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History of Non-Travel Awards

Non-Travel Awards 2015-2016

Dana Research Assistantships Academic Year Projects

Suman Ambwani, Psychology/Lea Simms ’16- to assist with her project, “But Why Do We Continue to Fat Talk? An Experimental Investigation of College Women’s Reactions to Body Disparaging Conversations.”

Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies/Madeleine Jones ‘19- to assist with her project, “Pipeline Perils in Pennsylvania: Contested Natural Gas Fracking and Transportation.”

Patrick Belk, English/Katherine Lasswell ’17 - to assist with his project, “The Pulp Magazines Project.”

Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies/Shogo Nishikawa ’19- to assist with his project, “Robotics and Japan’s Aging Society.”

Grant Braught, Computer Science/James Midkiff ’17 - to assist with his project, “Investigating the Effects of Tool Design on Student Unit Testing Behavior.”

Neil Diamant, Political Science & East Asian Studies/Jiacheng Wang ’17- to assist with his project, “China at the Revolutionary Crossroads: Observing Politics and Society through the Constitutional Discussions in 1954 and 1982.”

Sherry Harper-McCombs and Kent Barrett, Theatre and Dance/Catheryn Broady ’16-to assist with their project, “Documentation, Inventorying, and Organization of Costumes and Properties.”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance/Sarah Benamati ’18- to assist with her project, “Assistant to Executive Artistic Director Pendragon Theatre.”

Elizabeth Lewis, Education/Olivia Calcaterra ’16 - to assist with her project, “Studying the Literacy Skill Development and Practices of Migrant & English Language Learning Youth through a Summer Writing Program.”

Wendy Moffat, English/Sean Jarman ’17- to assist with her project, “The Battlefront Letters of Dr. Thomas Salmon.”

Katie Oliviero, Women’s and Gender Studies/ Danielle Melnick ’17 and Anna Wagman ’16- to assist with her project, “Transnational Activist Circuits of Precarity and Rescue:  Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill. LGBT Asylum and International Human Rights Narratives.”

Tullio Pagano, Italian/Hannah Rich ’16- to assist with his project, “Contrasting Views on Italian Immigration in Argentina, 1840-1920.”

David Sarcone, International Business & Management/Health Studies/ Jiyeong (Faith) Park ’16- to assist with his project, “Exploring Health Care Alliances in Rural Pennsylvania.”

Scholarly/Creative Fall 2015, Spring 2016

Shamma Alam, International Studies- to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Determinants of Seasonal Variation in Microfinance Loan Repayment.”

Michael Beevers, Environmental Studies- to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Natural Resource Governance in the Aftermath of War.”

Katherine Geszvain, Biology- to assist with expenses associated with her project, “The Physiology and Function of Bacterial Managanese Oxidation.”

Marie Helweg-Larson, Psychology- to assist with expenses associated with her project, “The Effects of Stigmatizing Smokers.”

Gregory Howard, Environmental Studies- to assist with expenses associated his project, “Alternatives Assessment for Chemical Regulation: Lessons from REACH.”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance- to assist with expenses associated with her Directing project, “The Gambler.”

Kristine Mitchell, Political Science- to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Assessing the Last Impact of Erasmus Participation.”

Katie Oliviero, Women’s & Gender Studies- to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Transnational Circuits of Accountability and Precarity:  United States and Ugandan Ibti Activists' Responses to Anti-Homosexuality Legislation.”

Zared Shawver, Psychology- to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Registered Report: A Replication Study on Metaphorical Framing.”

Amy Wlodarski, Music- to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Postwar Humanism and the Music of George Rochberg: Wartime Biography.”

Scholarly/Creative Summer 2016

Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History- for his project, “Prints, Drawings, Paintings.

Andrew Bale, Art & Art History- for his project, “Ese’Eja- the True People. Daguerrotype and Platinum Printing.”

Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies- for her project, “Pipeline Perils in Pennsylvania:  Contested Natural Gas Fracking and Transportation.”

Jorden Hayes, Earth Sciences- for her project, “Imaging the Subsurface of Guadeloupe Island:  A Geophysical Characterization of a Tropical Critical Zone.”

Carol Ann Johnston, English- for her project, “Poetry Broadsides.”

David Kushner, Biology- for his project, “Analysis of Structure and Function of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Satellite RNA D upon Infection in Plants.”

Nan Ma, East Asian Studies- for her project, “Dancing Modernity:  Choreography, Narrative, and Ideology in China, 1900s-1980s.”

Wei Ren, Art & Art History- for her project, “Field and Archival Research on the History of Chinese Modern Design.”

Jennifer Wanat, Biology- for her project, “The Role of Non-Coding RNA Molecules during Meiosis and Replicative Senescence in Budding Yeast.”

W. Evan Young, History- for his project, “Family Matters:  Managing Illness in Early Modern Japan.”


Dana Research Assistantships Summer 2016

Kent Barrett (Theatre and Dance) and Sara Blocher ’18 for the project “Assistant to the Production Manager” (8 weeks)

Patrick Belk (English) with Anna Morrison ’19 for the project “Pulp Magazine Project” (4 weeks)

Jason Gavenonis (Chemistry) and Gavin Harter ’17 for the project “Development of New Trypanothione Reductase Inhibitors as Potential Therapeutics of Chagas Disease” (8 weeks)

Sherry Harper-McCombs (Theatre and Dance) and Noah Fusco ’18 for the project “Design and Construction of Costumes for New Play” (8 weeks)

Kathleen Marchetti (Political Science) and Thomas Kozdron ’18 for the project “Intersecting Interests: Diversity in Organizational Advocacy and Representation” (8 weeks)

Jerry Philogene (American Studies) and Mariah Finkelstein ’17 for the project “The Perfect Skin:  Race, Materiality, and the Spectacular Invention of Visibility” (8 weeks)

Matt Pinsker (History) with Sarah Goldberg ’18 and Trevor Diamond ’17 for the project “House Divided Project” (8 weeks)

Susan Rose, Jim Gerencser and Malinda Triller Doran with Paige Hamilton ’17 and Fiona Keane ’19  for the project “Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center ” (8 weeks) 

Nicola Tynan (Economics) and Yuanxiaoyue (Artemis) Yang ’17 for the project “Benchmark Competition:  Metropolitan Water and Mortality Before the MWB” (8 weeks)

Megan Yost (Psychology) and Katherine DeBroeck ’19 for the project “Sexual Consent: Pleasure and Danger” (8 weeks)

Collaborative Student-Faculty Research Summer 2016

Shamma Alam (International Studies) with Kathleen Sullivan ’18 for the project “Do community health workers provide greater access to healthcare to women whose partners otherwise hinder their access? Evidence from Uganda” (5 weeks)

Heather Bedi (Environmental Studies) with Daniela Aldrich ’19 for the project “Pipeline Perils in Pennsylvania: Contested Natural Gas Fracking and Transportation” (8 weeks)

Maria Bruno (Anthropology/Archaeology) with Amanda Santilli ’17 for the project “Understanding 3000 Years of Landscape Use and Creation in the Lake Titicaca Basin of the Andes through Mapping and Geographic Information Systems on the Taraco” (6 weeks)

Benjamin Edwards (Earth Sciences) with William Kochtitzky ’16 for the project “Volcano-Ice Interactions in Iceland” (6 weeks)

Jeff Englehardt (Philosophy) with Rehoboth Gesese ’17 for the project “How Concepts Can Oppress, Disempower, and Marginalize” (8 weeks)

Lars English (Physics and Astronomy) with Kevin Skowronski ’17 and Chris Fritz ’17 for the project “Synchronization in Networks of Electrical Self-Oscillators” (8 weeks)

Richard Forrester (Mathematics and Computer Science) with James Midkiff ’17 for the project “The Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem:  Efficient Algorithms to Tour Hersheypark” (8 weeks)

Christopher Francese (Classical Studies) with Siyun Yan ’18 for the project “Latin-Chinese Dictionary Project” (8 weeks)

Tiffany Frey (Biology) with Eric Vogt ’17 for the project “Inflammatory Mechanisms in Mevalonate Kinases Deficiency” (8 weeks)

Jason Gavenonis (Chemistry) with Leah Wachsmuth ’19 for the project “Identification of Potential New Drug Targets for Neglected Tropical Diseases” (8 weeks)

Catrina Hamilton-Drager (Physics and Astronomy) with Justin Gardner ’17 for the project “Determining Rotation Periods of Stars in the Young Cluster NGC 2129” (8 weeks)

Jorden Hayes (Earth Sciences) with Ivy Gilbert ’17 for the project “Porosity Generation in the Critical Zone” (8 weeks)

Karen Kirkham (Theatre and Dance) with Sarah Benamati ’18 for the project “Stage manager and assistant to the EAD Pendragon Theatre” (8 weeks)

Elizabeth Lewis (Education) with Olivia Calcaterra ’16 and Anna Robinette ’17 for the project “Young Writers Program for Migrant and English Language Learning Youth” (8 weeks)

Chauncey Maher (Philosophy) with Ariana Watson ’18 for the project “Defining Racism” (8 weeks) Emily Marshall (Economics) with Jonathan Baughman ’17 for the project “The Home Mortgage Interest Deduction and Economic Growth” (8 weeks)

Hans Pfister (Physics and Astronomy) with Elon Gordon ’17 for the project “Design, Construction, and Analysis of a Singly Glazed Solar Air Heater with Matrix Absorber and Unique Air Flow” (8 weeks)

Tony Rauhut (Psychology) with Abigail Stasior ’17 for the project “"Erasing" Drug Memories” (8 weeks)

Peter Sak (Earth Sciences) with Jessica Wolfman ’17 for the project “Rates and Trends of in situ chemical weathering in a tropical soil, Basse Terre Island, Guadeloupe” (6 weeks)

Kristin Strock (Environmental Studies) with Helen Schlimm ’17 for the project “Exploring Climate-Induced Changes in West Greenland Lakes” (2 weeks)

Dana Wohlbach (Biology) with Rinaldys Castillo ’17 and Madison Weirick ’18 for the project “Sequencing and Characterization of Novel Insect-Associated Yeasts” (8 weeks)

Megan Yost (Psychology/Women’s and Gender Studies) with Kristen Cunningham ’16 for the project “Sexual Consent: Pleasure and Danger” (8 weeks)

Pre-Tenure Sabbatical Expense Support 2015-2016

Michael Beevers, Environmental Studies- to support expenses for his sabbatical project, “Natural Resource Governance in the Aftermath of War.”

Gregory Howard, Environmental Studies- to support expenses for his sabbatical project, “Alternatives Assessment for Chemical Regulation:  Lessons from REACH.”

Erik Love, Sociology- to support expenses for his sabbatical projects, “Islamophobia and Civil Rights: Race and Advocacy in the United States” and “’Held Hostage to Race:’ Public Transit Advocacy in the United States.”


Sabbatical Expense Support 2015-2016 

Ward Davenny, Art- to support expenses associated with his sabbatical project and studio art.

Steven Erfle, International Business & Management- to support expenses associated with his sabbatical projects.

Ann Hill, Anthropology- to support expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “Fengyu Water Project.”

James Hoefler, Political Science- to support expenses associated with his sabbatical project, “Dying Well.”

Nitsa Kann, Religion- to support expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “There Have Been Women Kabbalists:  The Women's Circle of Saged in the Sixteen Centruy and Their Mystical Legacy.”

Barry Tesman, Mathematics- to support expenses associated with his sabbatical project, “Discrepancy Two among Homogenous Arithmetic Progressions.”


Professional Development Academic Year Projects

Kiersten Baughman, Psychology- to assist with expenses associated with her professional development project, “Intimate Partner Violence.”

Robert Dean, Earth Sciences -to assist with expenses associated with his professional development project, “Rigaku Training Class:  Miniflex 600/PDXL.”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance- to assist with expenses associated with her professional development project, “Stage Blood Special Effects.”

Jonathan Hays, Music- to assist with expenses associated with his professional development project, “Refining Concert and Operatic Repertoire at the Bayerische Staatsoper.”


Professional Development Summer 2016

Erin Crawley-Woods, Theatre & Dance- to assist with expenses for her professional development project, “Summer School at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance.”

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian- to assist with expenses for her professional development project, “Travel to International Moscow Film Festival.”

Scott Farrington, Classical Studies- to assist with expenses for his professional development project, “London International Paleography Summer School.”

Margaret Frohlich, Spanish & Portuguese-to assist with expenses for her professional development project, “A Transnational Aesthetic and Contemporary Cuban Cinema.”

Jason Gavenonis, Chemistry- to assist with expenses for his professional development project, “Cotrell Scholares Collaborative New Faculty Workshop.”

Anna Hudson, German- to assist with expenses for her professional development project, “Deuutsch Studium in Austria.”

Chelsea Skalak, English- to assist with expenses for her professional development project, “Digital Humanities Class for Medievalists.”

Alyson Thibodeau, Earth Sciences- to assist with expenses for her professional development project, “Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty.”


Publication and Dissertation 2015-2016

Kiersten Baughman, Psychology to support expenses associated with defending her dissertation, ” From Adolescence to Adulthood: Intimate Partner Violence in Honor Cultures.”

Marcelo Borges, History- to support his book project, “Portuguese Translation of Chains of Gold.”

Chauncey Maher, Philosophy to support expenses for his publication, “Plant Minds.”

Ted Merwin, Judaic Studies- to support his publication, “Jews and Medicine.”

Tullio Pagano and Luca Trazzi, Italian- to support their publication of their textbook, "Facciamo finta di andare in Italia."

Mariana Past, Spanish & Portuguese-to support her publication, “English translation of Michel-Rolph Trouillot's (1977) Ti difé boulé sou istoua Ayiti [Burning Issues in Haitian History].” 

Siobhan Phillips, English- to support expenses associated with her book of poems.

Karl Qualls, History- to support expenses associated with his publication, “Transformación y transición: la disyuntiva transnacional y la conversión de los niños de Guerra en ciudadanos soviéticos, 1941-1951.”

Susan Rose, Sociology- to support expenses associated with her publication, “Carlisle Indian Industrial School.”

Candie Wilderman, Environmental Studies- to support expenses with her publication, “Monitoring Marcellus:  A Case Study of a Collaborative Volunteer Monitoring Project to Document the Impact of Unconventional shale Gas Extraction on Small Streams.”