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Banner FAQs

Schedule Information

Where do I find the classes offered/search for classes online?

Go to Banner Self-Service by logging into the Dickinson Gateway. Searching for classes does not require the first-year and sophomore Alternate PIN.

From the Students tab, select Course Selection then choose Course Request & Registration followed by Browse Classes.

Days of the Week Codes

M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday
U Sunday

For people who do not have a Banner Self-Service Username/PIN, you can access the schedule of classes by clicking on the link under Academic Information on the Registrar's Information for Students page or under General Information on the Registrar's Information for Visitors page.

Where do I find interdisciplinary classes, like electives for Film Studies, Women's Studies, etc.?

Interdisciplinary classes - classes with various subjects which fulfill requirements in Film & Media Studies, MEMS, etc. - are coded with an attribute in Banner.

To find a listing of all interdisciplinary studies classes for a particular area using Banner Self-Service:

  1. On the Browse Classes page or the Request/Register for Classes page, select Advanced Search.
  2. In the Attribute box select the desired attribute from the dropdown menu, example Film & Media Studies Elective.
  3. Click on the Search button.
  4. This will bring back a list of all of the interdisciplinary classes for the chosen area. 

How do I get "Permission of the Instructor"?

In order to get a professor's permission to register for a class, you should contact the professor directly - email is a good way to do this. If they give you permission, the professor will place a registration override on your record. The override does not register you for the class, rather it will allow you to register for the course on Banner Self-Service.

Where do I find prerequisites and restrictions on Banner Self-Service?

If there are any prerequisites and/or restrictions on a class section, you can find them at the bottom of the Detailed Class Information screen on Banner Self-Service.

This screen can be accessed by:

  1. Using either Browse Classes or Request/Register for Classes - once you have entered criteria and found the class listings, click on the title of the class. Then select either Prerequisites or Restrictions from the choices listed.

Where can I find the capacity/enrollment for a class?

Capacity and enrollment information can be found on the Browse Classes screen (by secure login only).

To access the Browse Classes screen, log into Banner Self-Service, and click on the Students tab, select Course Selection then choose Course Request & Registration followed by Browse Classes. Select the desired semester. Enter criteria to search for classes. The Status column will show the enrollment and capacity - for example 24 of 35, means 24 are enrolled with a capacity of 35. You can also click on the class title link, then choose Enrollment.

For cross-listed classes, the Status column will only show the enrollment on that portion of the cross-listing, not all cross-listings. Click on the title link, then on Cross-Listed Courses to see the total enrollment (ie. Cross List Actual) for all cross-listings:


The Departmental Codes are letter abbreviations of the Subjects, Majors, Minors and/or Certificates offered at Dickinson.