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Faculty FAQs

General Information

How do I log in to Banner Self-Service?
CLIQ - Where do I find ...
How do I view my class offerings?
Where can I find the capacity/enrollment for my class?
Where do I find prerequisites and restrictions on Banner Self-Service?
How do I send an e-mail to the students in one of my classes?
How do I send an e-mail to my advisees?
Why do some students' class year codes not coincide with their expected graduation dates?
How do I designate completion of the FLIC (Foreign Language Integration Credit) option for a student in my class?

Banner Self-Service can be accessed through the :

  1. Open your preferred browser and enter: .   
  2. Enter your User Name, which is the first part of your Dickinson email address (example: professor@dickinson.edu - User Name = professor).
  3. Enter your Network Password.
  4. Click the SSB Button

On CLIQ, where do I find...

Faculty, you’ll find the following items under “Academic” in the header of CLIQ:

  • Student Profile
  • Advisees
  • Classes
  • Majors
  • Majors - Grads

Department Chairs, you'll find the following items under "Department" in the header of CLIQ:

  • Department Classes
  • Department Faculty
  • Course Submissions (only available certain times of the year)

Academic Department Coordinators, you'll find the following items under "Academic" in the header of CLIQ.

  • Student Profile
  • Department Graduates
  • Department Classes
  • Department Faculty
  • Department Majors (or Minors, as appropriate)
  • Course Submissions (only available certain times of the year)

How do I view my class offerings?

Once you have logged into Banner Self-Service:

  1. Select Faculty & Advisors from the Main Menu.
  2. Select Class Schedule Search from the Faculty & Advisors Menu.
  3. Select the desired term from the drop-down menu and click Submit. You can then select classes to view based on various criteria but you must enter at least one subject.
  4. Once you've entered all of your desired criteria, click Class Search.
  5. The results page shows you the class meeting information (days/times/locations), section attributes, instructors, topics course descriptions, etc. From this page you can link to other information as well.
    • Click on the title of the class to go to the Detailed Class Information screen. This is where you can find prerequisites and restrictions on this section.
    • Click on the View Catalog Entry link to go to the Catalog Entries screen. This is where you can find overall information on the course, including the course description from the College Bulletin.

Where can I find the capacity/enrollment for a class

Capacity and enrollment information can be found on the Detailed Class Information screen (which is available to the general public) or on your Detailed & Summary Class Lists screens (by secure login only).  This information can also be found on the Class Schedule Search - Condensed Format screen (this link is available on the Main Menu of Banner Self-Service).

To access the Detailed Class Information screen, use the Class Schedule Search, available on the Course Selection menu or on the main Registrar's web page. Once you have entered criteria and found the class listings, click on the title of the class - for example, Research and Methods in American Studies - 7037 - AMST 401 - 02.

If the class is NOT cross-listed, you will see the following under the Registration Availability heading:

   Capacity  FY Seats  Actual
Seats  25  0  25

- Capacity lists the total seats for the course
- FY Seats lists the number of seats reserved for incoming first-year students (fall semesters only)
- Actual lists the number of students enrolled/registered

If the class IS cross-listed, you will see the following under the Registration Availability heading:

  Capacity FY Seats Actual
Seats  25  0  17
Cross listed Seats  25  0  23

- Capacity (in both rows) lists the total seats for all the cross-listed sections of the course
- FY Seats (in the both rows) lists the number of seats reserved for incoming first-year students for all sections of the cross-listed course (fall semesters only)
- Actual (in the Seats row) lists the number of students enrolled/registered for this section of the cross-listed course
- Actual (in the Cross List Seats row) lists the number of students enrolled/registered for all sections of the cross-listed course

To access your Detailed & Summary Class Lists screens, log into Banner Self-Service and make your selections from the Faculty & Advisors Menu.  Select the appropriate Term and CRN.

If the class is NOT cross-listed, you will see the following under the Enrollment counts heading:

   Maximum  Actual  Remaining
Enrollment  25  8  17

- Maximum lists the total seats for the course
- Actual lists the number of students enrolled/registered
- Remaining lists the number of seats available [see NOTE below]

If the class IS cross-listed, you will see the following under the Enrollment counts heading:

   Maximum  Actual  Remaining
 Enrollment  25  8  17
 Cross List  25  18  7

- Maximum lists the total seats for all the cross-listed sections of the course
- Actual (in the Seats row) lists the number of students enrolled/registered for this section of the cross-listed course
- Actual (in the Cross List Seats row) lists the number of students enrolled/registered for all sections of the cross-listed course
- Remaining (in the Cross List Seats row) lists the number of eats available for all the cross-listed sections of the course [see NOTE below]- desregard the number in the Seats row under Remaining

NOTE: "Remaining" seats may be reserved for incoming students in the Fall semester - be sure to check the Priorities pages for the number of seats, if any, saved for first-year students

To access the Class Schedule Search - Condensed Format screen, log into Banner Self-Service, select the Class Schedule Search- Condensed Format link from the Main Menu.  Enter criteria to view the class listings, you will see the following headings:

 ***  CRN  ***  CAP*  FY Seats*  Act*  XL Cap**  XL Act**  ***
   7111    25  0  9  0  0  
   7016    25  0  17  25  23  

*If the class is NOT cross-listed reference these columns (example CRN 7711 above):
- Cap (Capacity) lists the total seats for the course
- FY Seats lists the number of seats reserved for incoming first-year students
- Act (Actual) lists the number of students enrolled/registered

**If your class IS cross-listed reference these columns (example CRN 7016 above)
- XL Cap (Cross List Capacity) lists the total seats for all the cross-listed sections of the course
- XL Act (Cross List Actual) lists the number of students enrolled/registered for all the cross-listed sections of the course

Where do I find prerequisites and restrictions on Banner Self-Service?

If there are any prerequisites and/or restrictions on a class section, you can find them at the bottom of the Detailed Class Information screen on Banner Self-Service. This screen can be accessed using the Class Schedule Search, available on the Faculty & Advisors menu or on the main Registrar's web page. Once you have entered criteria and found the class listings, click on the title of the class - for example, Research and Methods in American Studies - 7037 - AMST 401 - 02

How do I send an email to the students in one of my classes?

To send an email to students in one of your classes use the email icon on CLIQ or through Banner Self-Service:

  1. From the Faculty & Advisors main menu, select Summary Class List (or Detailed Class List).
  2. If prompted, select the desired Term and CRN.
  3. At the bottom of the class list screen, click on the Display Email List button.
  4. This will open a box on the screen containing all of your students’ email addresses separated by semicolons.
  5. Highlight the list of email addresses and select Copy from the Edit Menu (or press Ctrl C).
  6. Open your preferred email client and paste (press Ctrl V) the email address into the To:/Bcc: field, as desired.
    NOTE: This feature also allows you to add or remove names from the email list as needed. 

How do I send an email to my advisees?

To send an email to your advisees use the email icon on CLIQ or through Banner Self-Service:

  1. From the Faculty & Advisors main menu, select Student Information.
  2. From the Student Information menu, select Advisee Listing.
  3. If prompted, select the desired Term.
  4. At the bottom of the screen, click on the Display Email List button.
  5. This will open a box on the screen containing all of your advisees’ email addresses separated by semicolons.
  6. Highlight the list of email addresses and select Copy from the Edit Menu (or press Ctrl C).
  7. Open your preferred email client and paste (press Ctrl V) the email address into the To:/Bcc: field, as desired.
    NOTE: This feature also allows you to add or remove names from the email list as needed. 

Why do some students' class year codes not coincide with their expected graduation dates?

Class Year Codes (FY, SO, JR, SR) in Banner are based solely on the number of credits a student has completed. This code is automatically calculated each time a student's academic history changes, and cannot be manually changed. There are certain times of the year when class codes are likely to change - at the end of each term (fall, spring, summer) when we roll students' grades to academic history. However, it's possible that a student's class year would change when we post transfer credit to their record (which happens continually throughout the year).

Expected Graduation Dates in Banner are initially entered when a student's record is created in Banner. Because the academic calendar is not finalized 4 years in advance, we default a date of May 1 with the appropriate year for incoming students - ex. this year we used 05/01/2010.  As soon as the calendar is finalized we will correct the expected grad date in batch. We will review all students' expected grad dates annually at the end of the spring semester (as we do now) and manually update them as needed, then send a comprehensive status report.

A student's class year code may not always coincide with his/her expected graduation date. For example, a student entering Fall 2006 who gets college credit for 8 Advanced Placement exams, may have a class year code of SO and an expected grad date of 05/01/2010 because he/she will plans to stay at Dickinson for 4 years. Another contrary example, a student who studied abroad during the 2005-2006 academic year, may still have a JR code at the end of spring because his/her credits haven't transferred yet, but his/her grad date is 05/20/2007.

How do I designate completion of the FLIC (Foreign Language Integration Credit) option for a student in my class?

After a student successfully completes the class, the professor can send an email to reg@dickinson.edu and include the name of the student(s), the course and the FLIC language completed.