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What does the hold on my record mean?

Hold Explanations
Abroad Enrollment Form Needed Registrar Student has not submitted the Enrollment at Another Institution Form for coursework taken abroad Registration
Academic Integrity Library Services Student has not completed the academic integrity tutorial Registration
Bad Debt Write Off Student Accounts Student/alum has overdue balance Diploma, Registration, Transcript
Comptroller's Hold Student Accounts Student/alum has overdue balance Diploma, Registration, Transcript
Discipline Case Pending Registrar Student whose transcript is held due to pending discipline case Transcript
Exit Interview Student Accounts Hurwitz Loan Diploma, Registration, Transcript
Extended Orientation Student Life Student did not participate in a requirement of orientation Registration
External Bad Debt Write Off   Hold Student Accounts Employee/customer has overdue balance Diploma, Registration, Transcript
External No Charging Hold Student Accounts Employee/customer not permitted to charge anything to his/her account  
First-Year Hold Registrar First-year and transfer students can't add/drop classes as this time Registration
Global Education Hold Global Ed Student needs to contact Global Educ office for more information Registration
Health Center Hold Health Center Student has outstanding paperwork for Health Center Registration
Student Health Insurance Student Accounts Student hasn't completed health insurance waiver or signed up for the College's insurance Registration
Loan Debt Hold Student Accounts Student/alum has defaulted on loan Diploma, Registration, Transcript
Major Declaration Hold Registrar Student hasn't declared major Registration
No Charging Hold Student Accounts Student not permitted to charge anything to his/her account  
Non-matriculated Hold Registrar Certain non-matriculated students can't add/drop classes on Banner Self-Service Registration
Off Campus Hold Global Ed Student is registered to study abroad for upcoming term Registration
Return from Abroad Hold  Registrar Student is returning from abroad study before scheduled to return Registration
Registration Hold  Registrar Student is not permitted to add/drop classes for various reasons Registration
Registration Processing  Registrar Student can't add/drop or see schedule due to registration processing Registration, Transcript Grades, Degree Evaluation, Schedule
Student Accounts Hold  Student Accounts Student has a balance on student account Diploma, Registration, Transcript
Title IV - No Transcript Hold  Student Accounts Student/Alum not permitted to register or receive diploma Diploma, Registration
Transcript Hold  Registrar Student/Alum not permitted to receive offical transcript for various reasons Transcript
Upperclass Hold  Registrar Upperclass students can't add/drop classes at this time


 *NOTE:  These are the actions prohibited by the hold:

  • Registration - making any changes to classes during the Course Request, Schedule Adjustment, and Add/Drop periods
  • Transcript - printing of official transcript by the Registrar's Office and student's ability to view transcript on Banner Self-Service - advisors can still view advisee's transcript on Banner Self-Service
  • Degree Evaluation - student's ability to view a degree audit on Degree Works - advisors can still view advisee's degree audit on Degree Works
  • Schedule - student's ability to view their schedule of classes on Banner Self-Service

What are registration overrides?

Registration overrides are codes that a professor can put on your record via Banner Self-Service that will permit you to enter a specific class online for which you would not normally be eligible. These codes DO NOT register you for the class. Rather, once on your record, they permit you to request the class via Banner Self-Service.

Registration overrides can be used for prerequisites, corequisites, major/class restrictions and permission of the instructor restrictions, just to name a few.

Where do I find registration overrides on my record?

Registration overrides can be found on the Prepare for Course Request/Registration screen on Banner Self-Service.