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Friday, October 4, 2019

       Walking directions from the .

4:00pm           Registration & Welcome Reception – Rector Atrium, Rector Science Complex
                               Drinks and hors d'oeuvres provided by Dickinson Catering

5:00pm           Welcome & Opening Remarks – Stafford Auditorium, Rector Science Complex

                       Samantha C. Brandauer
                       Associate Provost and Executive Director, Center for Global Study and Engagement
                       Margee Ensign

5:15pm           Keynote address – Stafford Auditorium, Rector Science Complex

                       Amer Ahmed 
                       A frequently requested keynote speaker, facilitator, and consultant, Amer F. Ahmed, Ed.D. 
                       skillfully interweaves diversity, equity, and inclusion work with intercultural frameworks to
                       cultivate rich and meaningful dialogue with his audiences. He was born and raised in Ohio to
                       Indian Muslim immigrants, and draws on lived experience, deep theoretical analysis,
                       and practical application to guide institutions, leadership, and workplaces on a path to
                       transformative change.


7:00pm           DINNER & Conversation – Stern Great Room, Stern Center
                               Food provided by Dickinson Catering


Saturday, October 5, 2019

       Walking directions from the .

[Breakfast on your own]

8:45am           Arrival Time – Coffee

9:00am           Session 1 – Stern Great Room, Stern Center 

                       Title: “Coming to Terms” 

                       Session Description: We all use different language to talk about issues related to diversity
                       and inclusion, social justice and equity, and intercultural competence and learning. How
                       might our language create barriers to collaboration? What are ways we can break free from
                       traditional narratives?
                       Andrea Lanoux
                       Director of the Toor-Cummings Center for International Studies and the Liberal Arts
                       Connecticut College
                       Lieke Schreel
                       Educational Director
                       Leiden University College The Hague
                       Amer Ahmed
                       Founder and CEO
                       AFA Diversity Consulting, LLC

10:15am         BREAK – Coffee and snacks

10:30am         Session 2 – Stern Center (Choose one of two options)

                       Session 2A – Stern Great Room

                       Title: "Preparing Students for Navigating Personal Identities during the Off-campus
                       Study Experience"
                       Session description:
                       Many of our students learn to navigate the politics of race and experiences of racism and
                       identities during their time at our institutions.  As the population of off-campus study
                       students diversifies, so also must our language and processes around the preparation of
                       students and strategies for how they might negotiate difference during their OCS
                       experience.  In this session, you will hear several perspectives from the home campus as well
                       as observations from a program provider.
                       David Tompkins
                       Associate Professor of History and Director of European Studies
                       Carleton College
                       Sue Mennicke
                       Associate Dean for International Programs
                       Franklin and Marshall College
                       Katie DeGuzman
                       Director, Education Abroad
                       Malene Torp
                       Executive Director
                       DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia


                       Session 2B – Stern 102

                       Title: “Rethinking the Study Abroad/Home Study Dichotomy:  Integrating Study Abroad,
                       Language Preparation, and Global Engagement with an Internationalized Student Body”
                       Session Description:
                       Soka University of America has a student body consisting of 43 percent international
                       students from over 40 different countries. We bridge academic and student affairs with
                       a co-curriculum designed to foster our institutional mission of developing global citizenship.
                       In this presentation we will discuss how students experience our Language and Culture,
                       Study Abroad, and International Studies programs.  SUA students are required to take two
                       years of foreign language followed by a full semester of immersion in a society of their new
                       language.  We will describe our assessment of language acquisition and global engagement. 
                       Finally, we will discuss how SUA looks for new ways to replace the traditional dichotomy of
                       (foreign) study abroad and (non-foreign) on-campus study with four challenging years of
                       intercultural learning environments.


                       Facilitators/Presenters (Soka University of America):
                       Osamu Ishiyama
                       Director, Language and Culture Program
                       Alex Okuda
                       Director, Study Abroad Program
                       Bryan Penprase
                       Dean of Faculty
                       Ian Read
                       Director, International Studies Concentration

11:45am         BREAK

12:00pm         LUNCH
                               Food provided by Dickinson Catering
1:15pm           Session 3 – Stern Center (Choose one of two options)

                       Session 3A – Stern 102

                       Title: “Group Dynamics on Site: The New Culture Shock”
                       Session description:
                       As education abroad student groups become more diverse, it has become even more
                       important for faculty and staff to understand group dynamics, conflict resolution, and the
                       role that they play in supporting students on site. In this interactive session, participants
                       will share the practices they have developed to prepare faculty and staff for inter- and
                       intragroup dynamics abroad. In talking through case studies from actual programs abroad,
                       participants will assemble a toolbox of best practices from the other participants and
                       facilitators. Given the attendees of this conference, the discussion about faculty and staff
                       needs and expectations should be rich and give each participant new insight into practices
                       they could adopt at their institution.
                       Emily Gorlewski
                       Associate Director, Study Abroad
                       Wesleyan University
                       Mark Lenhart
                       Executive Director
                       CET Academic Programs
                      Session 3B – Stern Great Room
                      Title: “From Diversity to Inclusion: Putting Rhetoric into Practice”
                      Session description:
                      The demographics of our campuses have shifted as we have prioritized diversity in such
                      areas as student recruiting and faculty/staff hiring. What does this mean for how we teach,
                      support, mentor and give voice to those who are underrepresented on our campuses? What
                      lessons have we learned and where are we struggling? This will be an interactive session
                      that will include student voices, a case study, and an opportunity for audience members to
                      share their campus experiences.
                      Susan Rose
                      Charles A Dana Professor in Sociology and
                      Director of the Community Studies Center and Mosaics
                      Brenda Bretz
                      Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusivity

2:30pm           BREAK – Coffee and snacks

2:45pm           Session 4 – Stern Great Room, Stern Center 

                       Title: “Global Engagement on the Home Campus” 

                       Session Description: Our three panelists will each provide a short and specific window on
                       the topic of encouraging global engagement on one’s home campus in the U.S., after which
                       we will engage the rest of the conference participants in dialogue about goals, strategies,
                       and obstacles on their campuses. Throughout we will pay attention to the linked questions
                       of how global engagement can be inclusive, and how equity and inclusion efforts can reflect
                       the priorities of global engagement.
                       Stephen C. Angle
                       Director, Fries Center for Global Studies
                       Mansfield Freeman Professor of East Asian Studies; and Professor of Philosophy
                       Wesleyan University
                       Julia Carnine - "Your Egalité is not my Equal”
                       Directrice, Dickinson en France
                       Demetrius Colvin - "Pluralism and Unity in the Modern University”
                       Director, Resource Center
                       Wesleyan University 
                       Kia Lor - “A Global Pathway for Building Intercultural Competence”
                       Assistant Director, Language and Intercultural Learning
                       Wesleyan University

4:00pm           Conference ENDS

4-5:00pm        (Optional) Rwanda Mosaic Photography Exhibit and Reception –
                               Wine & cheese provided by Dickinson Catering