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History of Non-Travel Awards

Non-Travel Awards 2018-2019



Dana Research Assistantships Academic Year Projects

Say Burgin, History/Sarah House ’20 for the academic year to work on the project, “Detroit as a Hub of White Racial Justice Activism in the Black Power Era”

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian/William Irving ’19 for the academic year to work on the project, “V.A. Petrushevsky: A Digital Archive”

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics and Astronomy/Amanda Baylor ’20 for the academic year to work on the project, “Recalibration and Analysis of Seven Eclipsing Variables in the Field of NGC 2362 and Observing NGC 6611 and BGC 6328 with the Britton Observatory”

Sarah Kersh, English/Alaina Einsig ’19 for the fall semester to work on the project, “Letters and Poems of Michael Field”.

Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance/Amelia Merrill ’19 for the academic year to work on the project, “Assistant to the Executive Artistic Director, Pendragon Theater”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History/Fiona Clarke ’19 for the academic year to work on the project, “The Medicine of Art: Disease and the Aesthetic Object in Gilded-Age America”

Helene Lee, Sociology/Maddie Vance ‘19 for the fall semester to work on the project, “Legacies of Elite Single-Sex Education on Transition from Girlhood to Adulthood”

Katie Marchetti, Political Science/Emma Spector ’19 for the academic year to work on the project, “Pink Collars Project, Interest Groups and Social Media Project”

Sarah Niebler, Political Science/Mychal Herber ’19 for the academic year to work on the projects, “1) Exit Poll 2018 – PA Voters’ Perceptions of Women in Politics; 2) Campaign Contributions Following Mass Shootings: What Impact do NRA Scores Have?”

David Sarcone, International Business and Management to support the project “Sadler Health Center and Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Collaborative Assessment of Patient Activation Measure”

Jacob Sider Jost, English/Rafaela Marinello ’19 for the fall semester to work on the project, “Interest in the Long Eighteenth Century”

Naila Smith, Psychology/Margaret Booth ’19 for the academic year to work on the project, “The Impact of Media Representations of Caribbean Immigrants on their Educational Outcomes (Phase II)”

Rui Zhang, Psychology/An Luc ’19 for the fall semester to work on the project, “Diversity Ideologies and Attitudes toward Cultural Appropriation”


Dana Research Assistantships Summer 2019

Elise Bartosik-Velez, Spanish & Portuguese/Kara Smith ’21 to provide a research assistant for the summer to work on the project, “How Empire Came to the Americas”

Carolina Castellanos, Spanish & Portuguese/Erlyn Garcia ’21 to provide a research assistant for the summer to work on the project, “Representation of Mexican Female Drug Traffickers”.

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre and Dance/Lissy Gold ’20 to provide a research assistant for the summer to work on “Design, Construction and Maintenance for Into the Woods and Nunsense”.

Carol Ann Johnston, English/Audrey Schlimm ’20 to provide a research assistant for the summer to work on “Heavenly Perspective: Thomas Traherne and Seventheeth-Century Visual Culture”.

Matthew Pinsker, History/Cooper Wingert ’20 to provide a research assistant for the summer to work on the “House Divided Project”.

David Sarcone, International Business and Management/Jake Saltzberg ’20 to provide a research assistant for the summer to work on “Sadler Health Center and Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Collaborative Assessment of Patient Activation Measure”.


Scholarly/Creative Fall 2018, Spring 2019 

Suman Ambwani, Psychology to support the project “Is “Clean Eating” a healthy or harmful dietary strategy?”

Qing Bai, International Business and Management to support the project “The Announcement Impact of REIT Recapitalization on Its Default Risk.”

Jeremy Ball, History to support the project “Angola: Nationalist Narratives and Alternative Histories.”

Scott Boback, Ben Edwards, Jorden Hayes, Biology and Earth Science to support using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to explore the subterranean geometry of rattlesnake den in northwestern Colorado.

David Kushner, Biology to support the project “Potential Role of A-Rich Nucleotide Sequences in Function of a Subviral RNA.”

Peter Leavitt, Psychology to support the project “Does it matter how we frame psychological research on social class? An examination of summaries and interpretations of social class research.”

Christofilis Maggidis, Archaeology to support the project “MY.SPE.AR Project: In Search for the Palace of Achilles.”

Kristine Mitchell, Political Science and International Studies to support the project “Culture Shift: Immigration and Transformation in Southall, London after the Second World War.”

Jodie Vann, Religion to support the project “Paeans to a New Age: Locating the 1987 Harmonic Convergence.”

Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the project “Diversity Ideologies and Attitudes toward Cultural Appropriation.”


Scholarly/Creative Summer 2019

Thomas Arnold, Biology to support the project: “Plants Controlling the Genes of Animals: The Role of HDAC Inhibitors in Insect Pests”

Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History  to support the project: “2019 Series of Paintings, Drawings, Prints & Animation”

Anthony Cervino, Art & Art History to support the project: “Long Lost: New Sculptures by Anthony Cervino”

Scott Farrington, Classical Studies to support the project: “Polybius on Genre: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Historiography”

Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the project: “Regulation of miRNA Gene Expression in Autoinflammatory Disease”

Ellen Gray, Music to support the project: “Tangibles, Intangibles, and a Precarious South”

Wei Ren, Art & Art History to support the projects: “The Absence of the City: Chen Shizeng's Beijing Customs, 1914-1915 & 2nd paper will explore the private and national art academies in Beijing and Shanghai, established in the 1910s”

Jorge Sagastume, Spanish & Portuguese to support the project: “"La cortina": Stories about the Argentine Military Dictatorship (1976-83)”

Adeline Soldin, French to support the project, “The Snob, the Invert, and the Jew: Performing and Subverting Identity in A la recherche du temps perdu”

Greg Streirer, English & Film Studies to support the project, “'Only the Cheeman in the Game of Telling the Story': Dashiell Hammett, Sam Spade, and the Early Crime Franchise”

Jodie Vann, Religion to support the project, “Paeons to the New Age”

Amy Wlodarski, Music to support the project: “Curating Trauma: A Survivofrom Warsaw and Beethoven's Ninth”

Evan Young, History for the project, “Controlling Fertility in Occupation-Era Japan: Women's Magazines and the Vernacularization of Scientific Knowledge”


Collaborative Student-Faculty Research Summer 2019

Shamma Alam, International Studies/Charlotte Cao ’21 for the project, “The Influence of the Great Recession on Retirement Savings Behavior in the U.S.”

Andrew Bale, Art & Art History/Clara Roth ’21 for the project, “Idaho Refugees and Diaspora”.

Scott Boback, Biology and Maggie Douglas, Environmental Studies/Abigail Marich ’20 for the project, “Impact of American Toads on Crops and Dietary preferences of American Toads.”

Jeff Engelhardt, Philosophy/Ruodan Que ’21 for the project, “Engineering Concepts and Contexts.”

Jason Gavenonis, Chemistry/Demetria Ruhl ’20 for the project, “In Vivo Reaction Monitoring with a Fluoride-sensitive Riboswitch.”

Jorden Hayes, Earth Sciences/Benjamin Eppinger ’20 for the project, “Deep Critical Zone Architecture and Anisotropy of Valleys and Rivers in a Northern Maryland Piedmont Catchment as Imaged by Seismic Methods.”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance/Isabel Cooke ’20 for the project, “Stage Manager and Assistant at Pendragon Theatre.”

Karl Qualls, History/Sophia Scorcia ’20 for the project, “Fascist Women: Neo-traditional or New Model of Gender Roles?”

Anthony Rauhut, Psychology/Justina Warnick ’20 for the project, “Effect of Voluntary Exercise on Contextual Drug Learning: Assessing the Role of Timing.”

Dana Somers, Biology/Trapper Hobble ’20 for the project, “Experimental Evolution of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Saccharomyces Paradoxus Yeasts.”

Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies/Rachel Krewson ’20 for the project, “Environmental Controls on Methane Dynamics in Icelandic Lakes.”


Sabbatical Expense Support 2018-2019

Shamma Alam, International Studies to support the sabbatical project, “Development in Bangladesh.”

Suman Ambwani, Psychology to support the sabbatical projects.

Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies to support the sabbatical project, “               Research: Understanding Energyscapes in India and the United States.”

Ben Edwards, Earth Science to support the sabbatical project, “Glaciovalcanism related to ancient and modern climate change.”

Andrew Farrant, Economics to support the sabbatical project, “Abba Lerner Project and other projects.”

Scott Farrington, Classical Studies to support the sabbatical project, “Plybius on Genre: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Historiography.”

Margaret Frohlich, Spanish & Portuguese to support the sabbatical project.

Kirsten Guss, Biology to support the sabbatical research project.

Marcus Key, Earth Science to support the sabbatical project, “Geoarcheological Sourcing of Stones in Colonial Historic Chirst Church, Lancaster Co., Virginia.”

Sarah McGaughey, German to support the sabbatical project, “Better Homes and Gardens?: The Home and Garden between the Two World Wars.”

Jennifer Schaefer, Mathematics to support the sabbatical project, “Orbit Decompositions of Unipotent Elements in Generalized Symmetric Spaces of SL_3(F_g) and First-year Seminars with Mathematical Themes.”

Cotten Seiler, American Studies to support the sabbatical project.

Sarah Skaggs, Theatre & Dance to support the sabbatical project, “iEcho.”

Luca Trazzi, Italian to support the sabbatical project, “Food Studies and Sustainability.”


Professional Development Academic Year Projects

Margaret Frohlich, Spanish & Portuguese to support advancing knowledge of Film and Media Studies.

Kirsten Guss, Biology to support completing NCFDD Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program Spring 2019.

Jennifer Halpin, College Farm/Food Studies to support attendance at “Contemplative Practice in Higher Education Workshop.” 

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics & Astonomy to support New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics IV: Astrochemistry, Astrobiology and the Origin of Life

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support attending a workshop in Wet Felting for Puppetry and Mask Creation.

Akiko Meguro and Alex Bates, East Asian Studies to support developing reading and listening profieciency in Japanese using ACTFL guidelines.


Professional Development Summer 2019

Sarah Bryant, Mathematics to attend the Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Workshop

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian to support attending Moscow International Film Festival.

Jennifer Schaefer, Mathematics to attend the Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Workshop


Publication and Dissertation 2018-2019

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian to support the publication “The Filmmaker's Philosopher: Merab Mamardashvili and Russian Cinema.”

Lars English, Physics & Astronomy to support the publication of “Symmetry Breaking in Symmetrically Coupled Logistic Maps.”

Richard Forrester, Mathematics to support the publication “A Comparison of Algorithms for Finding an Efficient Theme Park Tour.”

Tiffany Frey, Biololgy to support the project, “Monocyte Production of IFN-gamma is IL-12 Dependent in a Model of Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency (MKD).”

Kamaal Haque, German to support the project, “Arnold Fanck, He Directed Glaciers, Storms and Avalanches (1973) (Translation and Commentary).”

Nitsa Kann, Religion to support the publication of “The Song of Grofit the Bird - a poetry book (in Hebrew).”

Marcus Key, Earth Science to support the publication of “Stabel isotope profiles of skeletal carbonate validate annually-produced growth checks in the bryozoan Melicerita chathamensis from Snares Platform, New Zealand.”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History to support the publication “The Medicine of Art: Disease and the Aesthetic Object in Gilded-Age America.”

Janine Ludwig, Academic Director, William G. and Elke Durden Dickinson Program at Bremen to support “A Companion to Heiner Müller”.

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Italian and Film Studies to support the publications “La nazione Winx: Coltivare la futura consumista” and “A Specter Is Haunting Italy: Representations of the Moro Affair in Italian Cinema, Television, and Theater.”

Emily Marshall, Economics to support the publication “The HMID and Economic Growth.”

Sarah McGaughey, German to support the publication “A Companion to the Works of Hermann Broch.”

Stacey Moultry, American Studies to support the dissertation of, “Mixed Race Antecedants: Black Hybridity in Cultural Production, 1960-1989”

Mariana Past, Spanish & Portuguese to support the publication, “English translation of Michel Rolph Trouillot's (1977) Ti dife boule sou istoua Ayiti”

Karl Qualls, History to support the publication of “Stalin's Niños: Educating Spanish Civil War Refugees in the Soviet Union, 1937-1951”.

J. Toby Reiner, Political Science to support the publication “Michael Walzer: Key Contemporary Thinkers.”

Alberto Rodriguez, Spanish & Portuguese Emeriti to support the publication, “Nomina Cervantina. Siglo XX, Vol. II”

Jacob Sider Jost, English to support the publication, “Interest in the Long Eighteenth Century.”

Vincent Stephens, Popel Shaw Center for Race & Ethnicity to support the publication “Rocking the Closet: Queer Male Musicians and the Power of Sexual Ambiguity.”

Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies to support the publication “Response of Boreal Lakes to Changing Wind Strenght: Coherent Physical Changes Across Two Large Lakes But Varying Effects on Primary Producers Over the 20th Century.”

Blake Wilson, Music, Emeriti to support the publication “Singing to the Lyre: Memory, Performance, and Oral Poetry in Renaissance Italy.”

Amy Wlodarski, Music to support the publication “George Rochberg, American Composer: Personal Trauma and Artistic Creativity.”

Todd Wronski, Theatre & Dance to support the performance rights to Kurt Vonnegut’s work.

Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the publication of “Know Your Heritage: Exploring the Effects of Fit in Cultural Knowledge on Chinese Canadians’ Heritage Identification”