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Military Science Curriculum

General Information

Participation in military science courses during the first and sophomore years results in no military obligation. Individuals who elect to continue in and successfully complete the program during their junior and senior years can receive a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, National Guard or Army Reserves upon graduation. Upon graduation and commission, they will incur an eight year service obligation.


Army ROTC Global Preparedness Certificate

Students who meet the following requirements will receive notation on their transcript at graduation that they have completed a Global Preparedness Certificate:

  1. All current requirements of the U.S. Army ROTC curriculum;
  2. Study of a foreign language - preferably, but not limited to, the critical languages of Arabic, Chinese and Russian through the intermediate level;
  3. Study at a non-US, Dickinson approved site for at least a semester -preferably a year - and where feasible, housing with a host family;
  4. Complete all requirements for the Certificate  (note: students will not earn both certificates).


101 Foundations of Basic Leadership
A first-look at the challenges of adaptive leadership in a complex world. Students are introduced to complex problems and tasked with developing their own solutions using critical thinking skills. Students will learn how to deal with outcome-based training in which they are given a desired result, and must find solutions that are acceptable, reasonable and feasible for the situation. Areas of interest include an introduction to Army leadership, values, customs and courtesies, basic Army formations, land navigation and tactics all of which form the foundation for a career of service to the nation as a U.S. Army Officer.
No course credit. Pass/Fail grade given. Open to all Dickinson students.
Attributes: Appropriate for First-Year

102 Foundations of Agile and Adaptive Leadership
A critical inquiry into the evolution of the relationship between military policy and the foreign and economic policies of the United States. A careful study of military history designed to foster in the student a balanced judgment of both political leaders and Soldiers and of their mutual problems in the conduct of military affairs in peace and war. By means of both written and oral presentations regarding the history of military art, battle history, technical studies and the relationship of the armed forces with society, students will be encouraged to develop a habit of critical reflection. To complement their investigation of military history, students will receive practical instruction in the application of military art and basic Soldier skills.
Prerequisite: 101 or permission of instructor. One full course credit. Open to all Dickinson students.

150 Holistic Health and Fitness
Students experience opportunities for strenuous physical activity that serve as examples of exercise routines that students can adopt as personal workout plans. Emphasizes the development of an individual fitness program and the role of exercise and fitness in one's life utilizing a kinesthetic learning model. The course provides a basic understanding of proper combinations of physical fitness (such as strength, speed, and endurance) and foundational health (such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, and hormonal systems) that are optimized through careful attention to nutritional readiness, mental readiness, spiritual readiness, and sleep readiness. The team approach is utilized in the instruction and application of Army physical fitness requirements, supervised by Army ROTC faculty. Full participation in all events will be determined based on student’s physical and medical eligibility. Progress is graded using the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) and leadership attributes and competencies.
Zero credits; this course is repeatable. Prerequisite: Students must obtain a physician’s signature or a “Medical Fitness Statement” provided by the Department of Military Science at the beginning of the semester.

201 Leadership and Decision Making
Students will explore the dimensions of creative and innovative leadership strategies, leadership styles by examining team dynamics and historical leadership theories that form the basis of leadership framework and theory. Students practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises. Focus is on continued development of the knowledge of leadership values, attributes and norms through an understanding of leadership roles, the hierarchy of leadership, duties and responsibilities while learning to train, motivate and groom subordinates leaders. Students will complete leadership case studies and provide tangible context for learning dynamic leadership theory.
No course credit. Pass/Fail grade given. Open to all Dickinson students.

202 Leadership and Team Development
Students will expand their knowledge of leadership principals and theory while exploring military historical leaders, situational leadership, adaptive leadership and transformational leadership. During this course students will learn to lead individuals and teams while understanding how to motivate individuals to complete a common goal. Students will further learn effective writing skills and understanding how to write operational requests, official memorandums, policies and evaluations. The capstone of this course will be to evaluate themselves as leaders, identify and compare the leadership principals of a historical leader.
Prerequisite: 201 or permission of instructor. One full course credit. Open to all Dickinson students.

301 Adaptive Military Team Leadership
Challenges Students to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Students receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, Students continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. The focus is developing Students' tactical and organizational leadership abilities to enable them to succeed at ROTC's Cadet Leader Course.
No course credit. Pass/Fail grade given.

302 Applied Military Team Leadership
Students are required to apply creative and innovative solutions to complex problems. Students will apply basic principles and skills developed throughout this course as it pertains to decision-making, motivating and leading small organizations. Aspects of historical military operations are reviewed and evaluated as a means of preparing students for small unit leadership and ROTC’s Cadet Leader Course. Students are expected to apply the basic principles of Army training methodology, the Law of Land Warfare and military troop leading procedures. Examines the importance of ethical and moral decision making in establishing a positive climate that enhances overall team performance. Emphasis is placed on student ability to communicate effectively through written and oral presentations.
Prerequisite: 301. One full course credit.

401 Adaptive Military Leadership
Develops Cadet proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing performance feedback to subordinates. Cadets assess risk, make ethical decisions, and lead fellow ROTC Cadets. Lessons on military justice and personnel processes prepare Cadets to make the transition to Army officers. MISC 401 Cadets analyze, evaluate, and instruct Cadets at lower levels. Both their classroom and battalion leadership experiences are designed to prepare MISC 401 Cadets for their first unit of assignment. They identify responsibilities of key staff, coordinate staff roles, and use situational opportunities to teach, train, and develop subordinates.
One course credit. Meets two hours per week each semester. Prerequisites: MISC 302.

402 Military Leadership in a Complex World
Explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the COE. Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting with nongovernmental organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host nation support. The course places significant emphasis on preparing Cadets for their first unit of assignment. It uses case studies, scenarios, and "What Now, Lieutenant?" exercises to prepare Cadets to face the complex ethical and practical demands of leading as commissioned officers in the United States Army. No course credit.
Meets two hours per week each semester. Prerequisite: MISC 401.