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Military Science Advising


Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC)

Military Science is designed to enhance a student's education by providing unique leadership and management experience while preparing individuals, who by their education, inherent qualities, aptitude and interest, indicate a desire to receive a commission in the active Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard. Students incur absolutely no obligation for future program involvement or military duty by enrolling in ROTC and taking the 100/200-level courses during their first year and second year. ROTC offers students several options to complete the program ranging from a short two years to the full four years. In order to enter the Advanced Course (junior and senior years of the program), the student must satisfactorily complete the first two years of ROTC, attend Cadet Basic Training, or receive constructive credit for prior military service/training.

Advice to students new to the program

First-Year students: There is no obligation for students who enroll in ROTC and take the first year course. First-year students begin the program by selecting MISC 101, Introduction to Military Science. A student may enter the program at any time prior to the end of the sophomore year, however students will need the permission of instructor to enter MISC 102 if they have not taken MISC 101.  Given the various points at which entry into the program is possible, perhaps the best way to start is with a call (717-245-1221/1222) to obtain details about the program. 

MISC 101 meets once per week for 75 min and is pass/fail, and MISC 102 meets once per week for 75 min period, for 1 credit, and orients the student to the various roles of Army officers. MISC 201 meets once per week for a 120 min period and is pass/fail, and MISC 202 meets once per week for 120 min period, for 1 credit and orients students to the foundations of Army Leadership.  The Military Science program maximizes student participation in class and a "hands-on” approach to training.  Optional for non-contracted students are three morning 60 min periods of fitness training and one afternoon 120 min period for a leadership lab.

Transfer students: Non-academic credit received for ROTC involvement at other institutions is transferable. The type of advice given to transfer students is dependent on their class status (first-year, sophomore, etc.) at the time of their transfer to Dickinson. For this reason, transfer students interested in ROTC are advised to visit the Military Science department for program information. No appointment is needed.

Credit for prior military training

At the discretion of the department chairperson (the Professor of Military Science), students who have had prior military training through active service, high school or college ROTC, or service academy attendance, may receive up to two years of ROTC credit.

Recommended Courses and Requirements for Minors and Programs

Course requirements/description

In addition to the Military Science courses described above, advance course students must also take one course in American Military History. 

Credits toward graduation for Military Science courses

MISC 302 and 401 each provide one academic course credit; MISC 202 provides one academic course credit (MISC 201 is a pre-requisite).  MISC 102 provides one academic course credit (MISC 101 is a pre-requisite).  Please consult the Academic Bulletin for details on credits.

Army career: For those seeking a career in the Army, there is no better way to begin than with ROTC. It is certainly one of the more attractive options to becoming an officer, and program involvement does not remove the student from the mainstream of everyday life, which can be the case with the service academies.

Graduate school or educational delay: Opportunities for the career officer to attend graduate school at Army expense exist from approximately the fourth year of active service on. Dickinson graduates who have requested an educational delay to attend medical school, law school or seminary have been allowed up to a three-year delay prior to entering active duty.

Pay and allowances: For the student’s benefit, it is worth mentioning that a newly-commissioned second lieutenant entering into active duty will make approximately $59,000 during his/her first year of service including a variety of other benefits, including 30 days paid vacation per year and full medical and dental coverage.

Service obligations

All students who receive an ROTC commission incur an eight-year service obligation. Students, scholarship and non-scholarship, who earn an active duty commission, must upon graduation serve a minimum of 3-4 years on active duty, and the remainder of their commitment in the inactive reserve. Students, scholarship and non-scholarship, who have lined up good jobs in the civilian community before graduating and would prefer not to go on active duty may request reserve forces duty. If approved, the student would serve 8 years of part-time service in an Army Reserve or Army National Guard unit.

Additional Remarks

Army career: Many recent graduates are serving on active duty as junior officers in the U.S. Army in a variety of capacities and locations throughout the world (including Hawaii, Korea, Panama, and Germany). Some graduates who specifically requested reserve forces duty as opposed to active duty were commissioned in either the Army Reserve or National Guard. Also, all recent requests for an educational delay to attend law school, medical school or seminary have been honored.

Departmental instructors:  Military Science Instructors are seasoned active duty commissioned and non-commissioned officers who normally spend two to three years at Dickinson.


Army ROTC Global Preparedness Certificate

Students who meet the following requirements will receive notation on their transcript at graduation that they have completed a Global Preparedness Certificate:

  1. All current requirements of the U.S. Army ROTC curriculum;
  2. Study of a foreign language - preferably, but not limited to, the critical languages of Arabic, Chinese and Russian through the intermediate level;
  3. Study at a non-US, Dickinson approved site for at least a semester -preferably a year - and where feasible, housing with a host family;
  4. Complete all requirements for the Certificate  (note: students will not earn both certificates).