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APSC Subcommittee Responsibilities

Subcommittee on Academic Standards
a. Composed of faculty and students appointed by the APSC to consider student petitions for approval and adjudicate special cases involving academic issues, including exceptions to academic policies and deadlines, readmission of students previously  required to withdraw for academic reasons, and retention of students who have fallen short of established standards
b. Meets on an as-needed basis when classes are in session to review petitions and in special meetings at the end of each semester and the summer session to make decisions regarding student academic standing at the college

Global Education Advisory Committee
a. Advises the Executive Director of the Center for Global Study & Engagement on all aspects of global education programming
b. Meets three times per semester

Learning Outcomes Working Group
a. Coordinate the multiple activities (departments, divisions, Writing Program, the Center for Global Study & Engagement, the Center for Sustainability Education, etc.) in assessment of student learning, ensuring a flexible, consistent, and sustainable approach
b. Communicate the College's philosophy of assessment to the Dickinson community,
c. Oversee professional development activities for faculty and staff regarding assessment including consultants, workshops, and study groups,
d. Review findings for deliberation and needed actions; this to include an annual assessment summary, and
e. Share findings and resultant changes with the broader College community.

2022-23 Membership on the Working Group includes:
Senior Associate Provost of Academic Affairs, chair
Associate Provost of Academic Affairs and Director of the Writing Program
Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Dean of Library Services
Associate Director Quantitative Reasoning Center
Dean and Director of Internships, Externships, and Fellowships
One faculty volunteer (additional faculty were invited to participate)

a. To advise library administration in response to library assessment reports and survey data, as appropriate.
b. To provide feedback on information literacy instruction, research support, and other library initiatives that impact student success.
c. Meets up to three times per semester, with the Dean of Library Services and other members of the library team, as appropriate, for topics to be considered.
The Service Learning Subcommittee
a. Reviews and comments on faculty applications to the annual Service-Learning/Community-Based Research Summer Study Group (optional for APSC liaisons who do not have prior SL/CBR experience)
b. Advises the Center for Civic Learning & Action on matters relating to SL/CBR as needed
c. The Subcommittee is generally able to accomplish these functions via email correspondence

Subcommittee on Teaching and Learning
a. The purpose of this subcommittee is to deliberate on issues of pedagogy as they arise internally and externally, make recommendations to APSC as needed, and support the director and mission of the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Scholarship. 
b. The subcommittee meets once a month September through December and January through April.
c. The subcommittee will include the director of the CTLS; two faculty fellows and one student partner from the CTLS; one faculty representative from APSC; one student representative from the Academic Initiatives Subcommittee of the Student Senate; a representative from the library (preferably an information literacy librarian); the director of academic technology; and a representative from the division of equity and inclusion.

Trout Gallery
a. Advises the on all aspects of its operations
b. Decision-making body for acquisitions and collections

Subcommittee on Writing and Quantitative Research
a. Discusses policy and procedure questions that arise related to the Writing Program, the Writing Center, and Quantitative Reasoning
b. Meets once a month September to December and January to April