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Sustainability Education Funding

Requirements for Recipients

All Center for Sustainability Education Award recipients are required to submit the following items to Lindsey Lyons, CSE Assistant Director, before the closing date of their awards. The closing date is declared in the award letter.  

  1. Submit a short final report describing the goals, activities, and outcomes of the project within one month after completion of the project (1-2 pages). Student-faculty research should include a statement of impact from the student.
  2. Submit a half-page summary of the project written for a general audience, with a photo or other visual image, for publication on the CSE Web site.
  3. Submit outputs of the project (e.g., course syllabus, class or lab lesson plan, academic paper, creative project, conference presentation, etc.) and agree to allow them to be posted on a publicly accessible webpage.
  4. Share the results of the project with the Dickinson community in a public forum (e.g., departmental lunch seminar, public lecture, presentation, information sessions for Valley & Ridge or other study groups, etc.). By accepting the grant Dickinson is granted permission to ‘publish’ outputs in a Dickinson archive.
  5. Be willing to be part of a speakers bureau that could be called upon to provide a guest lectures in classes or field trips for Dickinson classes.
  6. Teaching projects must include one or more sustainability related learning outcome on their course syllabus and a plan for assessment of learning outcomes. The final report must include results of the assessment.