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Class & Reunion Volunteers

The role of Dickinson Fund volunteers cannot be overstated. They are important spokespeople for the college, driving increased participation and providing resources for key priorities. As a volunteer, your connections and friendships will become the foundation of the Dickinson Fund’s success this year.


Reunion Volunteers

Reunion volunteers assist with planning, outreach to their classmates and fundraising during their reunion year. The main task of a representative of the college is to strengthen the alumni-to-college relationship through personalized interaction with classmates. Strong reunion volunteers have an enormous impact on reunion attendance and gift participation, and they provide personal touches that make a reunion memorable.
  • Attend. Reunion volunteers are expected to attend Alumni Weekend. 
  • Generate communications. Personalize and/or review class communications such as reunion emails, the class website and solicitations letters. Assist with content to refresh class social networking pages.  
  • Develop relationships. Take time to rekindle relationships within your class. You can contact selected classmates by phone, email or letter throughout the year to encourage attendance at Alumni Weekend, increase gift participation and pass on news from Dickinson. Follow their progress and thank them for their registration and financial support.  
  • Lead by example. Reunion volunteers are asked to make their own gift commitments to the college prior to December 1 of the fiscal year and are encouraged to consider a leadership gift and/or multi-year commitment.  
  • Strive to reach goals. Reunion volunteers should know their class fundraising and attendance goals and make every effort to help achieve those goals by the time of Alumni Weekend. 
  • Stay informed. Stay informed by visiting the college’s website, reading our newsletters and the Dickinson Magazine, and following the college on social media. 
  • Keep in touch. Communicating consistently with your staff liaison and fellow reunion committee members through ZOOM meetings and email discussion is crucial to the success of Alumni Weekend and reaching your class goals. 

Estimated time commitment:

Reunion volunteers should expect to commit 1-2 hours per month to the reunion planning program. The majority of the time will be spent participating in Zoom meetings 4-6 times per year and doing personal outreach to classmates. We aim to make this a fun, no stress experience and recognize that not all volunteers will be able to be active at all times of the year.

Class Agent

Class agents serve as ambassadors for Dickinson’s Annual Fund during non-reunion years.  Class agents promote networking among classmates and encourage financial support of the college.



  • Communicate with classmates. Reach out to your class via email, mail, and social media. Be willing to do additional outreach as needed with select classmates.
  • Keep in touch. Communicate consistently with your staff liaison and fellow class agents through zoom calls and email discussions.
  • Develop Relationships. Take time to rekindle relationships within your class. You can contact selected classmates throughout the year to encourage gift participation, pass on news from Dickinson and thank them when they have made their gift.
  • Lead by example. Class agents are asked to make their own gift to the college.
  • Share feedback. Share what you are hearing from your classmates with your staff liaison.
  • Stay Informed. Stay current with college news and events by visiting the college's website, reading the Dickinson Connection Newsletter, the Dickinson Magazine (linked), and following the college on social media. Also, be sure to stay informed on your class giving status!

Estimated time commitment:

Class agents should expect to commit 1-2 hours per month to the program. Our engagement and fundraising efforts will be crucial during the end of the calendar year (two weeks leading up to Dec. 31), in preparation for Day of Giving (late March/early April), and the end of the fiscal year (two weeks leading up to June 30). We aim to make this a fun, stress-free experience.

Interested in becoming a volunteer or learning more? Email dsonfund@dickinson.edu!