thomas Gallagher | The Interaction Between Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus) and the Whale Watching Industry in Bahia Magdalena, Baja California Sur Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Andrew Raynes Gleason | Henson, J.H., Davis, J.E., Shuster, C.B., Fried, C.A., and Simerly, C.R. 2004. Characterization of anastral, bipolar spindle development and atypical cytokinesis in ammonia-activated sea urchin eggs. Biological Bulletin, 207:160. | John Henson |
Jeffrey Todd Heath | NSF 0336717 Collaborative Research: Coordinate Induction of Sink Strength and Polyphenol Metabolism in Trees Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Alexander Levan Hoffmeier | Quantifying Acorn Removal by Seed Predators in a Wildlife Preserve, South-central Pennsylvania Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Brian Pedersen |
Bethany Leigh Jillson-Thornhill | NSF 0336716 RUI Collaborative Research: Mechanisms of induced pathogen resistance in seagrasses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Tasha Kouvatsos | A DNA Microarray Analysis of Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Tasha Kouvatsos | A DNA Microarray Analysis of Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Paul Michael Kretzer | NSF 0336716 RUI Collaborative Research: Mechanisms of induced pathogen resistance in seagrasses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Karissa Lynn Lozenski | Prevalence of Raccoon Roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) as a Factor in the Disappearance of the Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) in Ohio
Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Janet Wright |
Ashly Elizabeth Lukoskie | Integrated Protein Informatics for Cancer Research Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | John Henson |
Christopher Robert Magel | The Effects of Pertussis Toxin on Guanine Nucleotide Binding Proteins of the Spontaneous Hypertensive Rat and the Wistar-Kyoto Rat Renal Proximal Tubules Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Carole Anne McBride | When Good Genes Go Bad: Analysis of the Tumor Suppressant Gene CDKN2a Using Phylogenetic Alignments and Functional Studies Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Timothy Patrick McManus | Computational analysis of cis-regulatory elements in the Drosophila genome recognized by Scalloped and Suppressor of Hairless Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Nana Kwaku Minkah | Host gene expression changes caused by a novel protein phosphatase. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Nana Kwaku Minkah | Host gene expression changes caused by a novel protein phosphatase. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Travis Edward Monnell | Expression and Purification of the PPAR- Family Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Connor Thomas Murphy | Integrated Protein Informatics for Cancer Research Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | John Henson |
Michael F Musso | The Relationship Between Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) Invasion and the Presence of Earthworms in Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary, Pennsylvania Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Bioinformatics of Subcellular Localization and Changes due to Cancer Conference: x Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Theodore Scott Nowicki | Bioinformatics of Subcellular Localization and Changes due to Cancer Conference: x Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Michael Joseph O'Malley | The Effect of Fasted vs. Unfasted Feeding States on Resting Oxygen Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Production Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Ruth Mary Oldham | NSF 0336717 Collaborative Research: Coordinate Induction of Sink Strength and Polyphenol Metabolism in Trees Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Jacob Richard Penniman | Neural Correlates of Settlement and Metamorphic Competence in Gastropod Veliger Larvae Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
Nadine Marie Powell | The Effect of Fasted vs. Unfasted Feeding States on Resting Oxygen Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Production Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Matthew Francis Pye | NSF 0336717 Collaborative Research: Coordinate Induction of Sink Strength and Polyphenol Metabolism in Trees Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Michelle Renee Reina | Fried, C., Reina, M., and Henson, J.H. 2004. Induced alteration from a lamellipodial-based to a filopodial-based form of actin-mediated retrograde flow in sea urchin coelomocytes. Molecular Biology of the Cell ,15:61a. | John Henson |
Michelle Renee Reina | Fried, C.A., Reina, M., and Henson, J.H. 2004. Actin-mediated retrograde flow in sea urchin coelomocytes: conversion from a lamellipodial-dominated to a filopodial-dominated form. Biological Bulletin, 207:161. | John Henson |
Emily Elizabeth Rhode | NSF 0336716 RUI Collaborative Research: Mechanisms of induced pathogen resistance in seagrasses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Arnold |
Norah Elizabeth Roderick | NSF 0336717 Collaborative Research: Coordinate Induction of Sink Strength and Polyphenol Metabolism in Trees Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Kristen Eileen Severi | The Role of Calcium and Oxygen Radicals in the Metamorphosis of Crepidula fornicata, a Marine Gastropod Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Anthony Pires |
James W Sierotko | Understanding a Population Decline: Age, Size, Flowering, and Mortality in a Pennsylvania Population of the Globally Rare Glade Spurge (Euphorbia purpurea) Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
James W Sierotko | Understanding a population decline: age, size, flowering, and mortality in a PA population of the globally rare glade spurge (Euphorbia purpurea). Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Benjamin James Tiede | Host gene expression induced by the brome mosaic virus la protein Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R&D Student Faculty Research Number of Weeks: 3 | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | Host gene expression induced by the brome mosaic virus la protein Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Benjamin James Tiede | icroarray analysis of yeast gene expression levels in response to presence of Brome mosaic virus 1a protein Conference: First Regional Microbiology Educators Network Symposium | David Kushner |
Lindsay Michelle Wieland | Prevalence of Raccoon Roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) as a Factor in the Disappearance of the Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) in Ohio
Conference: Fourth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Janet Wright |
Jacob Clifton Wright | Population ecology and management of rare plant species, especially Euphorbia purpurea, glade spurge Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Jacob Clifton Wright | Understanding a population decline: age, size, flowering, and mortality in a PA population of the globally rare glade spurge (Euphorbia purpurea). Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Justin James Bichler | Deer Browsing and Recruitment Failure as Factors in the Continuing Decline of PA Populations of a Rare Wildflower, Euphorbia purpurea. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Justin James Bichler | Deer browsing and recruitment failure as factors in the continuing decline of PA populations of a rare wildflower. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Eric Anthony Biondi | Engineering yDBR mutants that bind but do not cut mRNA introns Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Carrie Lynn Blout | The Interaction of Cited1, a Transcriptional Co-factor Possibly Linked to Cancer, with the Cellular Proteins COUP-TFI and Smad Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Melissa Amber Burgess | Sex differences in the brain and their influences on endocrine function. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Jessica E Davis | Henson, J.H., Davis, J.E., Compton, D.A., and Simerly, C.R. 2003. Generation of atypical bipolar spindle-like structures in artificially activated sea urchin eggs. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 14:389a. | John Henson |
Jessica E Davis | Investigating the role of contractile forces in the cell motility of se urching ceolomocytes. Conference: x Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Jessica E Davis | Bioinformatics of Subcellular Localization and Changes due to Cancer Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 13 | John Henson |
Jessica E Davis | Investigating the role of contractile forces in the cell motility of se urching ceolomocytes. Conference: Y Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Casey Lyn DelConte | Evaluation of potential targets of SCALLOPED function during Drosophila development Conference: x Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Casey Lyn DelConte | Evaluation of potential targets of SCALLOPED function during Drosophila development Conference: Y Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Jessica Elizabeth Ellerman | Purification and Characterization of Cis and Trans Photoisomers of Intermediates of the Phenylpropanoid Pathway in Higher Plants. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Brennan |
Bethany Everson | Tracking an Enzyme Through a Cell: Sub-cellular Localization of TACE in vivo Prior to and
after Phosphoiylation Induced by p42 MAPK Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Melissa Ann Ferullo | Patterns of Woody Regeneration and Microstegiun Invasion in a Ten-year Deer Exclosure
Experiment in South-central Pennsylvania. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Melissa Ann Ferullo | Patterns of woody regeneration and Microstegium invasion in a ten-year deer exclosure experiment in south-central Pennsylvania. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Christopher Alan Fried | Investigating the role of contractile forces in the cell motility of sea urchin ceolomocytes. Conference: x Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Christopher Alan Fried | Investigating the role of contractile forces in the cell motility of sea urchin ceolomocytes. Conference: Y Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Andrew Raynes Gleason | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S., Fried, C., Nazarian, R., McGreevy, J., Schulberg, K.L., Detweiler, M., and Trabosh, V.A. 2003. Actin-based centripetal flow: phosphatase inhibition by Calyculin A alters flow pattern, actin organization and actomyosin distribution. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 56:252-266. | John Henson |
Emily Grace Gvodas | Development of fluorescence in in situ hybridization using rRNA-based probes for the analysis of gastrointestinal bacteria Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Alexander Levan Hoffmeier | Quantifying acorn removal by seed predators in a wildlife preserve Conference: Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference of the Ecological Society of America Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Brian Pedersen |
Marissa Marie Houtz | Further Investigation of Transcriptional control During Wing Development in Drosophila melanogaster. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Kristy Beth Jacobus | Structural genomics analysis using Rho130 as a model Supported by: PA Dept. of Health Carnegie Mellon University Collaborative Project Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Michelle Ferenz Kanther | Analysis of Pdr5p Mutants that Retain Partial Function Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Emily R Keller | Development of Genetic Markers for the Analysis of Population Structure in the Chilean Sea Bass and Antartic Toothfish Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Christopher Stephen Kiefer | Kiefer, C.S., Magel, C.R., Peles, J.D., Pell, L.A., and Wright, J. Spatial and seasonal den use in Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) in south-central Pennsylvania. Abstract. April, 2003 Pennsylvania Academy of Science Meeting. | Janet Wright |
Christopher Stephen Kiefer | Spatial and Seasonal Den use in Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) in South-central Pennsylvania Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Janet Wright |
Megan Sue King | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S., Fried, C., Nazarian, R., McGreevy, J., Schulberg, K.L., Detweiler, M., and Trabosh, V.A. 2003. Actin-based centripetal flow: phosphatase inhibition by Calyculin A alters flow pattern, actin organization and actomyosin distribution. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 56:252-266. | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | The Arp2/3 Complex Mediates the Actin Polymerization Process Involved in Wound Closure in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | Microscopic Localization of Human Natural Killer Cell Marker Proteins on a Subset of Sea Urchin Coelomocytes. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S., Fried, C., Nazarian, R., McGreevy, J., Schulberg, K.L., Detweiler, M., and Trabosh, V.A. 2003. Actin-based centripetal flow: phosphatase inhibition by Calyculin A alters flow pattern, actin organization and actomyosin distribution. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 56:252-266. | John Henson |
Paul Michael Kretzer | NSF 0336716 RUI Collaborative Research: Mechanisms of induced pathogen resistance in seagrasses Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Thomas Arnold |
Paul Michael Kretzer | Purification and Characterization of Cis and Trans Photoisomers of Intermediates of the Phenylpropanoid Pathway in Higher Plants. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Brennan |
Katherine Anne Lestitian | Deer browsing and recruitment failure as factors in the continuing decline of PA populations of a rare wildflower. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Katherine Anne Lestitian | Deer Browsing and Recruitment Failure as Factors in the Continuing Decline of PA Populations of a Rare Wildflower, Euphorbia purpurea. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Christopher Robert Magel | Spatial and Seasonal Den use in Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) in South-central Pennsylvania Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Janet Wright |
Christopher Robert Magel | Dopamine Receptors Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Christopher Robert Magel | Kiefer, C.S., Magel, C.R., Peles, J.D., Pell, L.A., and Wright, J. Spatial and seasonal den use in Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) in south-central Pennsylvania. Abstract. April, 2003 Pennsylvania Academy of Science Meeting. | Janet Wright |
Carole Anne McBride | Computational and Laboratory stuey of p16/Ink4 Mutations" Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Heidi Ann Murray-Smith | Microscopic Localization of Human Natural Killer Cell Marker Proteins on a Subset of Sea Urchin Coelomocytes. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Ronniel Nazarian | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S., Fried, C., Nazarian, R., McGreevy, J., Schulberg, K.L., Detweiler, M., and Trabosh, V.A. 2003. Actin-based centripetal flow: phosphatase inhibition by Calyculin A alters flow pattern, actin organization and actomyosin distribution. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 56:252-266. | John Henson |
Michael Joseph O'Malley | The role of a 1 specific opioid agonist in improving neurological outcome following resuscitation from cardiac arrest Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Michael Joseph O'Malley | The role of a 1 specific opioid agonist in improving neurological outcome following resuscitation from cardiac arrest Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Manisha Patel | Evaluation of the Oncogenic Potential of PBK, a Novel Mitotic Kinase, using Constitutively Active Mutants. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Sarah Lynn Pears | Quantifying acorn removal by seed predators in a wildlife preserve Conference: Mid-Atlantic Ecology Conference of the Ecological Society of America Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Brian Pedersen |
Laura Ann Pell | Kiefer, C.S., Magel, C.R., Peles, J.D., Pell, L.A., and Wright, J. Spatial and seasonal den use in Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) in south-central Pennsylvania. Abstract. April, 2003 Pennsylvania Academy of Science Meeting. | Janet Wright |
Laura Ann Pell | Spatial and Seasonal Den use in Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) in South-central Pennsylvania Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Janet Wright |
Jacob Richard Penniman | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Jacob Richard Penniman | Pires, A. and Penniman, J.R. 2003. Neural correlates of settlement and metamorphic competence in gastropod veliger larvae. Program No. 606.16. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience. Online. | Anthony Pires |
Jacob Richard Penniman | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Anthony Pires |
Jacob Richard Penniman | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Anthony Pires |
Kristin Marie Pidgeon | Further Investigation of Transcriptional control During Wing Development in Drosophila melanogaster. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Nadine Marie Powell | The role of a 1 specific opioid agonist in improving neurological outcome following resuscitation from cardiac arrest Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Nadine Marie Powell | The role of a 1 specific opioid agonist in improving neurological outcome following resuscitation from cardiac arrest Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Matthew Francis Pye | Enhancing the Efficacy of bioherbicides Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Rebecca Jane Ragle | Continued Monitoring of Moe Pond after the Unauthorized Stocking of Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Aaron Joseph Roberts | Osmoregulation in Cultured Atlantic Salmon Lenses in Relation to Cataract. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Jennifer D Robison | Investigations on the life history of two invasive species: Alliaria petiolata (M. Beib.) Cavara & Grande and Hesperis matronalis L. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Jennifer D Robison | Investigations on the Life History of Two Invasive Species: Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara
& Grande and Hesperis matronalis L. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Jennifer D Robison | Perceived Quality of Life among Previously Injured Recreational Divers: a Pilot Study. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Michael David Salvatore | Deer browsing and recruitment failure as factors in the continuing decline of PA populations of a rare wildflower. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Michael David Salvatore | Deer Browsing and Recruitment Failure as Factors in the Continuing Decline of PA Populations of a Rare Wildflower, Euphorbia purpurea. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Andrew Robert Sas | Statistical Variability of HMX and PBX95O1 Samples. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Andrew Robert Sas | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Conference: x Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Anthony Pires |
Natalie L Schirato | Patterns of Woody Regeneration and Microstegiun Invasion in a Ten-year Deer Exclosure
Experiment in South-central Pennsylvania. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Natalie L Schirato | Patterns of woody regeneration and Microstegium invasion in a ten-year deer exclosure experiment in south-central Pennsylvania. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Katrina Louise Schulberg | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S., Fried, C., Nazarian, R., McGreevy, J., Schulberg, K.L., Detweiler, M., and Trabosh, V.A. 2003. Actin-based centripetal flow: phosphatase inhibition by Calyculin A alters flow pattern, actin organization and actomyosin distribution. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 56:252-266. | John Henson |
Abir Adnan Senz | Glucocorticoid Receptor Fundtion in a Conditionally Immortalized Hippocampal Cell Line Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Kristen Eileen Severi | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
James W Sierotko | Population and propagation studies of three rare wildflowers, Euphorbia purpurea, Solidago speciosa, and Aster radula Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Emily Elizabeth Souder | Induction of HAART-Persistent HIV-1 Expression Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Benjamin James Tiede | Antibody Isolation and Characterization Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Valerie Anne Trabosh | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S., Fried, C., Nazarian, R., McGreevy, J., Schulberg, K.L., Detweiler, M., and Trabosh, V.A. 2003. Actin-based centripetal flow: phosphatase inhibition by Calyculin A alters flow pattern, actin organization and actomyosin distribution. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 56:252-266. | John Henson |
Valerie Anne Trabosh | The Arp2/3 Complex Mediates the Actin Polymerization Process Involved in Wound Closure in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Lindsay Michelle Wieland | Isolation of Subpopulation of in a Woodrat (Neotoma Magister) Metapopulation Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
Kelly Hill Willard | Establishment of Kuku Community C'onservation Area (KCCA,) in Kenya: Biodiversity Evaluation, Tourism Evaluation and Stakeholder Considerations. Conference: Third Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Jacob Clifton Wright | Population and propagation studies of three rare wildflowers, Euphorbia purpurea, Solidago speciosa, and Aster radula Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Sarah E Yeskel | Assessment of Cenomic Instability in Breast Cancer Patients Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Justin James Bichler | Balancing Low Mortality and Slow Recruitment in a Rare Wildflower Euphorbia purpurea. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Justin James Bichler | Balancing low mortality and slow recruitment in a rare wildflower, Euphorbia purpurea Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Jillian Loyer Brechbiel | Regulation of the Transcription Factor AP-1 During Human Cell Differentiation by Phosphorylation Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Michael Roberts |
Carrie Jacobs Cafaro | Copper and Ultraviolet-B Phototoxicity in Helianthus annuns and Cucumis sativus Seedlings. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Brennan |
Scott Alan Campbell | Decreased VO2 in Response To Acute Inspired Hypoxia and Hypercapnic Hypoxia In Rabbits (O. cuniculus) Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Scott Alan Campbell | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Erin McShane Coleman-Cordes | Decreased VO2 in Response To Acute Inspired Hypoxia and Hypercapnic Hypoxia In Rabbits (O. cuniculus) Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Jason Scott Cordes | Pharmacology of HERG - a Potassium Cardiac Channel Involved in Prolongation of the Q-T Interval Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Lisa Marie DeLiso | Balancing low mortality and slow recruitment in a rare wildflower, Euphorbia purpurea Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Jessica Elizabeth Ellerman | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Jessica Elizabeth Ellerman | Decreased VO2 in Response To Acute Inspired Hypoxia and Hypercapnic Hypoxia In Rabbits (O. cuniculus) Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Jonathan Curry Emlet | Specificity of selector gene activity during Drosophila development Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Jonathan Curry Emlet | Specificity of selector gene activity during Drosophila development Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Kirsten Guss |
Francoise Annick Febrey | Molecular Endocrinology and Genetics Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Damien Garbett | EGF Receptor Activation in Bovine Cumulus Cells Induces [Ca2 ]i Elevation and Subsequent Cell Death Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Damien Garbett | EGF Receptor Activation in Bovine Cumulus Cells Induces [Ca2 ] Elevation and Cell Death. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Beth Ellen Gern | Habitat-dependent Effects of a High Deer Population (Odocoileus virginianus) on Diversity and Species Composition of Forest Understory. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Brian Pedersen |
Miranda Lynn Johnston | Habitat-dependent effects of a high deer population (Odocoileus virginianus) on diversity and species composition of forest understory. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Miranda Lynn Johnston | Habitat-dependent Effects of a High Deer Population (Odocoileus virginianus) on Diversity and Species Composition of Forest Understory. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Brian Pedersen |
Christopher Stephen Kiefer | Copper and Ultraviolet-B Phototoxicity in Helianthus annuns and Cucumis sativus Seedlings. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Brennan |
Christopher Stephen Kiefer | Copper and Ultraviolet-B Phototoxicity in Helianthus Annuus and Cucumis Sativus seedlings Conference: Pennsylvania Academy of Science Conference Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Thomas Brennan |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | The role of the cytoskeleton in the cytotoxic functions of the sea urchin coelomocyte Conference: x Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | Henson, J.H., Nazarian, R., Schulberg, K., Trabosh, V.A., Kolnik, S.E., Burns, A.R. and McPartland, K.J. 2002. Wound healing in the lamellipodia of single cells: mediation by actin polymerization in the absence of an actomyosin purse string. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13: 1015-1029. | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S.E., and Trabosh, V.A. 2002. Changes in the distribution of the Arp2/3 complex upon pharmacological manipulation of actin-based centripetal flow. Molecular Biology of the Cell,13: 313a. | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S., Cai, S.-Y., Ballatori, N., and Boyer, J.L. 2002. Localization of endogenous xenobiotic transporters in isolated clusters of skate (Raja erinacea) hepatocytes. The Bulletin, MDIBL, 41: 37-38. | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | The role of the cytoskeleton in the cytotoxic functions of the sea urchin coelomocyte Conference: Y Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Paul Michael Kretzer | Testing the Biological Activity of Cis and Trans Photoisomers of Phenylpropanoid Compounds Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Brennan |
Paul Michael Kretzer | Testing the Biological Activity of Cis and Trans Photoisomers of Phenylpropanoid Compounds Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Brennan |
Katherine Anne Lestitian | Ecology, demography, and recovery of a rare wildflower Euphorbia Purpurea Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Rebecca Diane Levit | Decreased VO2 in Response To Acute Inspired Hypoxia and Hypercapnic Hypoxia In Rabbits (O. cuniculus) Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Rebecca Diane Levit | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Kurt Matthew Lucin | Decreased VO2 in Response To Acute Inspired Hypoxia and Hypercapnic Hypoxia In Rabbits (O. cuniculus) Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Christopher Robert Magel | Radiotelemetry Study of Summer Movements in Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Populations Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
Dana R McGregor | Ultraviolet-B Photoisomerization on Phenylpropanoid Compounds Involved in the Biosynthesis of Flavonoids Conference: Pennsylvania Academy of Science Conference Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Thomas Brennan |
Dana R McGregor | Ultraviolet-B Photoisomerization of Phenyipropanoid Compounds Involved in the Biosynthesis
of Flavonoids.
Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Brennan |
Kenneth Joseph McPartland | Henson, J.H., Nazarian, R., Schulberg, K., Trabosh, V.A., Kolnik, S.E., Burns, A.R. and McPartland, K.J. 2002. Wound healing in the lamellipodia of single cells: mediation by actin polymerization in the absence of an actomyosin purse string. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13: 1015-1029. | John Henson |
Melanie Erin Mouyard | Effects of winterization on germination and growth of two invasive species, Hesperis matronalis and Alliaria petiolata. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Melanie Erin Mouyard | Effects of Winterization on Two Floodplain Species, Hesperis matronalis and Alliaria petiolata. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Brian Pedersen |
Heidi Ann Murray-Smith | The role of the cytoskeleton in the cytotoxic functions of the sea urchin coelomocyte Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Heidi Ann Murray-Smith | The role of the cytoskeleton in the cytotoxic functions of the sea urchin coelomocyte Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Ronniel Nazarian | Henson, J.H., Nazarian, R., Schulberg, K., Trabosh, V.A., Kolnik, S.E., Burns, A.R. and McPartland, K.J. 2002. Wound healing in the lamellipodia of single cells: mediation by actin polymerization in the absence of an actomyosin purse string. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13: 1015-1029. | John Henson |
Laura Ann Pell | Radiotelemetry Study of Summer Movements in Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Populations Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
Jacob Richard Penniman | Neural Control of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Jacob Richard Penniman | Neural Control of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Jennifer L Picarsic | Development of Gene Therapy for Early Lung Cancer using Novel In Vitro Model of Lung Cancer Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Jennifer L Picarsic | Evaluation of a Gene Transfer Approach for Treatment of Early Stage Lung Cancer in a Novel
in vitro Co-culture System. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Amanda Cynthia Reynolds | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Conference: x Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 13 | Anthony Pires |
Amanda Cynthia Reynolds | Catecholamines in Metamorphosis of Primitive Gastropods Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Anthony Pires |
Courtney Lynn Ritchie | Decreased VO2 in Response To Acute Inspired Hypoxia and Hypercapnic Hypoxia In Rabbits (O. cuniculus) Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Charles Zwemer |
Jacey Ann Roberts | A DNA Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression during Human Cell Differentiation Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Jacey Ann Roberts | A DNA Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression during Human Cell Differentiation Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Jennifer D Robison | Zooxanthellae, the More the Better? Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Michael David Salvatore | Ecology, demography, and recovery of a rare wildflower Euphorbia Purpurea Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Katrina Louise Schulberg | Henson, J.H., Nazarian, R., Schulberg, K., Trabosh, V.A., Kolnik, S.E., Burns, A.R. and McPartland, K.J. 2002. Wound healing in the lamellipodia of single cells: mediation by actin polymerization in the absence of an actomyosin purse string. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13: 1015-1029. | John Henson |
Alexis Helene Sherman | Levels of Somatostatin mRNA in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Lisa Short | Balancing Low Mortality and Slow Recruitment in a Rare Wildflower Euphorbia purpurea. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Carol Loeffler |
Erik Joseph Stemmy | Intraspecific Interactions Between Two Size Classes Of Desmnognathus quadromaculatus. Conference: Second Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Julia Marquis Thulander | Forelimb kinematics of American toads during locomotion and saltatory feeding Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Scott Boback |
Valerie Anne Trabosh | Molecular Mechanisms of Muscular Dystrophy Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Valerie Anne Trabosh | Henson, J.H., Kolnik, S.E., and Trabosh, V.A. 2002. Changes in the distribution of the Arp2/3 complex upon pharmacological manipulation of actin-based centripetal flow. Molecular Biology of the Cell,13: 313a. | John Henson |
Valerie Anne Trabosh | Henson, J.H., Nazarian, R., Schulberg, K., Trabosh, V.A., Kolnik, S.E., Burns, A.R. and McPartland, K.J. 2002. Wound healing in the lamellipodia of single cells: mediation by actin polymerization in the absence of an actomyosin purse string. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13: 1015-1029. | John Henson |
Angela M Wallis | Canopy gap replacement failure in a Pennsylvania forest preserve subject to extreme deer herbivory Conference: 13th Central Hardwood Forest Conference Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Brian Pedersen |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Justin James Bichler | Population dynamics and Growth requirements of Euprhorbia purpurea, the glade spurge Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Jillian Loyer Brechbiel | Characterization of AP-1 Target Genes Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Jillian Loyer Brechbiel | Characterization of AP-1 Target Genes Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Carrie Jacobs Cafaro | Investigation of the Role of Photosensitization in Ultraviolet-B Induced Damage to the Photosynthetic Aparatus Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 6 | Thomas Brennan |
Carrie Jacobs Cafaro | Investigation of the Role of Photosensitization in Ultraviolet-B Induced Damage to the Photosynthetic Aparatus Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 6 | Thomas Brennan |
Scott Alan Campbell | Tracking the Decline of the Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister): Is Habitat the Problem? Conference: 77th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Janet Wright |
Scott Alan Campbell | Cordes, J., Campbell, S., and Wright, J. 2001. Raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) as a factor in the decline of the Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister). Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 74: 125 (abs.). | Janet Wright |
Scott Alan Campbell | Campbell, S., Cordes, J., and Wright, J. 2001. Tracking the decline of the Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister): Is habitat the problem? Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 74: 123 (abs.). | Janet Wright |
Erin McShane Coleman-Cordes | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Jason Scott Cordes | Raccoon Roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) as a Factor in the Decline of the Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Conference: 77th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Janet Wright |
Jason Scott Cordes | n/a Supported by: Pfizer Corporation Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Jason Scott Cordes | Campbell, S., Cordes, J., and Wright, J. 2001. Tracking the decline of the Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister): Is habitat the problem? Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 74: 123 (abs.). | Janet Wright |
Jason Scott Cordes | Cordes, J., Campbell, S., and Wright, J. 2001. Raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) as a factor in the decline of the Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister). Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 74: 125 (abs.). | Janet Wright |
Russell Harmon Dabbs | Population ecology of a deer menu item, the rare swamp wildflower Euphorbia purpurea Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Lisa Marie DeLiso | Population dynamics and Growth requirements of Euphorbia purpurea, the glade spurge Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Sian Mary Fisher | Population ecology of a deer menu item, the rare swamp wildflower Euphorbia purpurea. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Scien | Carol Loeffler |
Jessica L Howard | Spatial relationships between understory tree growth rates and canopy gaps Conference: 77th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Brian Pedersen |
Alexandra Jablokov | Impact of white-tailed deer on understory vegetation at Reineman Sanctuary: year eight of a long-term study. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Scienc | Carol Loeffler |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | Molecular Mechanism of Actin-based Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Ceolomocytes Conference: Y Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik | Molecular Mechanism of Actin-based Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Ceolomocytes Conference: x Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Kurt Matthew Lucin | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Amanda Cynthia Reynolds | Neurochemical Diversity in Gastropod Metamorphosis Conference: Y Supported by: National Science Foundation, R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 6 | Anthony Pires |
Amanda Cynthia Reynolds | Pires, A., and Gilborn, A.C. 2001. Catecholamines in metamorphosis of primitive gastropods. American Zoology, 41: 1557. | Anthony Pires |
Amanda Cynthia Reynolds | NSF 0110832 RUI: Neural Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Conference: x Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 6 | Anthony Pires |
Courtney Lynn Ritchie | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Kelly Lynn Thompson | Impact of white-tailed deer on understory vegetation at Reineman Sanctuary: year eight of a long-term study. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Valerie Anne Trabosh | Molecular Mechanism of Actin-based Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Ceolomocytes Conference: x Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Valerie Anne Trabosh | Molecular Mechanism of Actin-based Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Ceolomocytes Conference: Y Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitaker Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Courtney Jean Ullrich | Differential Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation Conference: Pennsylvania Academy of Science Annual Meeting Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Michael Roberts |
Courtney Jean Ullrich | Alles, M., Ullrich, C., and Roberts, M.P. 2001. Differential Gene Expression During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 74:118. | Michael Roberts |
Heather Grace Ward | n/a Supported by: Pfizer Corporation Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Tonia Renee Ashline | Pires, A., T.R. Guilbault, J.V. Mitten and J.A. Skiendzielewski (2000). Catecholamines in larvae and juveniles of the prosobranch gastropod, Crepidula fornicata. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 127: 37-47. | Anthony Pires |
Alessandro Giovanni Bartoletti | Zwemer, C.F., Shoemaker, J.L. Jr., Davis, R.E., Hazard, S.W. III, Bartoletti, A.G., and Phillips, C. 2000. Hyperoxic reperfusion exacerbtaes postischemic renal dysfunction. Surgery 128:815-821. | Charles Zwemer |
Paul Richard Battaglia | Battaglia, Paul R. and Brennan, Thomas M. 2000. Differential Effects of Short-Term Exposure to Ultraviolet-B Radiation Upon Photosynthesis in Cotyledons of a Resistant and a Susceptible Species. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 161:771-778. | Thomas Brennan |
Paul Richard Battaglia | Brennan, Thomas M., Lee, Esther, and Battaglia, Paul R. 2000. Participation of the Photosensitizer Alpha-Terthienyl in the Peroxidase-Catalyzed Oxidation of Indole-3-Acetic Acid. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 71:355-360. | Thomas Brennan |
Jeannette Marie Bauko | Molecular Cloning of AP-1 Target Genes Mediating Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Scott Alan Campbell | Investigating spatial aspects of Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Populations Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 6 | Janet Wright |
Jason Scott Cordes | Investigating spatial aspects of Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Populations Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 7 | Janet Wright |
Russell Harmon Dabbs | Research on the population ecology of Euphorbia purpurea, or glade spurge Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Rachel Elaine Davis | Zwemer, C.F., Shoemaker, J.L. Jr., Davis, R.E., Hazard, S.W. III, Bartoletti, A.G., and Phillips, C. 2000. Hyperoxic reperfusion exacerbtaes postischemic renal dysfunction. Surgery 128:815-821. | Charles Zwemer |
Javier Victor Duran | Zwemer, C.F., Alles, M.E., Barner, D.V., Duran, J.V., Hazard, S.W. III, Pendergrass, C. , Rizzo, N.C., Tariq, Z.S., Tarpley, J, and Prange, H.D. Acute hemodynamic and hematologic responses to hypercapnia in Oryctolagus cuniculus and Marmota monax. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular and integrative physiology, Accepted with revisions Oct 2000. Revisions in progress. | Charles Zwemer |
Sian Mary Fisher | Research on the population ecology of Euphorbia purpurea, or glade spurge Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Gregory John Fredericks | Henson, J.H., Nazarian, R., Fredericks, G., McGreevy, J., and Schulberg, K. 2000. Actin-based retrograde/centripetal flow: effect of phosphatase inhibition on cytoskeletal organization and cell center dynamics. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 11: 563a. | John Henson |
Gregory John Fredericks | Evans, D.H., Hagen, J.E.C., Henson, J.H., and Fredericks, G. 2000. Further evidence for contractility in the rectal gland of the dogfish shark, Squalus acanthias. The Bulletin, MDIBL,39: 15. | John Henson |
Sprague William Hazard | Zwemer, C.F., Shoemaker, J.L. Jr., Davis, R.E., Hazard, S.W. III, Bartoletti, A.G., and Phillips, C. 2000. Hyperoxic reperfusion exacerbtaes postischemic renal dysfunction. Surgery 128:815-821. | Charles Zwemer |
Sprague William Hazard | Zwemer, C.F., Alles, M.E., Barner, D.V., Duran, J.V., Hazard, S.W. III, Pendergrass, C., Rizzo, N.C., Tariq, Z.S., Tarpley, J, and Prange, H.D. Acute hemodynamic and hematologic responses to hypercapnia in Oryctolagus cuniculus and Marmota monax. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular and integrative physiology, Accepted with revisions Oct 2000. Revisions in progress. | Charles Zwemer |
Jeanine McGreevy Herdman | NIH 1R15GM60925-01 Mechanism and Regulation of Actin-based Retrograde Flow Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Jeanine McGreevy Herdman | Actin-Based Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes: Development of a Permeabilized Cell Model Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Esther Sun Lee | Brennan, Thomas M., Lee, Esther, and Battaglia, Paul R. 2000. Participation of the Photosensitizer Alpha-Terthienyl in the Peroxidase-Catalyzed Oxidation of Indole-3-Acetic Acid. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 71:355-360. | Thomas Brennan |
Jeffrey Vincent Mitten | Pires, A., Guilbault, T.R., Mitten, J.V., and Skiendzielewski, J.A. 2000. Catecholamines in larvae and juveniles of the prosobranch gastropod, Crepidula fornicata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Part C: Toxicology and Pharmocology, 127: 37-47. | Anthony Pires |
Ronniel Nazarian | Henson, J.H., Nazarian, R., Fredericks, G., McGreevy, J., and Schulberg, K. 2000. Actin-based retrograde/centripetal flow: effect of phosphatase inhibition on cytoskeletal organization and cell center dynamics. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 11: 563a. | John Henson |
Cheryl Jane Pendergrass | Pendergrass, C.J., Pietrangelo, D.L. and Roberts, M.P. 2000. Role of the Transcription Factor AP-1 in Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 73:173. | Michael Roberts |
Cheryl Jane Pendergrass | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Conference: x Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Cheryl Jane Pendergrass | Zwemer, C.F., Alles, M.E., Barner, D.V., Duran, J.V., Hazard, S.W. III, Pendergrass, C., Rizzo, N.C., Tariq, Z.S., Tarpley, J, and Prange, H.D. Acute hemodynamic and hematologic responses to hypercapnia in Oryctolagus cuniculus and Marmota monax. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular and integrative physiology, Accepted with revisions Oct 2000. Revisions in progress. | Charles Zwemer |
Dina Lynn Pietrangelo | Pendergrass, C.J., Pietrangelo, D.L. and Roberts, M.P. 2000. Role of the Transcription Factor AP-1 in Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 73:173. | Michael Roberts |
Mary Alles Robinson | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Conference: x Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Katrina Louise Schulberg | Actin-Based Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes: Development of a Permeabilized Cell Model Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Katrina Louise Schulberg | Henson, J.H., Nazarian, R., Fredericks, G., McGreevy, J., and Schulberg, K. 2000. Actin-based retrograde/centripetal flow: effect of phosphatase inhibition on cytoskeletal organization and cell center dynamics. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 11: 563a. | John Henson |
Katrina Louise Schulberg | NIH 1R15GM60925-01 Mechanism and Regulation of Actin-based Retrograde Flow Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
James L Shoemaker | Zwemer, C.F., Shoemaker, J.L. Jr., Davis, R.E., Hazard, S.W. III, Bartoletti, A.G., and Phillips, C. 2000. Hyperoxic reperfusion exacerbtaes postischemic renal dysfunction. Surgery 128:815-821. | Charles Zwemer |
John Andrew Skiendzielewski | Pires, A., Guilbault, T.R., Mitten, J.V., and Skiendzielewski, J.A. 2000. Catecholamines in larvae and juveniles of the prosobranch gastropod, Crepidula fornicata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Part C: Toxicology and Pharmocology, 127: 37-47. | Anthony Pires |
Zafar Subhani Tariq | Zwemer, C.F., Alles, M.E., Barner, D.V., Duran, J.V., Hazard, S.W. III, Pendergrass, C., Rizzo, N.C., Tariq, Z.S., Tarpley, J, and Prange, H.D. Acute hemodynamic and hematologic responses to hypercapnia in Oryctolagus cuniculus and Marmota monax. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular and integrative physiology, Accepted with revisions Oct 2000. Revisions in progress. | Charles Zwemer |
Jason William Tarpley | Zwemer, C.F., Alles, M.E., Barner, D.V., Duran, J.V., Hazard, S.W. III, Pendergrass, C., Rizzo, N.C., Tariq, Z.S., Tarpley, J, and Prange, H.D. Acute hemodynamic and hematologic responses to hypercapnia in Oryctolagus cuniculus and Marmota monax. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular and integrative physiology, Accepted with revisions Oct 2000. Revisions in progress. | Charles Zwemer |
Natalie Rizzo Taylor | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Conference: xx Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Courtney Jean Ullrich | n/a Supported by: Pfizer Corporation Number of Weeks: 10 | Michael Roberts |
Brett Cameron Wegner | Loeffler, Carol C., and Wegner, Brett. 2000. Demographics and deer browsing in three Pennsylvania populations of the globally rare glade spurge, Euphorbia purpurea (Raf.) Fern. Castanea, 65: 273-290. | Carol Loeffler |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Robyn Lyn Barrett | Investigating a "Smoking Gun" to Allegheny Woodrat Populations Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
Kristi A Elder | NIH-Roberts Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Gregory John Fredericks | The Influence of Microtubules on Actin-based Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Coelomic Cells Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Sheri Gentekos | Surveys, monitoring and initial planning for experimental study of three rare plant species Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Danielle Verlee Hazard | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Jennifer Lynn Hoffmann | Surveys, monitoring and initial planning for experimental study of three rare plant species Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Ronniel Nazarian | The Influence of Microtubules on Actin-based Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Coelomic Cells Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Courtney Lynn Ritchie | Neurophysiological Analysis of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusc Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Zafar Subhani Tariq | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Jason William Tarpley | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Paul Richard Battaglia | Spectrophotometric Analysis of the Enzymatic Activation of Alpha-Terthienyl by the Peroxidase- Catalyzed Oxidation of Indoleacetic Acid Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Brennan |
Rachel Elaine Davis | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Javier Victor Duran | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Peter Samuel Grossman | Effects of white-tailed deer on understory vegetation in the Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary, Perry County, PA. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Sprague William Hazard | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Kristian Eten Kuhner | Effects of white-tailed deer on understory vegetation in the Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary, Perry County, PA. Conference: Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Carol Loeffler |
Ronniel Nazarian | Mechanical and Pharmacological Manipulation of Actin-Based Centripetal Flow in Sea Urchin \ Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
James L Shoemaker | Merck Scholars Program: Students engage in integrative physiology, anatomy and microanatomy training and research on-campus;and participate in summer internships at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ Supported by: Merck & Company Number of Weeks: 26 | Charles Zwemer |
Cory Michael Staub | NIH-Roberts Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Cory Michael Staub | The Role of AP-1 in Macrophage Differentiation of HL-60 Cells Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Brett Cameron Wegner | Population Ecology of Euphorbia Purpurea (Glade Spurge), a Rare Plant Species Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Lauren Elizabeth Bishop | NIH- 1R15GM47693-01 Cytoskeletal Dynamics during Dell Shape Changes Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Brian Joseph Corbett | Radiotelemetry study of experimental recolonization of an Allegheny woodrat population Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
Heather Oliver Kot | NIH- 1R15GM47693-01 Cytoskeletal Dynamics during Dell Shape Changes Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Esther Sun Lee | Enzymatic Activation of Naturally Occurring Photosensitizers Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Brennan |
Jennifer Ann Sanders | NIH-Roberts Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Jason William Tarpley | Electrophysiological Study of Metamorphosis in Gastropod Molluscs Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Brett Cameron Wegner | Optimization of Gene Transfer into Human Myeloid Cell Lines by Electroporation Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Alessandro Giovanni Bartoletti | The Role of high reperfusion oxygen tensions in kidney dysfunction Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Charles Zwemer |
Lauren Elizabeth Bishop | NIH- 1R15GM47693-01 Cytoskeletal Dynamics during Dell Shape Changes Supported by: NIH-National Institutes of Health Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Christopher Jason Gaetano | Immunolocalization of the Microtubule Motor Protein Kinesin II in Pluteus Stage Echinoderm Embryos Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Jeffrey Vincent Mitten | Pires, A., J.A. Skiendzielewski and J.V. Mitten (1996). Depletion of norepinephrine and metamorphosis in a gastropod. Amer. Zool. 36: 13A. | Anthony Pires |
Jeffrey Vincent Mitten | Electrophysiological Study of Metamorphosis in Gastropod Molluscs Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Michael John Sakatos | Experimental Recolonization of Woodrats (Neotoma Magister) at an Extirpated Site) Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
Scott Adam Sheeder | Experimental Recolonization of Woodrats (Neotoma Magister) at an Extirpated Site) Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
John Andrew Skiendzielewski | Pires, A., J.A. Skiendzielewski and J.V. Mitten (1996). Depletion of norepinephrine and metamorphosis in a gastropod. Amer. Zool. 36: 13A. | Anthony Pires |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Tonia Renee Ashline | Pires, A. and T.R. Guilbault (1995). Catecholamines in larvae and juveniles of the prosobranch gastropod, Crepidula fornicata. 2nd Biennial Larval Biology Meetings, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. | Anthony Pires |
Samuel Aspinwall | Soil conditions and plant species associated with healthy stands of the globally rare glade spurge, Euphorbia purpurea. Conference: Annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology | Carol Loeffler |
Joanne Cissel Morton | A Molecular Analysis of Gene Expression during Cell Differentiation Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Joanne Cissel Morton | A Molecular Analysis of Gene Expression during Cell Differentiation Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Sean Patrick Mullen | Soil conditions and plant species associated with healthy stands of the globally rare glade spurge, Euphorbia purpurea. Conference: Annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology | Carol Loeffler |
Stephanie Eckenrode Shreiner | Second-year study of population ecology of the rare glade spurge Euphorbia Purpurea Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
Stephanie Eckenrode Shreiner | Second-year study of population ecology of the rare glade spurge Euphorbia Purpurea Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Loeffler |
John Andrew Skiendzielewski | Pires, A., M.G. Hadfield and J.A. Skiendzielewski (1995). Depletion of dopamine is accompanied by inhibition of metamorphosis in two gastropods. Amer. Zool. 35: 10A. | Anthony Pires |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Tonia Renee Ashline | Neurochemical regulation of development and behavior in marine invertebrate larvae Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Anthony Pires |
Charles Edward Griffith | A Moleular Analysis of Gene Expression during Cell Differentiation Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
John L Pyott | Cell Regulation of Gene Expression Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jason Christopher Theriault | The Function of Kinesin in Organelle Movements in Sea Urchin Cells Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Henson |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Debra Ann Dudas Honer | Construction of Recombinant Strains of Aspergillus Nidulans Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Craig Jurgensen |
Heather Blumberg Schwartzbauer | Construction of Recombinant Strains of Aspergillus Nidulans Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Craig Jurgensen |
Robin Jill Turin | Genetic Structure of Allegheny Woodchucks Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Susan Ann Colilla | Development of a tool to isolate specific Genes in Aspergillus Nidulans Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Craig Jurgensen |
Laura Sappelsa | An Investigation of the Synthesis and Metabolism of Hydrogen Peroxide in Higher Plants Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Brennan |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Gregory Walter Barnes | Genetic Substructure in Natural Populations of Woodchucks Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Janet Wright |
Elizabeth G Joseloff | Regulation of Gene Expression in the Development of Aspergillus Nidulans Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Craig Jurgensen |
Jennifer Ann Moyer | Karyotypes of Cylindrocystis Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Paul Biebel |
Patrick James Rowsey | Biology of Barnacles on genus Octolasmis Epizoic on Crustacea in the Gulf of Mexico Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | William Jeffries |
Laura Sappelsa | An Investigation of the Synthesis and Metabolism of Hydrogen Peroxide in Higher Plants Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Thomas Brennan |