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Sustainability Education Funding

Eligible Expenses

Faculty Stipends:
Faculty stipends are paid for summer student-faculty research (SFR), scholarly and creative projects at a rate of $500 per week for a maximum of eight weeks. It is expected that faculty will meet with and work with their student co-investigator/co-creator for a significant number of hours each week of the project. Stipends of $1,000 are paid for participants in the Valley & Ridge.

Stipends generally are not paid for curriculum development projects during the academic year. Stipends will be considered for summer course development projects that go well above and beyond normal academic expectations. In such cases, stipends for teaching projects are paid at a rate of $250 per week for a maximum of three weeks.

Staff and administrators on 12-month contracts are not eligible for stipends.

Student Stipends:
Stipends are paid to students for summer student-faculty research, scholarly and creative projects and for summer research assistantships at a rate of $350 per week for a maximum of 8 weeks.

For research assistantships during the academic year, students are compensated $7.55 per hour (category B) for a maximum of 8 hours per week for 26 weeks.

Student Housing:
For on-campus summer projects, students are expected to live in campus housing during the time of the project and project dates must conform to summer student housing constraints. Please check with Campus Life for dates of availability, requirements and current costs for summer housing. For off-campus projects, support for costs of on-site housing that is equivalent to campus housing can be requested.

Books & Videos:
Purchase of books and videos generally are not eligible and should be acquired through the library. Exceptions can be considered for special cases in which acquisition by the library is not possible or would not adequately meet the needs of the project (e.g., specific sustainability course-development needs or multiple copies of reading materials for a study group). Any books, videos or instructional resources purchased with CSE funds shall be available to other members of the Dickinson community and cannot be added to the private collections of award recipients. These will be added to the inventory of the CSE resource library and can be stored here or in any other shared resource space on campus.

Any equipment purchased with CSE funds shall be available to other members of the Dickinson community and cannot be added to the private collections of award recipients. Community materials and equipment (e.g., cameras, GPS units, compasses, etc.) will be added to a shared resource inventory for loan to other faculty once the project is completed. These materials and equipment are to be housed and maintained by grant applicant, but must become a shared resource of the college.

For support of travel to attend a conference, application should first be made to R & D if presenting a paper or to the Dean’s conference fund if not; CSE will consider supporting reasonable costs that exceed awards from R & D and the Dean’s conference fund if the conference is integral to a sustainability or climate change related teaching, professional development or research project. Priority will be given for conferences that are not the main disciplinary conference that the applicant would normally be expected to attend.

Field Trips:
The cost of field trips for students in a course is generally the responsibility of the department in which the course is taught. Exceptions will be considered when an innovative pedagogy is being introduced to a course for the first time and the department indicates that, if the innovation is effective, the department will budget for the cost of field trips for future offerings of the course.

Community Support:
Projects that connect Dickinson courses to community (local and global) partners are encouraged and supported. Donations to community partners are eligible expenses for those that support Dickinson service-learning or communicaty based research projects or courses.

For assistance with CSE Project Budgets, or stipend inquiries, please contact Lindsey Lyons at lyonsli@dickinson.edu.