Mathers Theatre

Location: Mather's Theatre is located in the HUB, at the corner of High and College streets.
Parking: Nearby parking lots include Louther Street (immediately behind the HUB and ATS Auditorium), the Kauffman Hall lot (corner of Louther and Cherry streets) and the Kline Center/Depot lot on Cherry Street (between High and Cherry streets).
Facility Information:
- Capacity: 225 Seats
- Stage: Home to the Mermaid Players for over 30 years, Mathers Theatre is a 225-seat proscenium stage with a trapped apron and stage access from the auditorium by means of stairs and runways on each side of the house. Adjustable proscenium (24'-40' width, 13'-25' height); conventional counterweight rigging system (35 pipe battens on 6" centers); 32' apron truss on chain motors.
- Lighting inventory: Distributed lighting positions in dimmer per circuit configuration. 119 dimmable load lighting circuits. Large assortment of conventional fixtures, including ETC Source Fours, Par Cans, and Fresnels. 12 ETC Selador Desire d40 intelligent LED fixtures. 3 Clay Paky Alpha Spot intellignet moving-head fixtures, 2 Martin Mac Aura LED moving-head fixtures.
- Lighting control: ETC ION console controls both conventional and intelligent fixtures.
- Sound console: 24-channel DDA CS8 console.
- Sound Control: Apple iMac with Qlab software controls sound and projection cues.
- The sound and lighting control consoles are located at the rear balcony of the auditorium. Scene shop, dressing rooms, small properties and equipment storage and the green room/players lounge are all located stage left. Large properties are located off-site.
Accessibility: The entire Holland Union Building is wheelchair accessible, and Mather's Theatre has a fully accessible wheelchair viewing section. Patrons wishing to reserve seats in this area should inform the box office staff when reserving or purchasing tickets. You may also call (717) 245-1239 for assistance.