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Banner FAQs

General Student Information

How do I find my Student Status on Banner Self-Service?

Once you have logged into Banner Self-Service:

  1. On the Student tab, click Course Selection then Course Request & Registration
  2. Select Prepare for Course Request/Registration from the options.
    • If prompted for a Term, select the upcoming term from the drop-down menu and click Submit.
  3. The Course Request/Registration Status screen will then appear. This screen will show you if there is any part of your record that will prohibit you from selecting courses online during the Course Request, Schedule Adjustment or Add/Drop periods. This includes:
    • Holds – if you have a hold, the type of hold will be listed along with who the originator is.
    • Academic Standing – students who have been required to withdraw from the College have an academic standing that prohibits online course selection
    • Student Status – students who will not be active for the chosen term have a student status that prohibits online course selection

Where do I find the name of my advisor?

You can see the name of your advisor(s) on Degree Works:

  1. Log into the  and click on the DegWorks button. 
  2. The name of your advisor(s) can be found in the header.

Do I have to see my primary advisor to get my alternate PIN?

If you have more than one advisor in Banner, each one will have access to your Alternate PIN.

What if I do not have an advisor? What if my advisor isn't on campus anymore?

All students have at least one advisor. To find the name of your advisor(s):

  1. Log into the  and click on the DegWorks button.
  2. The name of your advisor(s) can be found in the header.

If your advisor has left campus, you have been assigned another advisor.

  • If you have a declared major, you were reassigned to the department chair. If desired, you may choose another advisor in the department by completing the Change of Advisor Form found through the CLIQ forms.
  • If you are undeclared, you were reassigned  by the Advising Office. Now may be the perfect time to declare your major! Complete the Declaration of Major Form found through the CLIQ forms.

How do I review my transcript on Banner Self-Service?

Once you have logged in to Banner Self-Service:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Student & Financial Aid
  2. From the Student & Financial Aid Menu, select Student Records
  3. From the Student Records Menu, select Academic Transcript
  4. Select Undergraduate from the Transcript Level drop-down menu
  5. Select Web Transcript from the Transcript Type drop-down menu
  6. Click on the Display Transcript button.

NOTE:  Transfer credit will be separated from Institutional credit and appear first on the transcript.

How do I review my degree audit online?

Once you have logged into the Gateway click on the DegWorks Button.

Where can I see my test scores (ie. AP, language placement, etc.) on Banner Self-Service?

Students can view any test scores entered in their Banner record on Banner Self-Service.  From the main Student Menu, click on Student Records.  On the Student Records menu, click on the View Test Scores link.  On that screen there are links to explanations of various placement scores if you need more information.

Why doesn't my class year code coincide with my expected graduation date?

Explanation of Class Year Codes & Expected Graduation Dates in Banner:

Class Year Codes (FY, SO, JR, SR) in Banner are based solely on the number of credits a student has completed. This code is automatically calculated each time a student's academic history changes, and cannot be manually changed. There are certain times of the year when class codes are likely to change - at the end of each term (fall, spring, summer) when we roll students' grades to academic history. However, it's possible that a student's class year would change when we post transfer credit to their record (which happens continually throughout the year).

A student's class year code may not always coincide with their expected graduation date. For example, for students entering Fall 2021 who receive college credit for 8 Advanced Placement exams and plan to study at Dickinson for 4 years will have a class year code of SO and an expected grad date of 05/18/2025. In another example, a student who studied abroad during the 2020-2021 academic year, may still have a JR code at the end of spring because their credits haven't transferred yet, but their graduation date is still listed as 05/21/2023.

A student's Expected Graduation Date (rather than the class year code) is mainly used for course priorities, class year email lists, etc.