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The Hive

Join the Hive Cooperative


Anyone can be a member of The Hive! Our working groups are designed to create focused teams for engagement of the Dickinson community in aspects of beekeeping, pollinators, honey harvest and value added products. Students, faculty, staff, alumni are welcome to join as many groups as they have time to dedicate themselves to. If you just want to receive information via e-mails, the best option is to join our list serve by e-mailing thehive@dickinson.edu.

If you would like to become and active member, read the descriptions of the working groups and complete the form below to sign up!

Beekeeping Working Group

For individuals wanting to handle bees, discover their biology, and learn the basics of how to care for bees. Active participants can gain the necessary skills to start their own hives in the future. This working group trains and equips you to suit up, open the boxes, complete hive checks and take care of the bees directly. This working group requires completion of The Hive’s online training and waiver before one can actively particpate.

Honey Harvesting Working Group

Participants will experience the process of how to go from honey in a hive to honey in bottles. Our stickiest of the working groups, this group combines the business, art and science of harvesting and marketing Dickinson's honey. Though we may only harvest 1-2 times per year, there is a lot to learn and work on year round. This working group requires completion of The Hive’s online training and waiver.

Native Bees and Pollinators Working Group

Individuals involved in this group help pollinators by participating in educational and hands-on activities ranging from plantings and garden management to landscape design to native bee homes. They help the Dickinson community to understand the importance and impact of native pollinators (beyond honey bees). This working group requires completion of The Hive’s online training and waiver.

Value-added Products Working Group

This group looks into business opportunities for value added products related to bees.  Explore business opportunities for value added products related to bees. Using honey, wax, pollen or propolis, learn how to make everything from soap to moisturizer to jewelry! The value added products group can be a great home to creative individuals looking to explore new ideas and get involved in the basics of bees. This working group requires no experience or training and is the base of our cooperative community.

Training for The Hive

Now that you have joined the cooperative, you may need some trainings! 

If you registered for the Beekeeping, Honey Harvesting, or Native Bees & Pollinators working groups, you must complete these online training modules and sign our safety waiver before you can participate in events and hands on activities. Safety first!