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Prizes & Awards

The main criteria reviewed by APSC for these prizes and awards include grade point average and other indicators of academic excellence, such as study abroad, internships, student-faculty research, successful independent study, departmental honors, among others.

The Joseph Middleton and Isabel Mullin Burns Memorial Prize is awarded annually to the female student who attains the highest scholastic average during the sophomore year.  Endowed by Helen Burns Norcross, Dickinson class of 1912, former dean of women.

The Delaplaine McDaniel Prize is awarded to two first-year students and one sophomore student for excellence in scholarship.

The John Patton Memorial Prize is awarded for high scholastic standing to a member of each college class.  The Patton Prize was established by the Honorable A.E. Patton in memory of his father who was a member of the Class of 1859 and a veteran of the Civil War.  John Patton was also the recipient of an honorary degree from the College in 1932.

The James Fowler Rusling Prize is awarded to a graduating senior who excels in scholarship.  It was established by James Rusling, Class of 1854, in honor of his fiftieth class reunion.  He was a Dickinson trustee from 1861 to 1883, then again from 1904 until his death in 1918.  He received an honorary degree from the College in 1899.

Sophisters – By action of the Board of Trustees, and in keeping with an old Dickinson tradition, the highest ranking junior is named Senior Sophister for their final year in the College, while the highest ranking sophomore is name the Junior Sophister for the following year.