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CGSE Thought Leadership 2021-23


Sam Brandauer: 

  • Co-director, Community-based Learning Collaborative, Haverford College, Spring 2022-present  
  • Board member, API Strategic Academic Advisory Board, Fall 2020-Fall 2023  
  • Board member ex-officio, Forum on Education Abroad 

Janine Ludwig: 

  • Chair of the Board of the IHMG - International Heiner Müller Society, 2013-present 
  • Deputy director, Institute for Cultural German Studies, University of Bremen, 2015-present 
  • Representative of AASAP - Association of American Study Abroad Programs in Germany, e.V. to EUASA - European Association for Study Abroad, 2022-present  

Nedra Sandiford: 

  • Treasurer, Association of North American Programs in Spain 2023 – present 
  • Executive Committee Member, Association of North American Programs in Spain 2022 – 2023  

Julia Carnine: 

  • Conference organizer and Visa committee Association des programmes universitaires américains (APAUF) 2021- present 
  • Advisor, European Union Association of Study Abroad EUASA 2022-present  
  • Associate researcher in Sociology in the group LISST- CERS (CNRS-UMR 5193) at the University of Toulouse  

Marissa Mitchell: 

  • Co-Chair, Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Students in Education Abroad working group, Forum on Education Abroad, 2023-24  

Eliana Torres: 

  • Member, Inclusive International Engagement, Forum on Education Abroad’s working group  


2022-present, Founded and lead an ongoing international JEDI group of administrators in the field of transatlantic student exchange that meets monthly via Zoom and discusses specific DEI topics., Ludwig, J. 

November 16-17, 2023, First “European Institute.” A cooperation between the Forum on Education Abroad and the EUASA. “DEI in Theory and Practice – Complex Applications and Adaptations for Europe.”, Ludwig, J. 

October 2023, Global Inclusion Conference: Chicago, IL, Moving Beyond A Deficit Based Approach: The Value of First Generation Study Abroad, Weil, S., Fritz, J., & Mitchell, M. 

July 2023, “Forms of Activism: Engaging Students for Learning and Growing” at the AATI (American Association Teachers of Italian) International Conference in Catania, Sicily., Grazioli 

April 2023, “The Future is Green: Processing Hard Emotions to Find Hope” at the symposium “Processing the Pandemic III: Hope, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Emotions in the Wake of COVID19” at the University of Warwick (UK)., Grazioli 

March 2023, Program Design: Examples from the Field at the Forum on Education Abroad Virtual Conference Creative for the Forum’s Award for Excellence in Education Abroad Curriculum Design., Grazioli 

March 2023, Forum on Education Abroad, Hybrid Annual Conference: Seattle, Washington, Re-imaging Internships through the Lens of Social Justice: Pathways forward for Developing and Sustaining Access for All (virtual), Berends, L., Brandauer, S., Ficarra, J., Francioso, M. 

February 2023, Association of International Education Administrators, Annual Conference, Washington, DC, No Going Back: Sharing Lessons Learned About Inclusive Leadership and Inspiring Social Change, Berends, L. & Brandauer, S. 

January – February 2023, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ “Global Experiences Online Course” – miniseries on: The Cultural Cold War (War against Ukraine, Rock & roll in the Cold War of cultures and in 1968, Terrorism for Utopia, autobiography and film, Three German national anthems in comparison)., Ludwig, J. 

Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, The Community-based Global Learning Collaborative, Virtual Workshop Series: Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions Toolkit, Brandauer, S., Sabato, E. & Sandiford, N. 

December 12, 2022, “Book Round Table: Bertolt Brecht in Context,” organized by Stephen Brockmann, “Bertolt Brecht in Dark Times: Racism, Political Oppression, and Dictatorship,” Symposium of the International Brecht Society (IBS) at Tel Aviv University, University of Haifa, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 11-15., Ludwig, J. 

December 2022, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ and the Institute of International Education, Virtual Workshop, How do you know you are meeting your Global DEI Outcomes?: Assessing and Communicating Impact, Brandauer, S., Carnine, J. & Martel, M. 

October 10, 2022, ‘Interculturalité et Food Studies ’ Institut Supérieur Tourisme Hotellerie  (ISTHIA) University of Toulouse, Carnine, J. 

October 2022, “Virtual Internships and Intercultural Competence in Italian Studies” at Italian Language and Culture Conference: Connections, Georgetown University, Washington DC., Grazioli 

October 2022, Global Inclusion Conference: San Francisco, CA, The Invisible Student: Supporting Students with Hidden Identities on Education Abroad Programs., Weil, S., Mitchell, M., & Boscan, E. 

September 2022 “Abroad and in the Zone : cultivating learning while Abroad” Dartmouth College Centre for Teaching and Learning, Carnine, J. 

May 2022, Panel “Towards Civic-Mindedness and Engagement in the Community in Italian Studies: Four Perspectives from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Study-Abroad Program in Bologna” at AAIS (American Association of Italian Studies) International Conference in Bologna., Grazioli 

March, April and May 2022, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ and the Institute of International Education, Virtual Workshop Series, Building Bridges: Committing to Global Equity and Justice in International Education, Ahmed, A., Brandauer, S., Calvert, L., Carnine, J., DeGuzman, K., Grazioli, B., Maldanado-Garcia, C., Martel, M., Sandiford, N., & Sypher, C. 

March 31, 2022, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”– Community Chat of the EUASA., Ludwig, J. 

March 2022, Forum on Education Abroad, Annual Conference: Chicago, Illinois, Critical Dialogue Session: Global Learning on and around Campuses: Successes, Opportunities, and Emergent Models, Brandauer, S. & Hartman, E. 

March 2022, Forum on Education Abroad, Annual Conference: Chicago, Illinois, From Transaction to Collaboration: Forging stronger partnerships and creating new pathways in Education Abroad, Brandauer, S., Carnine, J. & Cannon, T. 

February – March, 2022, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ “Global Experiences Online Course“ – miniseries on: Peeks Into the German Psyche: What Germans Think About… (America, Land of Capitalism; The Environment; Current Politics/The National Election of 2021; A Stasi Story From Someone on Trial in the GDR), Ludwig, J. 

February 11, 2022, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a European Study Abroad Context”– led a panel with Julia Carnine (Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ), Allison Davis-White Eyes (Fielding Graduate University, USA), Philipp Kneis (Oregon State University, USA), EUASA European Study Abroad Conference., Ludwig, J. 

February 10-11, 2022, First EUASA European Study Abroad Conference, virtual. Part of the founding and organizing team., Ludwig, J. 

2022, “The Role of Companies in the Work of Inclusion and Workforce Integration” IV National Congress against Islamophibia in Málaga, Spain, Sandiford, N. 

June 2021, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ and the Institute of International Education, Virtual Workshop, Moving from Inclusivity Talk to Equity in Action - Behind the Scenes Workshop (for internal IIE participants), Ahmed, A., Brandauer, S., Calvert, L., Carnine, J., DeGuzman, K., Mansukhani, V. & Sandiford, N. 

April 2021, Inclusive Learning Institute, Webinar, Mind the Gap: Bridging Intercultural and Diversity & Inclusion Learning Objectives in Global Education, Diversity Abroad, Brandauer, S. DeGuzman, K. Grazioli, B. Sandiford, N. 

March 2021, Forum on Education Abroad, Virtual Annual Conference, Re-imagining our Roles: Building Sustainable, Equitable and Inclusive Communities through Education Abroad, Berends, L., Brandauer, S.,  Carnine, J. & Francioso, M. 

February 2021, Association of International Education Administrators, Virtual Annual Conference, Breaking Down Silos in Higher Education: Rethinking Campus, Community and Global Collaborations, Ahmed, A., Brandauer, S. & Hartman, E.: 

February 2021, Association of International Education Administrators, Virtual Annual Conference, Inclusive and Community-based Approaches in Education Abroad: Amplifying Perspectives from Abroad, Berends, L. & Brandauer, S. 

February 2021, Association of International Education Administrators, Virtual Annual Conference, When ‘Here’ Becomes ‘There’: How Creative Collaborations Can Position Us for Growth in a New Era, Barclay Hamir, H., Brandauer, S., Custodi, A., Harrison, K. & McQuaid, M. 

February 2021, Forum on Education Abroad, Virtual Conference, Webinar - Institute on Global Learning, New Global Pathways: Leadership, Collaboration and Innovation in Global Learning, Carnine, J., Grazioli B., Sandiford N. 

February 2021, Virtual Online Global Learning Institute, An Open Access and Learning Resource for Civic and Global Learning, Brandauer, S. & Hartman, E. 

December 2020, January, March and May 2021, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ and the Institute of International Education, Virtual Workshops Moving from Inclusivity Talk to Equity in Action, Ahmed, A., Brandauer, S. (Co-creator and Facilitator), Calvert, L., Carnine, J., DeGuzman, K., Mansukhani, V. & Sandiford, N.  


Tanikawa, Miki. “How Study Abroad Can Benefit College Students.” U.S. News and World Report, 8 September 2023, https://www.usnews.com/education/articles/how-study-abroad-can-benefit-college-students 

Ludwig, Janine. “40 Jahre hinterlassen Spuren,” Interview, in: Dein Spiegel Nr. 5/2023, p. 15. 

Gallagher, John. “Studying Abroad When You’re Studying Abroad. How the education abroad and international student and scholar services offices can support international students who chose to study abroad.” NAFSA International Educator Magazine, 16, November 2022, https://www.nafsa.org/ie-magazine/2022/11/16/studying-abroad-when-youre-studying-abroad 

Paola, Gabrielli. “Borsa di studio. Dickinson onora il Maestrone” (“Scholarship: Dickinson Honors the Maestro”), Fransceso Guccini Scholarship, Il Corriere di Bologna, 28, October, 2021 


Bingham, W. P., Mitchell, M., & Brunsting, N. (2023). Considering LGBTQ+ Students’ Study Abroad Experiences Across Research and Practice. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 35(2), 29–39. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v35i1.847 

Brandauer, S., Teku, T., & Hartman, E. (2022). Introduction: Special Issue on Listening to and Learning from Partners and Host Communities: Amplifying Marginalized Voices in Global Learning. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 34(3), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v34i3.797  

Brandauer, S., Carnine, J., DeGuzman, K., Grazioli, B., Lyons, L., Sandiford, N., & Hartman, E. (2022). Crisis as Opportunity: Reimagining Global Learning Pathways through New Virtual Collaborations and Open Access during COVID-19. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 34(1), 9–23. https://doi.org/10.36366/frontiers.v34i1.535 

Carnine, Julia, Blanc-Vallat, Charlotte 2021 “Les Belles Années; les étudiants internationaux face au COVID 19”  dans Effets secondaires ; Vivre au temps du Covid - (translation “The best years of our lives ;  international students facing COVID-19" in “Secondary effects; Living during Covid times’ Editions Le Bord de l’Eau 

Ludwig, J. Wende-Reader für den Unterricht. (Materials for teaching four Wende novels of the 1990s) Ed. Janine Ludwig and Uwe Spörl, in: Glossen, four issues 2022-2024. First issue: Glossen #49: Bernd Schimer, Schlehweins Giraffe, 2022, https://blogs.dickinson.edu/glossen/glossen-49/.  

Ludwig, J. “Amerika, die andere Kultur,” in: Geliebtes, verfluchtes Amerika. Zu Antiamerikanismus und Amerikabegeisterung im deutschen Sprachraum 1888-1933. Ed. Karsten Dahlmanns and Aneta Jachimowitz. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022, pp. 11-25. Peer reviewed. 

Ludwig, J. “Die Rückkehr des Utopismus und des (‚wahren‘) Sozialismus,” in: Dreißig Jahre danach. Mauerfall und deutsche Einheit in Literatur, Kultur und Politik. Versuch einer Bilanz. Ed. Ewa Pytel-Bartnik and Magdalena Kardach. Harassowitz Verlag, 2022, pp. 85-100. Peer reviewed. 

Ludwig, J. “Beginning Where Brecht Left Off: Heiner Müller and Brecht’s Legacy,” in: Brecht in Context. Ed. Stephen Brockmann. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 249-256. 

Ludwig, J. “‘Malenkaja Strana’—Deutschland als Sehnsuchtsort in Lana Lux’ Kukolka,” in: Ludwig, J. “‘In der letzten Zeit ist viel Zeit vergangen.’ Zeitenwende, Übergangszeit und Umbrüche in Bernd Schirmers Wenderoman Schlehweins Giraffe,” in: Germanica 68 (2021). Ed. Carola Hähnel-Mesnard, pp. 17-30. Peer reviewed. https://journals.openedition.org/germanica/10528