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Paycheck Estimator

In order to assist employees with 'what if' scenarios regarding the impact of pay and/or benefit related changes throughout the year, please visit the appropriate Paycheck City sites listed below.  These are NOT college sponsored sites and any calculations are only ESTIMATES of what your pay might look like.



Exempt Staff/Administrators/Faculty -

Non-Exempt Staff - 


Please follow these instructions to get the most accurate estimate.

Have your most recent pay stub readily available for reference (either your actual pay stub OR from Banner Self Service/Employee Information/Pay Information/Pay Stub).



Select Calculation date and state 


  • Check date - leave as default (today's date).  Choose 'Pennsylvania' as the State for withholding.


General Information


  • Exempt Staff/Administrators/Faculty - Enter Gross Pay in either an annual amount or a per pay amount (from your paystub on the left - Regular Amount, do not include any stipend amounts) and choose the corresponding Gross Pay Type.
  • Non-Exempt Staff - Enter hourly rate into Pay Rate and hours worked per pay period (either 70 or 80) into Hours.  Gross Pay will calculate automatically.
  • Gross Salary YTD - leave as '0'
  • Pay Frequency for administrators and faculty is Semi-monthly, Pay Frequency for support staff is Bi-weekly.
  • Select your Federal Filing Status and enter your allowances and additional federal withholding amount (found on the lower right portion of your paystub OR in Banner Self Service).
  • You should not round Federal Withholding and most employees are not exempt from paying Federal Tax, Fica or Medicare.


State and Local Information


  • Pennsylvania SUI should be marked 'Yes'.
  • Enter either your home or work address (work is PO Box 1773, Carlisle PA  17013).  Because local tax varies on where you live and/or work, you might have to try both to see which address gets you closer to the actual amount.  If you don't live in PA, then you'll want to automatically use your work address.  If  you live in PA, then mark 'Resident'; if you live in another state, mark 'Nonresident'. 
  • Most employees are NOT Exempt from State and/or Local tax withholding.


Voluntary Deduction Section


  • Type in a description of your first deduction in Deduction Name - on your paystub, the deductions you'll want to enter will be listed AFTER the taxes OR in Banner Self Service you would enter all Deductions listed except the Taxes.
  • Type in the Deduction Amount - found in the 'Current' Deductions column on your paystub OR the Employee column in Banner Self Service.
  • The Deduction Type will be $ Fixed Amount.  When entering deductions with per pay amounts less than $1.00, enter the amount as 0.85 (not .85).


Deductions MAY be exempt from certain taxes.  Please follow theses guidelines when checking the boxes as Exempt from:

Tax Exclusions
   AD&D Accident  Dental HA POS  Vision  FSA Hlth  FSA Dep  Retirement 
Federal Tax  X X X X X X X X
 FICA  X X X X X X X  
 State/Local     X X X X    


  • Click on the Add Deduction button to add more deductions.
  • When all of your information has been entered, click on the Calculate button to see your ESTIMATED results.  A new calculation can be run by selecting the New Calculation button.