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Banner FAQs

Course Request

When do I enter my course requests online?

The dates for the 3-DAY Course Request Period are posted on the Registration Calendar (click on Registration, under Calendars), on the Registrar's Information for Students Page  or on Academic Calendar (click on Academic, under Calendars).

Can I submit my course requests if I have an unpaid bill at the College?

Probably not. The most important thing is to confirm that your account is clear well before the Course Request period begins. To find out how to check Banner Self-Service for any Student Accounts holds, click here. If you have a hold, the computer will not let you enter any of your course requests.

What if I will not have internet access during the Course Request Period?

Even though you can enter your course requests from anywhere in the world via Banner Self-Service over the internet, if you know ahead of time that you will not have any internet access during the Course Request Period, send an e-mail to reg@dickinson.edu with the reason you won't have access and your course selections. The Registrar's staff will enter them on your behalf, if there are no holds on your record and you meet all of the requirements for the classes.

If you encounter an emergency situation during the Course Request Period and are unable to get to a computer with Web access, please call our office (717-245-1315) immediately and we will help you. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the Schedule Adjustment Period to register for classes. (This will be after other students have already requested and been assigned courses.)

Can I enter Independent Study/Research classes on Banner Self-Service?

No. In order to register for this type of class, complete the Special Course Options Form through the CLIQ forms. This form is to be completed prior to the Friday of the Add/Drop Period.

Can I enter internships on Banner Self-Service?

Internships for academic credit can be entered via Banner Self-Service along with your other courses. Internships earning a transcript notation will be entered by the Career Center upon successful completion.

Do I need to enter classes if I will be studying off campus in the upcoming term?

No. Complete your required paperwork with the Office of Global Education by the published deadline for your program. The Office of Global Education will inform the Registrar's Office of all students approved to study off campus. If you are confirmed and approved for off-campus study next semester, you do not need to do anything online.

Can I request classes on campus if I have been approved to study off campus in the upcoming term?

No. Students can only be registered for off campus study or on campus courses, not both.

Where can I see my schedule on Banner Self-Service?

Once you have logged into the Gateway and clicked on the SSB button:

  1. On the Student tab, click Course Selection then Course Request & Registration.
  2. Select "View Course Request/Registration"

How do I add/drop a class on Banner Self-Service?

  1.     Once you have logged in to the Dickinson Gateway click on the SSB Button
  2.     Click on the Student tab
  3.     From the menu on the left select Course Request & Registration
  4.     Select Request/Register for Classes
  5.     Select the appropriate term
  6.     You can now select one of the below:
    o    Find Classes - Enter your search criteria (Subject; Course Number or Keyword) and click Search. Click the "Add" button. 
    o    Enter CRN - Enter the CRN of the class you want to add and click Add to Summary
    o    Schedule and Options - Will show you a summary of your classes.
  7.  The class(es) will show as Pending on the bottom portion.  You need to click the Submit button to officially add the class(es).
  8.  If the class(es) were entered correctly, they will show "Course Requested” in the Status Column. 
  9.  If you receive a Registration Error message, it will appear at the top right of the screen, as well as beside the course information at the bottom.

To drop a class:

  1. You can remove requested courses by using the dropdown menu found in the bottom right panel. Select Web Dropped from the Action column, then click the submit button.
  2. If the class was successfully dropped, it will no longer appear under Current Schedule.

NOTE: You cannot drop the last class from your schedule. Contact the Registrar's Office for more information.